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Augusts Better Be A Good One


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Shame about your bush , Suzeanna.


When my mother died and we sold her house we returned to the house one day to find the next door neighbour had cut down the large climbing rose an a clematis growing against the adjoining fence. They had out up a new fence.


They had left all the debris strewn in the garden.


Fortunately, we had a skip already for the rubbish when clearing the house so put it all in that.


We weren't bothered about them cutting it down but would have appreciated them telling us. They obviously grabbed the chance when the house was empty.


We were only worried that the new owner had bought the house with all the vegetation and now there was none , but our solicitor said there wasn't anything we could do about it now.


We never heard anymore so she either didn't mind or hadn't noticed the em when she viewed the house.


She lived up the road and had just divorced so was delighted when a house in the same estate came up for sale. She viewed the day the fo sale notice went up and put in an offer right away.



Good luck with the kitchen, griff. Our kitchen is in the last run. Grouting the kitchen floor tiles is one third done and new handles for the cupboards and drawers have been ordered.


Bedroom next! Have dropped a gentle hint but there was reaction.


I hope you can track the wayward dog, Owl. It is strange how some just seem to take off to the wild side.



Will post your stuff tomorrow , Yantan.


When Jim was in hospital we had the same problem over distance. It is a 3 hour journey there and 3 hours back. Viristing is 2 hours on teh afternoona nd 2 hours in the evening but you are asked to consider whether the patient is up to that.


The last time he was in it was only 5 days so i didn't visit. Jim worries about me driving all that way alone, especially the 40 miles of single track involved.


When he was in longer I visited every 2 or 3 days although he said there was no need.


Because the hospital serves the whole north of Scotland and the Western Isles there are always patients with no visitors as it too far for people to come.


We were able to communicate by email so I could keep up to date as to what was happening.


Good to hear Ruby is awake and testing.

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She was in her own room this morning Griff but they said she would be in a ward after surgery. I didn't think to ask her when we were texting a little while ago. Her tea and toast turned up but her mouth was so dry that she couldn't manage the toast not even with the aid of the tea to wash it down.


No rush blackmagic, just send it when you are next passing the post box. Yeah it is awful when people do things without asking. If they do ask beforehand it makes all the difference. I cannot get it into the nutty neighbour that she cannot just come into our garden to look at her gable end when she feels like it. Yes she has a right to access for upkeep and repair (or more correctly the Quakers who own it do) but it has to be with our permission and at a time to suit us. She has done it so many times, even waiting until we were out, not realising we have a camera watching the garden, that I have ended up getting rather cross with her. Then she says I have a bad attitude and am a nasty person to anyone who'll listen. Yeah, right, so of the two of us who gets on well with all the other neighbours and which of us can't the other neighbours stand?


I think I will be having an early night as the sciatica gave me gip last night and I was up rather a lot.

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The surgeon popped in early this morning to see Ruby and said she could come home today if she wanted. However shortly after a nurse took her temperature and it was up slightly so the nursing staff said it would probably be better to wait until tomorrow morning. In any case Ruby is feeling rather sore and the thought of a 2 hour plus car journey home was not appealing. She is in a ward with 4 other ladies who are all very nice. However there was a man in a nearby ward who kept shouting "help" all night long and it woke her up a few times.


Griff I think it's your card this arrived this morning as it's addressed to "Ruby". Thank you! It will be here for her when she gets home.

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Yantan, Just off shopping so will post when out.


Are you taking any painkillers? My doctor gave me to Ibuprofen and Paracetamol. he said they work very well together. Each on their own only made a little difference but together they were effective. Even just taking them at bedtime helped me get sleep.


Our hospital's protocol is 7 days for open surgery and 5 days for keyhole. Jim was very sore after his keyhole surgery. He said he felt he had been kicked in the ribs by a horse. Our GP had also had keyhole surgery and agreed with him.

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At least the man in the next ward is only shouting, I remember my mother telling me that when she was in hospital in London, a man from another ward used to run up and down all the wards stark naked, until nurses collected him and took him back to his bed!

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Another day would be a good idea with such a long journey.


When my mother was in hospital after a mini stroke, it was she who caused the trouble. Finding herself in a ward she thought she was ward sister and went nipping round in zimmer checking out the patients which they must have found worrying. Not to mention telling the nurses off and trying to fiddle with drips! They got her back to bed and she then escaped the ward and was caught by a porter as she tried to leg it out into Doncaster.


Wispa and I have been busy for past 2 days tracking an escaped chihuahua who ran a mini marathon. A little girl caught him this morning just up the road from where we stopped last night when it got too dark. We had been tracking him alongside a shallow river and he was ahead of us at fishing lakes. Very pleased with Wispa.

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you have all been busy!

my friend who ive only rung for a few years, as she has steep steps to the front door so couldnt go. shes very frail now, cant go out, on oxygeon, wanted some stuff taken to the charity shop so lewis has just taken me. she was so grateful. shes given me a new bed for these but that cant go down till gremlin luna ha stopped chewing.

then we had a coffee in Tesco and got the last 4 packs of dog food, so very happy


love to all xxx

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At least the man in the next ward is only shouting, I remember my mother telling me that when she was in hospital in London, a man from another ward used to run up and down all the wards stark naked, until nurses collected him and took him back to his bed!

One of the times JIm was in hospital one of the old men tore out his drip and walked to the toilet stark naked leaving a trail of blood behind him. JIm woke up to the ward floor covered in blood. He got the nurses who then had to get the old man back to bed and then clean up the mess from the floor, the toilet, and the sink.


He was moved to a single room where they could keep am eye on him from the central desk.

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I wouldn't dare go into Battersea as I'd be coming out with half a dozen dogs Jazz. I don't know anyone who has been there recently.


Gosh blackmagic. They should have cameras in wards!


Ruby is talking about coming out tomorrow morning so just in case I have organised friends, who Archie knows well, to come and let him out and take him for a short walk as I may have to leave about 7.30am. I have to be shown how to give Ruby the daily injection she will need daily for a while, which will save the district nurse coming in. Nurse Ratched reporting for duty! She is out of bed and sitting up but the morphine is making her a woozie so she's finding it hard to concentrate on her audible book. She's had an egg salad and dish of semolina for lunch and enjoyed them.

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A chap round here got a dog from Battersea a couple of years back...unneutered and still not neutered now.pleased Ruby has stay d but, I had the same when I was in a fella yelling all night, I ask for sleepers to be prescribed now as soon as I go in lol

Worn out, dad took the old fence down, back and forth to the tip

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