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Awful past 2 days here, mum got a call from the hosp monday to say she had to drop everything and get there in 10 mins (bloody impossible!) when she got there she was told she was starting chemo the following day (yesterday) none of us expected that let alone mum but she was glad to at least be starting treatment. Chemo was not too bad, 1 of the drugs was horrible, she said it really burned going in, the worst bit was that she had to take 12 different pills and of course she really struggles to swallow pills with her arthritis so she had a tough time with those, she was warned that she had take her temp regularily and if it went over 38C she had to call the hospital any time day or night as she would need to be admitted, if she didn't do this she could die :ohmy: my aunt went with her as I was working (and we really hadn't expected it to happen so fast) they drove home and as my mum got out of the car she began to shiver and shake uncontrollably, things went from bad to worse and she had a truly awful reaction to the drugs. I rang in the middle of it all and tried to speak to my mum who was moaning in pain and almost incoherant ( I have NEVER EVER heard my mum complain of pain even when she dislocated her hip!) I rang off to let my aunt call the hospital as mums temp was 39.6C, and I burst into tears - I felt so bloody helpless - so I grabbed a few things threw them in the car and went straight to Wales.


By the time I got there the Dr had called twice and mums temp was beginning to come down but she was still pretty spaced out tho slowly coming out of it, so I stayed over until this afternoon just to make sure she was going to be OK, my aunts staying with her for a few more days just to keep an eye on her, but we all had a hell of a scare.


Mums upset that she had such a bad reaction and worried that she'll go through this every time, & I'm taking a week off so I can go down and be with her for the next dose as none of us imagined that she'd react so badly to the chemo :mecry:

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Morning *yawn*


:GroupHug: for snow and your Mum. I do hope the next dose doesn't cause such a reaction :(


Alex I don't envy, I hate audits, I would cry if it was my full-time job! It's so unbelievably boring and tedious, we have four audits a year but we have to carry out an audit ourselves before the auditor carries out the actual one :confused:


I am not feeling the work vibe today, not one little bit :rolleyes:

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im sorry about your mum. My mum was ok with the chemo, it was the taiotherapy that was bad for her :GroupHug:


I have to wait for an appointment for a scan, then if it is a stone, see the surgeon.

I realised as I was typing it on another site, if it is a stone, they dont take the stone out, they take the whole gallbladder! :ohmy:

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Group_Hug_Emoticon.gif for Jazz. I have gallstones, although I haven't any problem with them for several years now I can well remember the awful pain they cause so you have all my sympathy.


Snow how awful for your mum Group_Hug_Emoticon.gif Group_Hug_Emoticon.gif I hope things get better for her and the chemo becomes less problematic and also does the trick in her fight to get better. I'll put her on my positive thoughts list.



I had an awful night with my hip and leg pain. I was thinking back and remembered that a few weeks ago a numpty dog owner was letting his large dogs run amok on the railway line and one of them ran full pelt at me nearly knocking me over.


Had it not been for me standing close to a tree I would have fallen down the banking but as it was I was able to grab the tree for support. I took the brunt of the impact on my right hip and was twisted round before being able to grab the tree.


It hurt like hell at the time but I got over it by the time I'd completed the walk and didn't really give it another thought but I am now wondering if this latest bout of pain could have been triggered by it unsure.gif


The numpty dog owner just laughed and when I told him his dog had really hurt me he said "yes the nails do hurt when they catch you don't they" before walking on. I was so taken aback as well as trying to cope with the pain of the knock that I was unable to reply.

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Thanks Marion :flowers: I apologise in advance to everyone and especially to you and Alicia for appearing to overlook what you are going through my heads all over the place right now :flowers:


Just got off the phone to my aunt - rang to see how mum was expecting to hear she was improving but instead shes got worse and I rather suspect I'll be heading off back down the M4 before the day is out *sighs* I've aske my aunt to call the hospital and speak to mums cancer nurse for advice then call me back.

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Alex I don't envy, I hate audits, I would cry if it was my full-time job! It's so unbelievably boring and tedious, we have four audits a year but we have to carry out an audit ourselves before the auditor carries out the actual one :confused:

Thankfully it's not my job, I usually do a couple of internal audits a year, which are usually less than half a day each. This was instigated by someone else and because it's on a supplier, I've got dragged into it. They seem to forget I have a day job as well :rolleyes:


I had an awful night with my hip and leg pain. I was thinking back and remembered that a few weeks ago a numpty dog owner was letting his large dogs run amok on the railway line and one of them ran full pelt at me nearly knocking me over.

Feckin idiot :mad:

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Oh dear Alicia..your guardian angel seems to be having a prolonged tea break! :ohmy: I hope they can sort you out quickly. :mellow:


Snow, this doesn't sound right at all..when my late brother in law had chemo, he said the first dose was ok, second not so good and the third made him feel awful. To have such a strong reaction to the first one can't be normal, I hope your aunt gets to talk to someone high up, not just a nurse. :GroupHug:


What an idiot, Yantan! A woman a few doors up from me had a big dog run into her a few years back whilst she was walking her dogs on the field behind our houses, it literally took her legs from under and her and when she tried to stand, she couldn't. She dragged herself to the hedge and managed to find a branch to use as a crutch and luckily someone came along who had a mobile, phoned her son and an ambulance and when she was xrayed it turned out her knee cap was shattered! She was on crutches for months and still has to use a stick now and's no laughing matter. :angry:

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quote name='sanrossscot' timestamp='1320832996' post='




Looks like Tia will be having her ultrasound done next week (wibble) hopefully it won't show anything too nasty. She is at least eating for now, those Wainwrights trays.





Fingers crossed for Tia :GroupHug:



a certain boxer spots it, steals it, eats the contents BUT when I open the cupboard and the replacement tub falls out and its lid drops off NONE of them want to eat the flakes which are still there hours later as I have been tied up on conference calls forever???

Just keeping you guessing! :laugh:



hiya peeps!

ive been in hospital on a drip for half the day, third time in a week.






Will be doing more auditing today (the same one, but a follow up). I never ever in my life want to do another audit, but I have a smaller one which must be done this month.

Hope all went well :flowers:




I am not feeling the work vibe today, not one little bit


I don't know if I ever have that vibe :laugh:




I had an awful night with my hip and leg pain.





sorry to hear about your mum Snow :GroupHug:


had a nice lunch with my friend today and only two home visits, but each of them lasted two hours each! :ohmy:

I have been randomly chosen to be interviewed by the investors in people assessor in a couple of weeks time. I am useless when people quiz me on things and my mind goes blank, even though I do know our policies and procedures, training opportunities etc. No pressure there then :unsure:

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