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August Rmf

Laurel n Hardy

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But they aren't actually asking for help. It's a particular rescue's forum and the coordinators etc haven't said anything about the methods the poster has so far outlined. I really don't want to get anyone's back up.


I'm pretty much chickening out but feel I need to find a more circuitous route somehow.


Can you not PM? :unsure:

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But they aren't actually asking for help. It's a particular rescue's forum and the coordinators etc haven't said anything about the methods the poster has so far outlined. I really don't want to get anyone's back up.


I'm pretty much chickening out but feel I need to find a more circuitous route somehow.



Sometimes you have to do the right thing regardless of it not making you friends.

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Morning :tired:


One very relieved me! what I was thinking (and dreading) could be oral cancer, is apparently hyperplastic tissue overgrowth, probably caused by the chemo drugs I'm on for my blood problem!

What a relief for you :GroupHug:


Tiks :GroupHug:



Cue me mopping oatmeal coloured carpet furiously with paper towels, and getting the Bissel out. Time for a furniture reorganisation I think, preferably before Friday when OH gets back or I will never hear the end of it :rolleyes:

Oops :GroupHug:


RMF : Yesterday's exertions are starting to catch up with me and I am aching all over from the straining to move heavy furniture about.

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thanks for the good wishes for my ear :flowers: i have seen my doctor... not good news :rolleyes: it appears that i am deaf because my grommet has gone AWOL :angry: i saw my gp the week before last and it was it's not it didn't even last a month.... i am back to snorting drops again and i have to wait to see the consultant, there was mention of it being done again....not bloody likely! they can do the permanent op! i am officially jinxed...even the Dr commented on how unlucky i am i am keeping fingers crossed that the left one stays in place otherwise i will be completely deaf again



i am also a bit :mecry:today because I have now got a date for my in-patient physio week but it's not until September 13th. I am so cack handed with my shoulder and can only work 3 nights a week and need the rest of the week to get over it. It's getting worse as I use it more because I'm using it all wrong.




:GroupHug: :flowers: hope you are both feeling less carp soon.


One very relieved me! what I was thinking (and dreading) could be oral cancer, is apparently hyperplastic tissue overgrowth, probably caused by the chemo drugs I'm on for my blood problem!


Brilliant news :flowers:


Bruno's overnight was relatively uneventful, he slept in his bed for most of the night without a murmur, however hubby woke at 3am and that meant Bruno wanted out so he had to go take him in the garden before going back to bed and then sods law struck and I ended up getting up to go to the loo at 5am and that woke Bruno who then woke hubby :rolleyes: Nog slept through it all and didn't bother getting up until 7am :laugh: I had gone back to bed at 5am and was woken by hubby at 7:30 when I went to get out of bed this little black thing appeared from under MY bed covers! :laugh: where he'd been since about 6am apparently! Nog clearly knew he was there cos he'd have had to jump over Nog to get onto the bed.

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:laugh: at Bruno.


I had an interrupted sleep as well. I took Beau and Max to bed with me. Beau was good as gold, but Max is such a fidget, he kept shifting about on the bed and climbed over me at one point, scratching my face with his newly clipped claws. Added to which, my work mobile rang at 1.30 am :wacko: It was actually my office line which is diverted to my mobile (only cos I couldn't be bothered leaving an out of office voicemail on both). No message left, so I think it was probably an accident, but it put the shits up me I can tell ya.


RMF : Off to do a bit more painting, then get the hoover and duster out and clear all the junk that is on top of the dining table.

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One very relieved me! what I was thinking (and dreading) could be oral cancer, is apparently hyperplastic tissue overgrowth, probably caused by the chemo drugs I'm on for my blood problem!



Bloody brilliant Group_Hug_Emoticon.gif


I'll be away to Selkirk tomorrow, so I have a busy day today. While I'm there I'll be taking Ben to the Dogs Allowed weekend in Lauder, hopefully it won't be too much for him, but if it is we can just leave.



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But they aren't actually asking for help. It's a particular rescue's forum and the coordinators etc haven't said anything about the methods the poster has so far outlined. I really don't want to get anyone's back up.


I'm pretty much chickening out but feel I need to find a more circuitous route somehow.



they might not be, but the dog is :laugh: they have ways of getting their slaves to do their tasks for them, like typing on the pooter!!

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my friends daughter gave birth on the cream carpet. the midwife said warm water and salt,it all came out


nesty has been having her moments with me and freddie (the sod) freddie likes being dominated, so looks at her with puppy dog eyes, she hates it and swears at him, he loves that even more lol

they are always together, mostly upstairs in my room :rolleyes: freddie has let her know hes not a pushover by lying in her bed, and the one shes claimed. she used to swear at him till he moved but now she doesnt bother. im so pleased the pecking order is being sorted out

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Another lazy day in heaven. Must pick up all the fallen apples (4 trees) before the man comes to cut the grass.:rolleyes:


While I'm wallowing in my luck I just want to send :GroupHug: to all those who need it. I know some fugees are having a tough time just now and I'm back on line 'cos I missed you all and the support you have given me in the past, just by beeing there for me, was/is a big plus. Want to try and return some of it :flowers:

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:laugh: at Bruno.


I had an interrupted sleep as well. I took Beau and Max to bed with me. Beau was good as gold, but Max is such a fidget, he kept shifting about on the bed and climbed over me at one point, scratching my face with his newly clipped claws. Added to which, my work mobile rang at 1.30 am :wacko: It was actually my office line which is diverted to my mobile (only cos I couldn't be bothered leaving an out of office voicemail on both). No message left, so I think it was probably an accident, but it put the shits up me I can tell ya.


RMF : Off to do a bit more painting, then get the hoover and duster out and clear all the junk that is on top of the dining table.



When I worked in sales about twice a week I would get an odd call at 5ish am. It drove me up the wall. My office was locked so the only person it could have been was the cleaner. I cured it by pressing indescriminate numbers in last thing so my home number wasnt the last number logged on the key pad.

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