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February Rmf

Laurel n Hardy

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Duncan would love one of those octopus toys but the thought of all those legs flying around in my tiny house as he goes for the Terrier kill is somewhat disconcerting,not to mention the amount of stuffing there would be after he disembowelled it :laugh:

Daisy is definitely getting more energy back now she's started the thyroxine for her very low thyroid count.Just one mini-collapse today,more of a sway on her legs than a collapse.Do hope some of her heart problems can be due to this problem.

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It is appalling that nothing is being done about your assailant, but now that the Trust have admitted the incident took place, can you not raise a complaint with the RCN?


I am going to be replying to my letter asking them whether they (the PCT) will now be informing the NMC and will they be wanting a copy of my police report if they are doing so. What she did was gross misconduct according to their own policy and immediate suspension followed by dismissal should have been what happened.



Rugby rugby rugby rugby rubgy rugby lalalalalalalalaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaa :whistle:

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On Friday the washing machine died. Today the oven died half way through cooking a roast :mecry:


I think it is a law that appliances must never die one at a time and that if possible they should die at Christmas or when you have just spent the money that could have paid for a repair or a replacement.

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:GroupHug: Aww Mrs Bejo, you can expect some awesome birthday pressies this year :laugh:


Tis also the appliance law that washing machines break down when you are washing something precious and delicate, when there is the absolute maximum of water in the drum and the only way to get at your precious and delicate clothes is to flood the kitchen floor. Boilers break down in sub zero temperatures, hoovers break down the day your parents are due to visit, hot water goes when you are particulary minging and have an important appointment and ovens when you are hungry and cooking something expensive :angry:

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I had a bizzare dream/nightmare last night honestly where do these stupid dreams come from.... I was dreaming about the end of the world, and somehow I knew before anyone else so I got my family together and we somehow made our way to switzerland and had some adventures on the way and were heading for some observatory on top of a mountain which would be safe, on the way we were collecting things we'd need but I couldn't find my wellies wacko.gif then we ended up in this little mountain town and stopped to get final supplies, so I was trying to work out how much money I had on my credit card and bank cards so I could stock up on fags wacko.gif cos I figured max them all out cos I wouldn't be paying it back cos everyone would be dead but as they didn't know that yet then I could only spend under my limit - so I went to buy fags only when they said the price I had to buy less than i expected but as we started climbing the mountain I realised she'd probably charged me in Francs or Euros which was less than I thought so i could have bought more wacko.gif rolleyes.gif I was trying to decide whether to risk going back when the radio announced that a tidal wave was coming and all I could think about was she'd over charged me wacko.gif - ffs its the end of the world and I stocked up on fags? I mean stuff food and water right??? *shakes head* Bizzare isn't the word.... but whats worse is that the first thing I did when i got up this morning was go look up what the sodding exchange rate was in Switzerland wacko.gif - why????????????????????????????? laugh.gif

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:wacko: @ snow's dream. I hate the ones which spill over into waking so you have to stop and think what is and isn't real.


WTG Gemfosterbaby :wub:


Today I am moving 2 tall sets of shelving, one small bookcase and a rottweiler :unsure: thankfully not on the same trip.

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