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owl last won the day on January 12

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About owl

  • Birthday 11/19/1943

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    Harworth, Notts

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  1. owl

    Feb 25

    I'm still here but I can't see much of a future for this site, which is a pity.
  2. owl

    January 25

    Having a quiet day after a busy one yesterday when we went birdwatching with a couple of friends. Just a brisk walk round the local forestry this afternoon.
  3. owl

    January 25

    Finley arrived here 2 years ago today We had no storm damage but trees were down on various roads around the village.
  4. owl

    January 25

    OK thanks, Fin and I met his spaniel friend Flo and her people and had a nice walk in the forestry.
  5. owl

    January 25

    All reasonably good here x
  6. owl

    January 25

    OK thanks, especially now the electric is on again. Went off in middle of night. So we cleared off and joined a missing dog search in Clumber Park. No luck yet but drones are up, everything Xed. Came back to enjoy hot soup and central heating
  7. owl

    January 25

    Yes thank you, and everything is thawing, yay! Finley has been sleeping under the bedclothes with me and sharing my rechargeable hot water bottle. I got one for Trevor last week and he is very pleased with it as his house is colder than mine with much older double glazing
  8. owl

    January 25

    How is Mouse today? We are luckier with weather. It's been sunny each day from late morning to mid afternoon with temp 2C. We have been able to get out for a short and very brisk walk every day this week except last Sunday. It's a question of choosing the right spot which has had enough sun but isn't too soggy. I haven't tried going as far as the main reserve and visitor centre. Keeping close to home. Tricky getting into the visitor centre now, as I have been told that the approach road is a sheet of ice due to a pond overflowing.
  9. owl

    January 25

    Poor little Mouse, can you get her to vet?
  10. owl

    January 25

    We had 2 to 3 inches of snow, but it turned to rain and now everywhere is slushy and slippy. Fin thinks it's horrid. There were 3 separate dogs on the run in Derbyshire Peak district. One was successfully trapped 3 days ago after 3 weeks on the run, another found safe after 3 days having fortunately stayed around same area, and the third was found sheltering in a log store after being on the run after nearly 3 weeks. The person who found her knew who she was from seeing extensive postering and kept her safe. Big relief for all the local residents and various dog search teams, who have been out all hours in freezing weather.
  11. owl

    January 25

    Today may be the last chance for us to get a decent walk before rain/snow/ice/fog keeps us indoors. Need to stock up on birdseed and fatballs as well, then it's just a question of keeping Fin amused if we are confined to house and garden. Glad I have Yaktraks to put on my boots.
  12. owl

    December 24

    Washing done and dried quickly in strong wind and sunshine, 5 mile walk with Fin. Just got nice weather tomorrow until mid afternoon then gales and rain through Jan 1st. Batten down the hatches!
  13. owl

    December 24

    I'm looking forward to watching the new Wallace and Gromit on iPlayer, likewise Gavin and Stacey.
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