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November's Non-Stop Natterings


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feel for all those who have lost loved would have thought we would have evolved enough by now to not go round killing one another

Oh dear Murtle.... is feeling like a long break??? deep breaths and keep counting Lol

Jazz, hope the wrist feels better soon, i am seeing the dr this week about mine, hoping it isn't a fracture as it is my dominant hand

Merledogs, how goes the toilet issue? trip and have a blast

Gooster, sounds like you had a real good time

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The Paris attacks are just so awful its beyond words , whats also awful is the beliefs I have seen from some people on Facebook today :( I had to delete a post I shared this morning ( in sympathy post ) because someone else started posting the most extreme "all muslims are terrorists and want to kill non muslims" shite on the post demanding that European governments need to defend borders and send Muslims "home" , flip that guys thinking over and you have ISIS ! I think I need to cull a few people from my Facebook friends list


Then this evening I saw the awful news reports of the train crash in France thats killed more people , the reports say it was a test run with engineers on and not connected to the events of yesterday. I am guessing ( and this just a guess ) that it was traveling well over 125mph due to the way the wreckage is being shown , I have attended and investigated a number of train derailments over the years and I have never seen anything like it , such a tragic event so close to the tragic events of last night




My own personal problem today is that my bloody dog has eaten one of my bras , as I am 4500km away from the nearest Marks and Spencers this is slightly more troublesome than it would be in the UK but luckily I have some spares packed away just for this eventuality , over the years many dogs here have eaten many of my bras so its best to be prepared

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The Paris attacks and train crash are such tragedies. I just don't understand why people can't live side by side in harmony and not kill each other. The vast majority of the world's population manage to do this successfully. So why a small group of idiots take it upon themselves to kill innocent people is beyond me.


Naughty Gru :laugh: :wub:


Hope your wrist is ok Griff :flowers:


Am feeling the pain from yesterday's personal training session. James said he was going to break me in gently. He didn't :laugh: I can't sit on the loo or do stairs without making a whole variety of weird noises. I had to pick up a 20kg sack of horse feed today after work. That was fun carrying it back to the car - my legs were shouting at me and my shoulders and arms were shouting at me too. Usually I can just carry it easily and make it look really light. Not today. And it was raining and I had to park far away from the shop door :biglaugh:

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I wouldn't stop going somewhere because of terrorists, i think if you do that then they have won, i won't allow them to scare me either as again that is what they want

i have a swelling on my wrist, has been there a couple of weeks now, and it iis clicking, i can't use my crutches properly because of it...i think i know what i did as i remember hurting it...probably get an xray and go from there

Lol Gooster...they are called "involuntary" dad makes lots of those but his is down to age related aches...not an evil PT

Oh dear HLGS...not cheap either are they the m&s bras....i tend to get mine on ebay..they are new but are end of lines.

Edited by griff
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Hello from NYC. Security very tight here but its necessary & we feel safe. Griff you are right about not letting terrorist attacks stop us. We are going up the new tower at WCT tomorrow and sod the bloody lot of them.


I lost my iPhone before we even left the UK! I think I left it in the tray after coming through security at Newcastle airport but how I managed that I don't know! It could also have been lifted but I hope not and that if I did leave it in the tray some honest person has handed it in to lost property.


Central Park today, we are hoping to get a dog fix there LOL!


Alex I hops you get your loo fixed today.


Murtle keep the counting up and enjoy the rest of your stay in S.A

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Oh no Yantan..... do you have a find my iphone app on it? Pleased you have a arrived safely and have a lovely time

Suzeanna, i always dodged the ulcers and thrush on the chemo fault, i ate a boiled new potato and didnt blow had just come out of a pan, i have been brave and gargled with salt water...ouch Lol

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I think a lot of people are starting to worry and on Facebook people are now arguing that London is getting more security than A N Other location in England and that the Government does not care about them , lets be realistic here no-one unless they are involved directly in national security is really going to know whats going on behind the scenes and certainly the majority of whats discussed is kept secret not posted on flipping Facebook


This is what the terriorists want , mass panic and people turning on each other without them even having to come there , I am buggered if I am going to start playing that game



Yantan, bugger about your phone , as Griff says you may be able to locate it using the find my phone app , I do hope you get it back , have a fantastic holiday and look forward to seeing all your photos

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Enjoy Central Park - it's absolutely massive though, but you will see plenty of dogs, joggers, cyclists etc! I couldn't believe how many joggers we saw when we were cycling around there! Forgot to say there is a shop called American Kennels on Lexington Ave (or it might have been Madison Ave) between 62nd and 61st street - they sell puppies and kittens. Mum dragged me in to look. It was awful. Some of the dogs were really stressed :(

Hope you get your phone back - I lent my old iPhone to mum to use as a camera when I was there (she has been nagging me for a few weeks to borrow it for her Fitbit, but I was going to trade it in). She hasn't given it back to me, so am guessing she has declared it hers now :rolleyes:


I think £20 for an hour is very reasonable Jazz - especially when you consider what the minimum wage is for adults! I would say that most adults would be happy to get £20 an hour rate for work. You could probably get a professional dog walker with insurance for that!!!

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