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July's Jolly Jabbers


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It's suddenly got very hot and humid here...I've developed asthma, much to my dismay! Can't get my breath and if I try to breathe deeply I cough my socks off (which is clever as I'm not wearing any) Luckily OH is an asthma sufferer..well, not lucky for him, but he has inhalers in the house so I've had a couple of shots of that and it does seem to have helped.


He's been in contact via facebook with his ex team leader..the one who had a melt down and tried to kill himself..I don't think he'll be going back to work, but he says he is getting help and thanked OH very much for messaging him.


sorry haven't read back, so I hope everyone and animals are ok and not sunburned.


I have read back now..should have done that first...sorry you are suffering too Snow, I really hate this humidity I spend all the time clammy and yuck! Just occurred to me I've still got jeans on, think I'd better change into shorts.

Edited by suzeanna
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Keep cool Snow :flowers:


Charlie is taking vivitonin, he has 2 tablets a day. He is the master at spitting them out though, you tend to find them all over the house. He's not too bad with the evening one, but dad gives him the morning one about 6am when they are both still half asleep, so usually that one doesn't tend to be swallowed :rolleyes:


Mum has given Ted a haircut. I have not seen him yet. I get the feeling he's going to look a right mess :unsure:

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Robs just rung me from A&E - yesterday we went to Roath Park with Nick and Vicky, we watched the little children doing rolly pollies down the very steep bank and reminisced about our own childhoods when we ourselves had done the same thing and about Nicks childhood when he had continued the tradition .... sooooooooooo Rob decided he wanted to do it again .... however theres a big difference between a 6yr old rolly polly and a 56 yr old rolly polly for one thing 56 yr olds go down a lot faster and harder and aren't quite as flexible Rob ended up with friction burns on both elbows, the outside of both fore arms and one in the middle of his forehead (cant quite figure out how he even did that one lol) unfortunately he also managed to clout himself in the ribs and was suffering yesterday but its got a lot worse today so much so he suspects he may have cracked a few :confused02: so he's gone to see if someone can have a look and see what he's done to himself.


Good thing we got it all on video isn't it? *wicked grin*

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Healing thoughts for poorly fugees and pets :GroupHug:


I'm kicking myself for letting Mia out this morning - she went over the fence first thing and I've not seen her all day which is most unusual. No idea where she is and am worried sick because she was poorly :( Cat-stealing neighbours haven't seen her all day either and she's normally pootling around their garden. Would really appreciate some "come home Mia" thoughts :( Hope she doesn't get locked in anywhere because she's not strong enough to survive very long.

Edited by merledogs
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Moaning :tired:


Hi Sam - have you got the Dogstar website up and running yet?



not really , we have a partial site back up but we are still not showing up in google results :( Snow gave me some good advice thats helped progress things a little but it appears the first company I employed made it far worse by actually asking Google to stop showing our site because they could not fix the warnings re the site being hacked.


company number 2 are now working on a new website which I am currently proof reading , today I have spent hours on the test site going over everything with them and its so time consuming but its vital we get it right


so far this has costs us over £1500 and well over 150 hours of our time and its totally and utterly disrupted my entire June / July fund-raising plan. I do 95 % of the fundraising personally so whilst I am doing all this website stuff I am not doing that and as I don't have any fundraising volunteers to delegate too ( no one wants to do fundraising not even me ! ) I have to stay up late each day to catch up and get up extra early


I am so so so so so frustrated by it all , such a spiteful act by a total bloody stranger has left me with a host of problems , a huge bill and bags under my eyes from lack of sleep


on the plus side the new website looks very nice and it should be online in 1-2 weeks

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Robs just rung me from A&E - yesterday we went to Roath Park with Nick and Vicky, we watched the little children doing rolly pollies down the very steep bank and reminisced about our own childhoods when we ourselves had done the same thing and about Nicks childhood when he had continued the tradition .... sooooooooooo Rob decided he wanted to do it again .... however theres a big difference between a 6yr old rolly polly and a 56 yr old rolly polly for one thing 56 yr olds go down a lot faster and harder and aren't quite as flexible Rob ended up with friction burns on both elbows, the outside of both fore arms and one in the middle of his forehead (cant quite figure out how he even did that one lol) unfortunately he also managed to clout himself in the ribs and was suffering yesterday but its got a lot worse today so much so he suspects he may have cracked a few :confused02: so he's gone to see if someone can have a look and see what he's done to himself.


Good thing we got it all on video isn't it? *wicked grin*

You have? sounds like a £250 from You've Been Framed to me! If he has cracked ribs, afraid they can't do anything, I cracked several some years back.

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hi all

I had a sleep for 3 hours today

although its this hot so the windows are open24/7, the bedding feels damp,so the bedroom hasnt dryed out yet.

back on the phones tomorrow as they think they can ignore me


love to all xxxxx

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Very, very, VERY proud of my beasties... two different couples came over at different times during my meal to say how well behaved they were!!! They can be monsters but they can also pull best behaviour out of the hat when needed. (Lovely waiter came out while we were waiting for our meal - they had chicken dippers while I had steak!! to ask if they would like a bowl of water).


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Jed woke up Saturday and could not open his left eye ............ you would think with 2 dogs having heart problems (one severe) they would be the ones having to see a vet in a strange place! ABs, anti inflams etc and it is getting better.


Thought I was losing Cassie last night - Jed had gone outside the caravan to sleep on the grass as it was getting hotter.... at 1 a.m. she was huffing and puffing a lot (she has grade 6 murmur and her heart is so enlarged you don't need a stethoscope to hear it). Wetted a blanket and made her lie on it for half an hour with the fan on her - fine today (tho I am shattered as kept on waking up to check she was ok, then had to tow the caravan home from Somerset to West Wales)

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Alex pinch along you eyebrows and then press with your index finger the spot between your eyes and go up your forehead pressing each point for a second or two and see if that brings any headache relief. I was taught this at a migraine clinic years ago.


Buddyboy what a luffley photo of your kids :)

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