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December's Dingly Danglys


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I'm also useless at wrapping but I have impressed myself with what I've done this year. I've put lovely Chrissy ribbon around some and tied the bows myself and they look pretty good!


In all the rush to get my Christmas shopping done I have forgotten to buy Archie more than one present! He loves Christmas morning and opening his gifts so I am hoping my family come through for him. He's bought his cousin Taz a box full of goodies so with luck Taz will be sending a nice haul round for him (he did last year) If all else fails I will wrap his tin of Lily's Kitchen Christmas dinner up and a couple of their tray meals that he loves so much. I could even dig to the bottom of one of his toy boxes and get a long forgotten toy out and wrap that up :ph34r: :devil:


I am sure I will be on here again before the big day but just in case I'm


Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year



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Happy Christmas Marion x


I am struggling at the moment - whatever the cause of my pelvic & back pain its getting worse and I am barely managing to get any sleep I cannot find a comfortable position at all. Much as I really really don't want to take the codine I've had enough so tonight I'm going to take one and head off to bed as soon as I feel it start to work in the hopes that I can fall asleep before whateverthefeckitis realises I'm laying down. Day to day I am having to do stuff in bits and bobs as soon as I feel a twinge I need to stop whatever I'm doing and sit down for 5 - 10 mins how the feck I'm going to manage the Xmas shop tonight and then cooking the Turkey & Ham tomorrow and Xmas dinner the day after I do not know. I've made it as simple as possible this year as much as I didn't want to I've bought prepeeled and chopped veg including ready peeled potatoes & frozen roasties, and much to Nicks disappointment for the first time in 35 years I will NOT be making my Xmas gravy :crying_anim02: I'll still use the veg water and will add some of the turkey juices etc. but it won't be the same :crying_anim02: The visitors are going to have to understand that I WILL probably end up staying up VERY late with a light on and/or end up getting up in the middle of the night and putting a light on if I cannot sleep, just hope me moving about won't set off the dogs which in turn will wake up Owen.... *sigh*


Thankfully my scan has come through superfast and I'll be having that on the 7th Jan so should have some ruddy answers as to wtf is going on and wtf can be done about it. I've been doing loads and loads of reading up on fibroids and apparently they can get worse with perimenopause which might explain things since until the past 8 weeks or so I've never had anything like this before or it could be they have just been silently growing happily but have now reached a size where they are displacing organs or pressing on nerves either way once I know then I can start to consider options.... though it seems a hysterectomy may now be unavoidable if it is fibroids :crying_anim02:

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Hope they get you sorted Snow :GroupHug: And am sure the family will be understanding (and if they aren't, they can make Christmas dinner and you can be the guest next year :) )


Out for another meal today - just done a brutal personal training session to compensate. Am sure my PT was an evil torturer in another life :laugh:

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So sorry to hear you are suffering Snow. It's just typical of things to flare so badly at such a time when hospital departments are closed or on restricted service. Your symptoms sound very like those of a friend of mine a few years ago - and yes, I am sorry to tell you that she needed a hysterectomy but she was fit as a fiddle after the requisite recovery time.


Is there no one in your family who could relieve you of the cooking? If not make sure one of them lifts the heavy stuff for you and do not attempt to bend down to lift the turkey in and out of the oven - call someone! And take the codeine, you need it! Hope all goes well :flowers:

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Hoe is the flood situation now, Yantan?



Not too bad I'm pleased to say. We fortunately got some dry weather starting yesterday afternoon and it's stayed fine most of today. I noticed on my walk this morning that the water was back sitting in fields that had previously drained. They shut one of the main routes into town yesterday because, once again, they were bothered about the stability of the old bridge. They opened it back up today though.


Everything looks pretty bedraggled and yesterday's flooding hasn't helped. There is still a lot of crap lying around town waiting to be cleaned up and a lot of businesses that got flooded have remained closed. The local pet shop though deserves a round of applause as the owners and staff worked tirelessly the 2 days following the first flooding to get it cleaned out, re-stocked and open for business. That's the sort of grit and determination you need in situations like this.


The 2 supermarkets have managed to open pop up shops to provide the basics plus a few Christmas luxuries and the bigger of the two, Booths, have put on free buses to their branch in Penrith so things are coming together. We just need the rain to stay away or, at the very least, only come down lightly and occasionally. Fingers crossed!

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Glad you are staying safe and dry Yantan, I hope you stay that way!

Snow, a friend of mine suffered for ages with fibroids and eventually had a hysterectomy and said she wished she'd had it done much earlier.

I'm getting fed up with this cough, it's no trouble during the day but is literally keeping me awake most of the night, blasted nuisance!

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Moaning :tired:


Snow I hope you manage to get some relief soon :flowers:


Suzeanna's cough, just go away please :mad:


Marion that's the spirit showing through :flowers:

I'm working from home today so not back in work until 29th and then off until 4th Jan. Am hoping today isn't going to be as manic as the rest of the week has been so far.

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Morning. I'm sitting in bed eating toast, drinking coffee and listening to the incessant rain hitting the velux window on the landing. It's been at it all night :(


Yay Archie's cousin, Taz, has bought him a number of Chrissy pressies so I don't need to add anything. I do plan to bag him a few sale bargains though including a new coat. He hates wearing one but if we continue to get rain like we have the past few weeks he's going to have to suffer it. He's started getting miserable in the constantly wet conditions and he's no spring chicken so we need to take extra good care of him.


Suzeanna I forgot to say - are you spending the night in a propped up position or lying flat? Its just when I get one of those coughs that's particularly troublesome at night I prop myself on pillows and my v shaped pillow and sleep that way. It does help me get a bit more sleep. Anyway I hope you get over this soon. Sleep deprivation is not nice.

Anyone know where I can get a good fitting, waterproof, breathable dog coat? Preferably not a thick one as he doesn't need extra warmth with all the running about he does.

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Barbour do one I think. Wispa has Masta coats but they are fluffy lined. I have seen ordinary macs for dogs in Pets at Home.


Bucketing down in Worksop. Need to nip out at some point for a few groceries but apart from that am going nowhere unless it eases up. The nice thing about Wispa getting older is that she is quite happy to veg out at home in foul weather. She won't put on weight as she never does. She will have mad moments racing up and down stairs and throwing shoes about, then back to sofa.

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