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Please Wish Dolly Good Thoughts


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Dolly is home :)


Sadly, Malcolm couldn't get a sample and the ultra sound specialist wasn't really able to see any better despite trying from different angles.


What they do know from the images is that removing the mass isn't an option :(


Next steps would be to try a drug called ellasparginase (sp) as if the tumour is lymphoma, it will start shrinking within 3 days, but as he said, it would have to be used as a diagnostic tool and side effects include an anaphylactic reaction but on the plus side, if it was lymphoma, then chemo could be started without too many risks as it would be given intra-muscularly.


Another option would be to carry out a thoracotomy but that would be very painful and invasive. Or to carry out a sternal split, which would involve breaking Dolly's chest bone to get a sample of the mass and then wire her back together, but again, very painful and invasive and longer convalescence.


One of the problems is, that if its not lymphoma, then its an invasive sarcoma. All the opinions are saying that in its position, its attached and inoperable. Which would mean potentially putting Dolly through invasive and painful surgery to get a sample of a mass that cannot be removed.


So, after all that and taking Malcolms advice, we have agreed that Dolly will go in on Thursday and he will get kit ready for needle aspirate, re-xray, re-scope her, and hope that the mass has decreased in size since being given the strong anti-biotics. Malcolm said there is a risk that putting the needle in, because it would need to be a 3mm needle it may not get deep enough to get a sample. Plus there is the risk that if its an abcess and it bursts, then that could poison Dolly.


From all the images and the specialists opinion, removing the mass isn't an option. The specialist today, Nic, has sent the images to other specialists in her field and they are all saying the same thing, that its not operable. On the plus side, as Malcolm said, Dolly has got loads of specialists looking at her images as apparently her case is so rare.


Outwardly, she appears healthy, her heart is fine, her bloods are fine, weight etc is fine. Nic and Malcolm did the ultra-sound while she was conscious and apparently Dolly was very good.


I'm completely confused now by all the information but just hope that the x-rays on Thursday show that the mass has reduced in size. Otherwise, the risk is that as the mass cannot be removed, it will close of her airway and she will suffocate :mecry: I don't want her to suffer but at the same time, she's just got too much life in her for me to let her go now :mecry:

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Oh Wendy, the choices are pretty shoddy and the outcome if you don't do anything is worse. All I can do is send you lots of hugs and I will be sending mass reducing thoughts to her and hope that this is the case when they look at her again on Thursday. :GroupHug:

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