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July's Jolly Jabbers


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ooooo ribs are nasty when damaged, you forget all about them until you hurt them and then every time you move they give you a lovely reminder! i got ran over once by an old lady with a shopping trolley in tesco.... i damaged my ribs and was in agony for ages, best bit was she didn't apologize just went on her merry way Lol

we had really heavy rain yesterday and i got caught out in it.... i was soaked to the skin, had to come home have a shower and change my clothes again, looks nice for now though

i got the amazon email yesterday and i did think it was a bit cheeky but i guess if i am buying in future i will have to ensure i combine purchases

fleas....yuck, saw one once on my dog and i went into meltdown, sprayed the whole house flead all the animals and i only ever saw the one... that was enough

sorry if i have missed any news etc, i am having a bit of a read but still have a bit on my mind so hugs to anyone who needs one

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Bruno seems to have stopped scratching now, we only did see 1 flea but he was scratching like mad all Monday so we didn't want to risk that he had more for his sake and Nogs the advantage apparently starts to work within 2 hours and by 12 hours 100% of the fleas on the animal will be dead and any that hatch or try to re infest will die within 2 hours of contact with the dog - according to the makers claims even coming in contact with shed hair from a treated animal will kill a flea. Nog didn't seem to have any on him at all and wasn't scratching but I wasn't taking any chances. I was interested to see you can now buy advantage on amazon without prescription which is handy, I went off frontline several years ago Nog had a bit of a funny turn after I treated him and it didn't seem to be all that effective anyway. I actually dislike flea treating with the spot on stuff and rarely ever do Nog - never really needed to but given I'd seen one and knowing that 1 flea can mean hundreds of the buggers if they are ignored it was the lesser of 2 evils.

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Glad the flea situation is under control Snow :flowers:


Another warm day in work today, in a short dress and flip flops today though, so am not melting too much :) I have been bitten by a horse fly whilst out riding on Monday, so have a nice fat leg to show off :rolleyes:


My dad is driving me mad at the moment - he's always been a stress head, but at the moment he is much much worse than usual. Ted is having issues with controlling his 'functions' at the moment, and the last couple of times Ted has messed, dad has shouted at him and been really nasty :angry: Ted can't help his lack of control and it's all part of his operation recovery, but dad doesn't seem to understand that. Yesterday he had a massive argument with a bloke outside the local shops for no reason whatsoever and when he got home he just went to bed. I feel like I don't want to go round to mum and dad's anymore as dad will be in a mood. He complains about everything all the time. Even though he's on tablets for his blood pressure, his GP is still monitoring it as it's still too high - I think it's because he's constantly stressed and angry. I was chatting to my mum about it last night, and she was saying she doesn't know what to do with him, as he clearly needs help, but will deny it :rolleyes:

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Might have to go back to the vet with Mia. She's been on antibiotics and is not getting any better. She can't eat or drink and is rake thin. She tried to lick some of the jelly on her food this morning then later puked up. I'm going to make another appointment for her tomorrow. I've just made a liquid from water, some salmon juice and meat jelly and syringed some into her mouth so at least she's getting some liquid/nutrition down her.

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glad the fleas have gone!!!!!

Gooster, do you think taking your dad to the gp for a chat about his change in character is in order? i had to take my dad before and just basically told the doctor he was normally miserable and grumpy but he had turned into a proper grumpy b&$tard, they did do tests

Merledogs, hope Mia will be o.k

Jazz, go easy with the wallpaper stripping

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Sorry not been around. Fergus is very poorly at the moment and we're not sure what the matter is. He had dreadful sickness and diarrhoea yesterday complete with blood pouring out of his bum. Was on a drip last night and has been all day. Back home now as we feel he's happier here and they have no-one at the surgery to keep an eye on impatients over night. If anyone belongs to the distance healing network or can send him some Reiki I'd really appreciate it as the vets and us are worried about him.


He's had an xray and some tests today and results have come back ok. It's probably a very nasty bout of gastro enteritis but they just don't know and he looks shocking

Edited by Jacobean
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Hope poorly puss cats and doglets are on the mend quickly.


It rained loads last finally, we have missed all the rain so far but the temperature is still the same so it is lovely and humid now so very hot and sweaty 😷 for all!!

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Oh poor Fergus xx and Mia xx sending healing thoughts.


Gooster, has your dad had his thyroid checked? If it is under or overactive it can put a person in a permanent foul mood.


Yes this is true, I've seen it first hand with my SIL. Once they discovered her thyroid was out of kilter and got her on meds life has been a lot better for her - and those around her!


Sending "drink something" thoughts for Mia :flowers: :wub:

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