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December's Dingly Danglys


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It got pretty stormy here last night. It's a lot calmer now but still raining heavily.


Ruby is redecorating our bathroom. Walls & ceiling completed yesterday, glossing today. Then it's the kitchen's turn. We are changing the wall colour from terracotta to lime. I spend a lot of time in there and I like a bit of colour in my world.


Suezanna sorry to hear you still aren't well. I'll bet you feel warn out with it all. Are you managing to rest through the day, maybe power nap now & then? Lemon, honey & fresh ginger steeped in hot water is a wonderful throat easer.

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Suzeanna I feel your pain Owen included some extra "gifts" for me so to add to my other "pressie" I now also have a snotty sinusy cold to go with it ah well just hoping that it will have started to feck orf by next week when I have my scan.


Sodding builders nextdoor have scratched the side of my car - though we can't prove it was them but its the side next to their skip and a line of vertical scratches down the passenger door & side of the car that were not there the day before and my car has not moved off the drive in over a week.

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Snow, they really are being a pain! Is there any colour in the scratches that you can link to them? Hope your cold soon goes, but mine is well into its second week now, so don't hold your breath


Yantan, I haven't been able to rest over the weekend, but now OH is back at work I'll retreat for a nap...Rosie is always happy to join me for a lie down. I have lemon and honey, and when I went to the doctor she said steaming is good and I've unearthed some past its sell by stuff that you put in hot water, so I can smell delightfully of eucalyptus!


Blowing hard here, but no rain to speak of, just mizzle.

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Rain arrived with a vengeance, coupled with strong winds. Died down a bit now but I doubt it'll be the last of it.


I have bought another sofa which is arriving on Sunday. I will have to get rid of the other one pdq as my living room is going to be very cramped (plus I need the money back asap)! I know I'm going to lose money on it, but although I do like the look of it and it isn't as uncomfortable as first thought (just the way I was sitting on it), I have reverted back to a normal sofa arrangement of a chesterfield with a footstool. Have to say the sofa is HUGE. I thought my last one was big at 2.5m, but this one is 2.6m so will just about fit in the space. It has plenty of room for the dogs because the internal seating area is over 2m long and it's also deep, like my last one. Another bargain as well, I got it for an absolute fraction of the RRP on eBay and it's brand new.

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Lol Merledogs, you are going to turn into a right little wheeler dealer, lets hope this sofa is a bit better than the last

Snow, i would go and tell them they have damaged the car, point out the vehicle hasn't moved in over a week and they are the only ones who have been near the vehicle...worst they will say is p*ss off, best thing they may and it is a big may put it right...doubt it but at least you'll have said something .Ahhhh bless owen sharing his germs

Suzeanna, the cough takes about 3 weeks to go and in fact my dad is still coughing and that must be about a month now

Yantan, could ruby come a strip our bathroom out?? lol need to fetch off all the tiles...gulp and the wallpaper, my dad said he would do the tiling but he is wriggling out of it now...he damn well will do it

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Snow that's awful about the damage to your car. I hope you get some redress.


I had an awful walk with Archie this morning. The paths on our wood walk had turned into streams and topped my boots so I had wet feet. It's so hard to find places away from the flooding to walk and the park is out, as well as other places in town, as so many dogs have become ill due to the crap deposited there when it flooded


I had on a full set of waterproofs but still had to change all my clothes when I got back. Archie had his new coat on though and stayed nice and dry on his back and sides, it was just his head and legs that got wet but drying him off was so much easier and quicker.


The river level has gone up a lot and is once again pressing against the new glass panels which mean that it's forcing the river to flood further down. It's something people were railing about the last time - the new flood defences held the river back for some in time to get their property moved upstairs or out but it meant that homes in other parts of the town that didn't flood in 2009 did this time. I don't know how they will redress this situation. It'll be interesting to see what they come up with.


Thankfully it's stopped raining for now but oh my the wind is getting up! It sounds awful out there. I hope you are OK Alex and the storm doesn't cause any damage too your neck of the woods - or any one else's for that matter. Don't go out unless you absolutely have too!

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Yantan, see that would be my day totally ruined....don't know why but i hate getting wet socks, i used to take the dogs a walk in my trainers early in the morning in summer and my socks always used to get wet...used to really annoy me Lol all my family laugh at me.

I hope nobody gets flooded out or storm damaged, i ventured to town to get a bit of salad, trying to be healthier but i am just starving hungry all the time

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I also hate wet socks and wet trousers when driving. Pressing down on the pedals with wet socks, yuck!


When I went to dog shows I always took spare trousers and socks to change into to drive home if it had been wet.


We have not had any of the bad weather. It was quite windy and wet for a few hours yesterday evening and wet this morning but then it dried up , with some patches of blue sky at one point. Although windy it was a soft wind and the temperature was 11 degrees.


Our river is still quite low. But when it does flood it goes into the fields which line the river banks. The animals get moved to higher ground when there is a danger of it flooding. There are no houses down near the river. The old folk knew what they were doing.


It must be heartbreaking for those being flooded with no prospect of it stopping yet.


The water has to go somewhere so if they build flood defences in one place without giving the water another outlet the water just floods somewhere else. What we need are levies to take the flood water away safely.

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see that is just pure organisation glad it isn't only me, things are that bad that when i see someone on the tv going through a puddle my first comment is "oh no they'll have wet socks"

ahhhh and blackmagic too!!!

our hospital is built on a flood plain...ridiculous, you can sit and the canteen and when it is really bad you can see out the window and it is about 3ft deep with water...eejits

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Moaning :tired: I woke up with a stonking nedache but with the help of ibuprofen it's receding a bit.


Thankfully the copious quantities of rain which were forecast didn't arrive here yesterday, but it did rain on and off all day (still is) and I suppose any water that's being added now is stopping the levels dropping.

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