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September's Salutary Sayings


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That's good news Jazz, they should all be great friends.


Took Candy to the vet this morning, wow what a difference to Rosie! They knew Rosie was on her way from the minute she got out of the car, she barked non stop, Candy was quiet, not scared at all and happy for the vet to look at her. He says it looks like bacterial conjunctivitis and has given us drops but she also has something that cockers and other dogs with similar coats are prone to, called Distichiasis . I'll leave you to look it up! He says most times it doesn't cause any problems, hope he's right. She was clean and dry all night, so she either was housetrained or she's just a very good girl. Nearly flattened me this morning, insisted on lying on my chest and drowning me with kisses.


Hope the car passes it's MOT Yantan.


I'm off for a blood test later, as Philip is still home I can take the car rather than battling with two buses, hurray!

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Well Candy was a good girl, bless her. Sorry to hear about her sore eyes and hope it's something you can keep under control without it costing the earth.


I took the car in and it was bedlam! Poor Andy, the garage owner, had a couple of cars come in at short notice with problems and someone else had forgotten their MOT was due yesterday so had begged him to take it in today to sort it. As I still have a week on my MOT I asked if he'd rather I went away and came back another time so it's going in on Friday now.


It's gonna be a hot 'un today. It was pretty warm when we went for a walk. That did not deter 13 year old Archie from following bunny trails at warp speed. Will someone please tell him he's supposed to be a senior citizen. He doesn't listen to me.


I hope everyone and their pets manage to stay cool today.

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We had Armageddon here last night in the shape of thunder storm after thunder storm last night road was flooded stream was up 2 feet again but thankfully no homes flooded like they were a couple months ago.


all the water poured down the path behind all 8 of our terraced houses and into my garden, its well drained so didn't see any standing water.


It was crash bang wallop overhead for about an hour or so, Cliffy was zzzzzzzzz all the way through it he's never been bothered with noise.

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Lots of excitement on the nature reserve today. A Glossy Ibis was feeding on one of the lakes for a couple of hours this morning. It has been floating around the area for a few weeks and visiting various lakes, and today we were lucky.


My fellow warden who got a dent kicked in his car has managed to film some of the regular offroaders, though not those who did the damage. He politely stopped a couple and informed them that police were aware of the illegal offroaders and would confiscate their quads. They laughed and said "they will have to catch us first". Then they tried to rev up their quads and both machines refused to start. So the warden filmed them while they were occupied with trying to get the quads going and were not looking at him. And then he buzzed off with the evidence. *snigger*

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I'm beginning to wonder how long the woman who had all the dogs in the house Candy came from had her for...she's so well behaved on a long line, came straight back when called, and when you walk her she walks alongside looking up at you like a show dog. I hope to heaven she was never stolen from someone who's missing her. I had a moment on the park, said to Philip what a brilliant good dog she was then burst into tears as I suddenly felt I was being disloyal to Rosie, who may have been many things, but obedient when off lead wasn't one of them! Even before she became deaf!

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I got trapped in my car at the gym last night :laugh: It was absolutely battering down, the road was flooded and I only had my converse on :unsure: It was like a scene from the end of the world :rolleyes:


Suzeanna - Candy sounds like a darling - you aren't being disloyal to Rosie at all. All dogs are different, they all have their own quirks and naughty habits :GroupHug:


Had a pretty easy day at work today - only worked 10.30-4.30 and had a few spaces :) Had to stop at the Audi garage and pick up a parcel shelf for my car (he didn't have one). Glad I was training in wythenshawe though, the traffic going towards home from Stockport was at a standstill (and actually queued all the way back to Wythenshawe park where I train!). Had a really good session today, feel like I'm finally making progress :biggrin:

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Candy's eyes are baffling us...we took her for quite a long walk down the canal tow path, her eyes looked fine, no squinting, no red inners showing. Within minutes of getting home they looked bad again. I don't use the stuff you put on carpets or furniture, I don't use plug in air fresheners, there are hardly any flowers out in the garden now so nothing there. If it was a grass allergy she'd have had it at the kennels as they walked them on grass. Any ideas? Think she's going off us rapidly, keep sticking drops in her eyes and steroid cream on the end of her tail (she's split it wagging too hard!). She'll be packing her bag and marching back to the kennels at this rate!


I know logically I can't compare one dog to another and I hope Rosie and Dylan would be happy we have another to follow in their paw steps, I just suddenly felt very guilty praising Candy. Daft, I know.

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