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June Rmf


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Theres gonna be a huge row here sooner rather than later tonight .... I am sitting here in my "office" quietly watching a video, the window is open because it's fecking hot ... moments ago I heard a crash bang wallop followed by drunken LOUD voices shouting wow seriously this is f***king brilliant man oh wow it's f***ing amaazing etc. etc etc. added to this was "Al" (nextdoor neighbour) boasting you aint heard or seen anything yet .... more f***cking this and f***ing that follows followed by some drunken woman asking can she tell him something seriously?.... this is f***king amaaaaazing Al it's like Germany... oh yes says neighbour we've built it specially throughout the summer we'll be out here eating and drinking and entertaining and anyone who wants to come will be welome!!


Bear in mind I am IN MY RUDDY HOUSE with a video on yet I can hear every ruddy word they are saying!!!


If they think this is going to go on all ruddy night or that it's going to be every fecking weekend they are gonna find out they are mistaken real damned fast.



Now if it was me and "everyones welcome " Id be straight round there. Id drink at thier expence and eat everything on the barbie. My guess is that they would suddenly be a lot quieter to maintain thier own privacy from me. Go round with a paper plate in your hand and stand there. Trust me they will be the quietest neighbours on the block in fear of being stalked

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Now if it was me and "everyones welcome " Id be straight round there. Id drink at thier expence and eat everything on the barbie. My guess is that they would suddenly be a lot quieter to maintain thier own privacy from me. Go round with a paper plate in your hand and stand there. Trust me they will be the quietest neighbours on the block in fear of being stalked



Wheyhey.... fugee get together/party at Snows next door neighbours folks :laugh:

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thank you all

I slept most of the night, but was awake at 7 when shadow normally starts waking the dogs up. freddie hasnt stopped pacing this morning, ill give him some rescue remedy if he carries on.


it will take a while for the tears to stop flowing


:GroupHug: :GroupHug:

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Jazz :GroupHug: :GroupHug: Thinking of you. Hope that Freddie settles soon.



Snow. Good idea of Lesley's. Does the invite include the dogs? I have a real foodie here, she can clear (and clean) the counters for them!!!!!


Hope that anyone feeling sad doesn't mind me saying that I have been chosen to be mum to a new furbabe. Her name is Josie.:wub: Blue and her seem to be okay so far. A couple of grumbles over the bedding that was soon sorted when I moved the beds apart.. I will have to be on the ball at feed time as she nicks Blues food.

Camera dead at the mo, so if you want to see a piccie, type Harleypark Susie into greyhound data and there she is.



Some might say it is a bit quick after Lucy. But Blue was lonely and getting worse, as I go back to work on the 14th, I wanted to make sure that they were settled as much as possible before then.

Edited by greys mum
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Jazz just cry when you need to hun don't bottle it up :GroupHug:


Congrats to new fur baby :flowers:


Neighbours got dragged indoors by their sensible sober son around midnight - I heard someone say something about "let them complain I don't care..." then there was lots of shushhhhhhing and whispering and in they went. :biggrin: thing is it isn't just us who would be affected by the noise we are entirely surrounded by houses here and it's normally quiet at night so voices/noise carries.


I'm hoping they are hung over today as Bruno is about to arrive - cue Jaws theme duh duh ... duh duh ... duhduhduhduhduh :laugh: :laugh:

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Jazz let it all out sweetheart :GroupHug: Keep thinking of you. Such a painful time for you.


Greysmum no it's not too soon. I got Bracken pretty quickly because Tess my Yorkie loved animals and was pining really badly after we lost Jake our JRT. At the time I wasn't having another dog as I couldn't go through the loss again so it's all her fault I actually have Bracken & Fergus. There is no right or wrong time where dogs are concerned. They are all individuals and none replaces the other. Welcome home Josie. Wish you all many happy years together. I will be expecting pics when she's settled. :wub:


Scoobs is in a monkey of a mood today. Got me out of bed early insisting he needed a piddle then was no no I can't go in the garden I have other business to attend to quick quick. So me with no bra on, clothes I've thrown on in a hurry that I had on yesterday and my scholls ended up tottering along the main road like a lunatic thinking he needed a poop. Did he? Did he heck. He's been thoroughly cheeky since.


Snow that's a good idea actually. I would get other neighbours roped in knock on their door. After all they've invited you all. In the morning shove your hi fi on with the noisiest thumpy music you can lay your hands on. Play it very loud with the speakers directed at their house. The music one has worked for me in the past.

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Hope that anyone feeling sad doesn't mind me saying that I have been chosen to be mum to a new furbabe. Her name is Josie.:wub: Blue and her seem to be okay so far. A couple of grumbles over the bedding that was soon sorted when I moved the beds apart.. I will have to be on the ball at feed time as she nicks Blues food.

Camera dead at the mo, so if you want to see a piccie, type Harleypark Susie into greyhound data and there she is.



Some might say it is a bit quick after Lucy. But Blue was lonely and getting worse, as I go back to work on the 14th, I wanted to make sure that they were settled as much as possible before then.

It's nobody's business but your own how quickly you get another dog, it's your life :flowers:


She's bootiful :wub: (linky for anyone else wishing to see) :flowers:


RMF : Had a lovely long walk with the dogs, then had a bit of a spurt and I dismantled two beds and took them to the tip with the mattresses, came back and loaded up with more stuff from the garage and took that down as well. I now have enough space in the garage to put the bits in which are currently in the greenhouse so I can empty that (I know, I was going to do it yesterday but didn't in the end :rolleyes:)


Woman off freecycle who was supposed to be collecting the chest of drawers last night didn't bother turning up :mad:

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chest of drawers go really quickly on our freecycle.


everyones different when they get another dog

lewis said this morning we might have to get another one for freddie who has been devoted to shadow since the second he walked through the door. I said as we foster, one might click, we shall see.

ive said small to medium, not long haired, watch this space lol

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Bruno has landed :run4hills:


All is fine as expected, Nog & Bruno exchanged a few words over who gets to go through the door first but they stuck to shouting and swearing and agreed that whoever gets there first goes through first and if that happens to be Nog then Bruno will just have to wait rather than trying to go under him :rolleyes:


Fun and games have been had in the garden - apologies for the stripey video I was filming into the sun a bit. Video shows clearly how Nog switches back and forth between using the fixed leg when he feels like it and that it doesn't hinder him playing or running.

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