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February's Flippin' Faffing


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Sam as this is in Feb chat could you copy and paste that into a separate thread so stupid here can find it in march as well pretty please.




Owl hope your Aunty is healing well,


Snow fingers crossed for the job!


Uhm and there my brain feel asleep...


Love and hugs to all as there was much more.



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Oh yes it was the planning permission, we have an area not a million miles from us that the prudential want to build on! Bearing in mind the insurance companies decisions on flood land...this area has been like a lake through all the snow and rain we have had, but every couple of years they try with planning permission.


I hope yours doesn't get the go ahead...the fact they will build affordable housing isn't a good reason...all new builds have to have that. Which is why I think it was at the london docks has waterfront properties at a million and HA properties facing the other way...


See if someone can get get it into the national newspapers...especially if the government is going against the wishes of the local council. Te anti government papers will always like a story like that, and it may highlight why they are actually going against the local wishes.

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I've been reading but not had much to say really.
My work colleague, James, remains in hospital, in a mess all down one side after his motorbike accident. He's been pinned & plated but they are not done yet & some of the skin around the wounds is dying so that will probably mean grafts. He had more surgery on Wednesday & ended up in intensive care with breathing problems. I've not heard whether he is back on the trauma ward yet. It will be a long haul.
Yesterday we spotted a rat munching away at the foot of our neighbours bird feeder. Every time we went upstairs we had a peek & we saw the rat shin up the metal pole, have a good munch then slide back down. Entertaining! Neighbours are away

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Sorry to hear James is having such a hard time, poor fellow.


Auntie in surgery today, everything crossed.


Snow here but wet stuff, with any luck it won't stay long.


We have had a rat problem for the first time ever. All the big ones have scarpered because Wispa can get most places they can. There are a couple of little ones about who are small enough to hide under the garden store or get into holes in the banks. Wispa is digging out all their holes. I doubt they will stay around long enough to raise a family.

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Whizzie , i hope James i soon well on the road to recovery, if he needs skin grafts i would reccomend he starts on manuka honey... if you have a google there is lots of info about it

Owl, i also wish you aunty well and hope she too is soon on the mend, when i was in having surgery there were people on the ward who were having hip replacements and they were allowed out of bed the next day!! apparently it was a new technique that had been developed and people were off home after 4 days... i was amazed, if you don't feel she is ready to go home after the week the staff at the hospital should take your opinion into account regarding discharging her.

it is chucking it down here, the garden has turned into a mud bath...again! i hate squelching over it to pick up the dogs business..... on the upside i have been playing with my pressure cooker thing again, the dogs seemed appreciative of my offering of potatoes, carrots and courgettes.... i am just waiting for the pressure to drop so i can retrieve my curry...yum

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I hope James and Owl's aunt are both soon feeling better...I remember my ex's brother having skin grafts after a motor bike accident, they healed very well.


You would think that getting a new ironing board cover would be easy..wouldn't you? Well, not in my case! I have an old board, still working fine but the cover was very tatty, can I find a new one to fit? Can I heck as like! Even the ones which say XL, fit any board don't fit mine. I'm darned if I'm forking out for a new board, I'll just iron on towels or something.

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I hope James and Owl's aunt are both soon feeling better...I remember my ex's brother having skin grafts after a motor bike accident, they healed very well.


You would think that getting a new ironing board cover would be easy..wouldn't you? Well, not in my case! I have an old board, still working fine but the cover was very tatty, can I find a new one to fit? Can I heck as like! Even the ones which say XL, fit any board don't fit mine. I'm darned if I'm forking out for a new board, I'll just iron on towels or something.



I hope James and Owl's aunt are both soon feeling better...I remember my ex's brother having skin grafts after a motor bike accident, they healed very well.


You would think that getting a new ironing board cover would be easy..wouldn't you? Well, not in my case! I have an old board, still working fine but the cover was very tatty, can I find a new one to fit? Can I heck as like! Even the ones which say XL, fit any board don't fit mine. I'm darned if I'm forking out for a new board, I'll just iron on towels or something.



I have the same problem. My ironing board is 45 years old. I got it when I got married.


Lakeland Plastics do a big one


They also have an ironing sheet.

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I doubt if the hospital will take anyone's opinion into consideration. After the first fall they released her into the care of an elderly friend who is most kind and helpful but has health issues of her own and wasn't fit to care for someone who was too weak to stand up. Friend's GP sent aunt back to the hospital. I have been talking with friend and she will ring Social Services tomorrow and make sure they are aware of what is going on. I know it is usual to send hip replacement patients home after a few days, but what is right for someone who is fit apart from a worn out hip is not right for a very frail person of 86 who has Parkinsons, coeliac, severe osteoporosis, swollen feet and breathing difficulties. I would like her to come and stay at mum's for a while, but she is digging in her heels and saying she wants to go to her own home. She really needs a couple of weeks in a convalescent home.

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Auntie has had op but is heavily sedated and completely out of it. We have now been told she came in with a grade 2 bedsore which should have been noticed by carers - tsk! They aren't sending her home any time soon, she was probably confused with morphine when she told me that.

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