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October's Ongoing Oration


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im now nurse maid to 3 dogs. mouse now has kennel cough but has to throw up with it. nice

the nurse came today. she was going to (whats the word?) dismiss me, but only 1 form in there not 2 to do it so someone will have to come tomorrow, anywhere from 7am, so we have to be up.


im going shopping, im brave ....

have a safe warm day xxx

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The manuka honey which gooster mentioned is very good for kennel cough.


We had the police helicopter pursuing some naughty person over our estate in the wee small hours, not a common sight as we are a bit respectable round here. At least, the estate was until Wispa and I moved in. Wispa made a bit of a racket, I thought we had an intruder but then realised the chopper was chasing someone. I don't know whether the neighbours are displeased with us, or relieved that no burglar stands a chance of breaking into any house within 50 or even 100 yards of where we are sleeping.


Back online at last at mum's house. I love my ISP Idnet who are kind to IT-challenged cybernumpties like me. Glad to be back with them, should never have left.


Hope you DIL feels better soon, suzeanna, and it's good news that the babies are ok.


Congratulations on the pay rise, Alex.

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Yay my old bus has just sold for £500 on eBay :pinkie: I was just going to scrap it had it not been for Ian, one of my DW'ers, who took wouldn't hear of my doing that. He sorted the battery drain out for me, cleaned and polished the car (and it needed it!) listed it on eBay and will be dealing with the hand-over. Fingers crossed that that goes OK. I am going to give him a good portion of it and put the rest towards a new pair of specs.

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Great news Marion :)


Well done on the pay rise Alex :flowers:


Hope the dogs are better soon Jazz :flowers:


I had a true test of my professionalism this afternoon. As I was asking one of my patients about her general health, she started telling me that her 84 year old husband has ran off with their 42 year old 'slut' home help. She then said that at one point the 'slut' was sat on her husband's knee, and when he got up, she told me he was walking funny, so had obviously just came or had an erection :unsure: 2 days later he told her he was leaving her :unsure: Apparently 'Hitler' (husband) is living in a 'dosshouse' now and has been caught coming out of another lady friend's room at night. I actually don't know how I kept my face straight :laugh:

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Jayne that's so funny! Although I do feel for the lady. My aunt's friend went through something similar when her husband of 45 years took off with a 30 something floozy he met whilst paying her for his petrol. We all boycott the garage she works at now to show solidarity with the wife but it's hard because we only have 2 petrol stations in town!

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It's amazing the things you hear in passing..I was in the market yesterday and walking past one stall where a bloke was talking to a couple of women. The bit I heard was"she's got a cat, and I was sat and me knackers were hanging out each side and it was bopping em like pingpong balls". Much hysterical laughter from the women, and me thinking what?!???

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