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August Rmf


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Hi everyone, really doing a bad job of keeping up in here at the moment I'm afraid but I have been thinking of you Marge and of Alex and Milly :GroupHug:


:GroupHug: Michelle, even though you didn't want one.


Thanks folks for all the no seizure thoughts plus the tips which I am already on to :biggrin:


Having used "natural" stuff before when it didn't really solve the problem I think I need to go the other route to contain this current outbreak.


George is OK so far.


Glad George is ok :) The spray I mentioned is non-insecticidal and silicone based and claims to work on all stages of the fleas life span, I'm not sure it's particularly "natural" just thought it sounded less likely to cause problems :flowers:


Not sure what to suggest re your neighbour Victoria, but it does sound rather an accident waiting to happen. Would the thought of having 8 unsold puppies growing up in their house because no one wanted to buy them, put him off? :unsure: Dogs Trust offer spay vouchers sometimes I think, not sure how they decide who gets them and I suspect they might only issue them on request to the owner?


I was out yesterday photographing at a charity dog training day, am exhausted and have a zillion photos to sort through! Was great experience though and the sun shone.


Today I popped into a little craft fayre type thing in a hall in a nearby town while were walking around - they do it monthly so I've booked a stall in October for my cards. Fingers crossed I make some money. The person organising it had a jewellery stall and I saw a bangle I loved so Rob went to ask the price. I was expecting it to be way out of my budget but it was £4, which isn't really in my budget right now either, but at that bargain of a price I couldn't resist :) Plus Rob had bought it before I had a chance to say anything :laugh:

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:wavey: Evening


We're home after a lovely day at the Blue Cross Fun Day & Dog Show. Wiggle was on top form, meeting and greeting. We had lots of visitors to the LRSE&C stall, which was great. Lovely to see Fee and hounds and also Gill Beastly Beast with Kai and Libby. Wiggle was particularly taken with Libby and they spent some time relaxing together when we went in the Best Rescue class. And Kai and Libby got a rosette!



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My impression is that it's not the cost, more an accumulation of sheer idiocy : "they live longer if you let them have a litter" apparently (Yes, I did explain, but he's one of these men that only believes things his mates down the pub tell him... it's like trying to explain something to Homer Simpson, it really is). I tried talking to the sons when I took her back today (it's a bachelor household, father & 2 sons), but it seems that talking about Dog Sex with an Older Woman is just too much for the teenage male, they both went bright red and shuffled away... :laugh: (awww, sweet!)


But worth a try, where would I look for a spaying voucher? They wouldn't qualify for PDSA, I don't think?


I did a bit of a search and apparently Dogs Trust has links with some local authorities to provide vouchers. It might be worth contacting your local dog warden to find out if there's anything in your area. :flowers:

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I've had such a lovely weekend :wub:


I went out for tea last night and got a bit drunk, then proceeded to puke all over the pavement (I haven't done that for a few years!)


I had a lovely walk with Billy and her two lovelies at Marbury as well. Funny moments were Henry diving in a green pond :stun: :stun: then Molly doing the same thing on the way home. They both stink :who-let-rip: :sick01:


Henry also had a go at a bloke, I thought he was going to bite him at one point. It was totally unprovoked and scared the hell out of me, he has never done that before :(


Just having a passoa and sprite, then heading up for an early night

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Mel you look fabulous. You have a great figure!


Cheryl glad you've had a good weekend.


Ange sounds like you've had a lovely weekend too. Photo thing sounds good. Any chance of building on that and actually getting paid as a business?


I'm starving. When's my tea. Whine. Whinge. I've been cleaning lots of places you don't do often. I realised that Fergus walks better (as in more to heel) if he's on my left side whilst out. Problem is I have more strength in my right arm so I'm keeping him on tother side with the idea of getting a hold on the right if/when needed. He's a stubborn creature.

Edited by Jacobean
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Looking fab Mel :flowers:


:GroupHug: Marge


Oh Michelle, I wouldn't fancy a bird either :unsure:


Glen :wub:


Well done Wendy :biggrin:


:GroupHug: Good girl Milly :wub:


Danny got stung by some nettles so I kissed him better but Darren had already put waspeze on him so I now have numb lips :huh:


I have been having a little whinge, remembering my darling Mint who I lost in August 2004 :wub:


Belated Happy Birthday Cheryl :flowers:

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Think I need a crash course in Face Book.


So far I have trundled along "accepting" friends (having checked I actually know them I hasten to add!) and having occasional forays to see what they're chittering about, but generally avoiding saying anything at all.


Now folks are leaving messages on "My Wall" and asking me "questions"!


I didn't know I had a wall. My deeds say they are forbodden ........ as are hedges ...... unless it's a 3 foot high privet hedge.


I thought I was adventurous enough when I joined my first Forum. Now what have I gotten myself into with this Face Book stuff!

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