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March's Mundane Meanderings

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ffs we really ARE under siege here - Nogs almost had another cat - this time a big black and white one we've never seen before, hubby had gone out with a torch to do cat patrol and saw nothing so I let Nog out just as I did this blinking cat ran out from a bush right in front of Nogs nose :ohmy: we both yelled LEAVE ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT and luckily that distracted Nog just enough that he missed the cat which legged it over the fence, not 5 mins later hubby was going to put the bins out and met TWO more strange cats walking bold as brass down our front path! Ginger Tom is on the electrical sub station down the back of the garden and nextdoor but ones 2 dogs are going mental - presumably at a cat in their garden. We're at our wits end now, Nog simply cannot be allowed out in his own garden off lead anymore :mecry: all day and allllll night theres almost non stop cats fighting and the female calling and calling, with the nice weather Nog wants to be outside in the sun and fresh air and I'm having to keep him inside.

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I hope you catch him soon Owl :flowers:


You are good at making wishes, Alex. He was in the trap soon afterwards.


Suzeanna, he was running around on forestry and farmland outside Warsop.


We heaved the trap with him inside straight into my car and I whizzed off to Stoke on Trent to pass him into the care of Greyhound Gap. The local DW was not interested and refused to help us catch him, so Lisa will notify in the morning that they have him just in case anyone is looking for him. He turns out to be a full greyhound aged about 18 months, very sweet natured once he stopped panicking and realised he was with caring people.


On the way back from Stoke I became overtired, not surprising since I had been on the go since 5.30 am, and stopped off at Tibshelf to glug down enough caffeine to get me home. So now I am too buzzy to sleep :rolleyes:

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Well done Phebe and glad that you could hand the dog into Gap's care. Hope that you got some rest in the end.


Snow, how about a muzzle for Nog? I know that he could still catch up with the cats but at least it takes the bite element away.

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Good news that the greyhound was caught, Owl..and I hope you got some sleep!


Snow, can you not speak to your neighbours and tell them that if they don't take their cat to be spayed, you are terrified that your dog will catch and hurt one of the multitude of cats that have invaded your garden, and it is becoming a public nuisance...especially if the neighbours on the other side are having the same trouble with their dogs? Could you try banging two saucepan lids together before you let Nog out, to scare any cats out of hiding?


My next door neighbour got three kittens last year, which are now fully grown. She has had the sense to have them all done (two females and one male), but the boy is now very adventurous and keeps turning up in our garden. Dylan has missed him by inches a couple of times, but still the stupid animal keeps coming back, and I'm so worried that he'll misjudge his run and end up hurt or dead. :unsure: Even worse, he's been in the garden the other side of me, and the chap there takes his two lurchers rabbitting, so they are well used to chasing and catching small furry things. Marshall's days may be numbered!

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My dogs were very efficient at clearing cats from the garden and they didn't come back.


We always knew when a new cat arrived in the area as it would be the only cat to venture into the garden.



What about something like this? if you could switch it off before Nog goes out into the garden.

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Thanks for the suggestions everyone, muzling Nog isn't a solution as he's never gone for a grab or bite, he uses his front feet to sweep them off their feet and rolls them if they get back up he simply knocks them back down again. Whats more of a worry for us is the fact he hits the back fence at a gazillion miles an hour and body slams against it then leaps on his back legs - and of course after all his surgery the left one is weak and we're worried he's going to break it again. Whilst the adrenalin is flowing he doesn't seem to feel the pain but afterwards he's stiff as a board and limping on 3 legs thats why we are taking him out on his lead and only allowing him off if we can clearly see there are no cats around.


I love the idea of that cat water scare thing sadly though we don't have an outside tap and can't fit one as its an RAF house so we aren't allowed to otherwise that would have been perfect.


I haven't seen a single cat today ... yet .... fingers crossed if it is her she's out of heat and the toms will have moved on I will speak to neighbours when I see them thats harder than it sounds tho - she wont open the door at all if shes in on her own as I've learned trying to take a parcel round to her that I took in for them. I knew she was there I saw her in the garden, and I could see her behind the curtains looking at me, so she knew it was me but she still didnt answer the door :wacko: the husband will speak if spoken to but not to have a conversation with if you know what I mean ... its hard to explain really I'm trying to convince myself that they are just shy ... :unsure: there is zero chance of me cat napping the cat it never comes in our garden it has more sense than these tom cats.

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So pleased young Greyhound lad is in safe hands and huge well done for all the hard work you've put in Phebe. :flowers:


Alex maybe something has disturbed Timmy in the day. Is anyone having work done on their house etc or maybe he's not feeling too clever and needs his mum.


The clocks go forward this weekend don't they. So looking forward to walking the dogs in the light and being able to get out in the garden more.

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