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The Horse Update / Pic Thread


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Aww George and Bailey :wub:


So many lovely pics to catch up on :biggrin:


Looking at Lilly I can see why my vet thinks Loki could have some clydesdale in him :)


Bear looks lovely, I have a huge soft spot for greys, do you have any pics of his front end :biggrin:

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Today Cueva met Nick, an Enlightened Equitation Teacher.


Cueva gave him the full repertoire of Airs above the Ground - she was half way to a capriole, her vertical take off is very impressive, this was soon followed by terre a terre and volte and some plain ornery bucking! :ohmy:


So she was made to do small circles up and down the school and lateral moves, yielding her quarters on the circle and working on two tracks. She settled after about 10 minutes, but had the occasional relapse, but in general she was a good girl :) :unsure:


The thought of riding her again is not appealing given the nature of her Airs above the Ground, I am getting a SPanish saddle for her, I think I would come straight off an English one! :rolleyes:


So Cueva and I will have a lesson with Nick every month, and then have a workplan in between, did not realise how bad I was at lunging :mecry: it will get better..

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I will stop rambling now sorry :(


Ramble away!


Sounds like an interesting place to work.


The school that I got Rolo from said that he needed hiis own person and I think they were right -he is developing quite a charachter now and seems to know that I am his person :)


Was so so chuffed with Mr Roly Mo last night - as you know he is incredibly touchy about the backs of his front legs beign touched - he would not even let us near them with a sponge just 3 weeks ago - well, last night I washed all 4 legs without a fuss! I was so pleased with him.


Vet came out this morning and sedated him and we clipped his legs back to see what was going on - they were not that bad, but I guess they have been very sore in the past. We then gave him a high trace clip - he was back with us for most of that and was as good as gold. He looks very smart! Will take piccies at weekend! :laugh:

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Glad it went well with the EE guy, I am sure everything will settle with the work you are doing with her :flowers:


Good boy Rolo :wub: Can't wait to see pics!


Had a lesson tonight, so finalised moving plans, we are going on Friday, and RI was off to arrange a hacking partner for me on Saturday and Sunday :ohmy: I did try and tell her I had no intention of riding for months until he settles but she was having none of it :laugh: Apparantly the person she is thinking off has a lovely unflappable mare who is fantastc to hack with.


She has conceeded it may be a good idea to save riding in the school under the lights until our lesson on Tuesday. He is spooky at the best of times but at one end of the school is kept a full set of show jumps (and their even scarier shadows :huh: ) even the most chilled horse spooks in that school :unsure: I will be doing plenty in hand in daylight stuff before Tuesday.


We have decided to travel him in our trailer, which we haven't done before, so that could be exciting :unsure: He has loaded into it ok but we have never gone anywhere, trailer has always been unacessable, although YO kindly took upon himself to tow it and leave it in the middle of the yard last week, do you think he was trying to tell us something :rolleyes:

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Oooo, cant wait for pics of the new yard :biggrin: esp when the x country course is eventually tested :D


i scanned some pics of bear today -from about 2 yrs ago after i took him out for a ride - so excuse the sweatyness - he tends not to over exert himself at the best of times lol - no idea what is happening with the reins! Hes a really lovely gentle horse would never bite or kick - however he has a bad habit of lifting his front leg when he wants a mint you have to watch he doesnt get your leg in the process - its not the lightest of legs lol






Took advanced ride out today and had a stuck up teenager on it. She kept riding sox up along side timmy who her friend was riding despite telling her a million times not to, then she kept asking if it was the advanced ride - sarcey cow - er no sorry my mistake you are on the beginners - we always let our beginners have five canters or so on the ride :angry: :angry: Then she had the cheek to complain to the manager when she got back that the ride was too short because we had set off early we had got back early. It is slightly shorter than other routes we take but its so wet and muddy on the other routes its impossible to canter -still 1hr 1/2 though.

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Mist: So glad things are moving forwards for you and Cueva. We need photos! :flowers:


Bradders: Good work with Rolo, thats great progress in three weeks, you must have put some work into it. Looking forward to the photos. :flowers:


Clare: Even I'm excited about the new yard! Hope there will be some photos :flowers:


Phoenix21: Bear does look rather lovely :)


Jackysian: You promised us Kane photos! :mad: :laugh:

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Aww Bear :wub: :wub: I love his ickle pink nose, I bet you have to pour on the sunscreen during the summer.


Xcounty may be some way off :laugh: , but hopefully once he has settled we will start his jumping education in the school soon :jumpy: which will definately be photographed, and given the way he jumps shadows it could be exciting :ohmy:

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Aww Bear :wub: :wub: I love his ickle pink nose, I bet you have to pour on the sunscreen during the summer.


Xcounty may be some way off :laugh: , but hopefully once he has settled we will start his jumping education in the school soon :jumpy: which will definately be photographed, and given the way he jumps shadows it could be exciting :ohmy:



Hes normally plastered in orange or blue sunblock which makes him look rather fetching lol. Good luck with the jumping - i can just picture him on that x country course :)

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Well we have moved and survived :)


Everything went very smoothly on Friday, he loaded and travelled like a dream bless him and settled into his stable really well, he was the only one in but happily tucked into his haynet, and he didn't get stressed when all the other horses came in. In fact he was much more settled in that stable than he has been for the last few months at the old yard.


Again this morning horses were coming and going from the yard and he was happy to stay in before I rode. I have to admit I had huge reservations about hacking him to start with, he grew about two hands at the mounting block and he boinged and flew through the air for the first 5 minutes, our hacking companion was miles behind so it was pretty much like hacking alone to start with. Then he settled to a bouncy walk for the rest of the time. Hacking is all off road, but no one mentioned parts of it is very close to a busy railway line :ohmy: although he seemed ok with this, a little suprised but then so was I :laugh:


Considering I have never ridden him off road before, and there was lots to look at being forestry land he was very good, the only thing he took exception to and squashed his hacking mate over was a gas clinder :wacko:


He was allowed to go out today but on his own as they like to do introductions with field mates on the yard before they are let loose. He was given a huge field to himself and he was so bemused and a little lost I think, after his small paddock at the old yard. I stood watching him for ages and he seemed to settle well, but I got a phone call a couple of hours later to say he had had a bit of a panic and wasn't settling down so they had bought him in but he was fine.


Weird at the last yard he was totally settled in the field regardless of where the other horses were, it was in his stable he would panic, but that seems to have reversed now :wacko:


Tomorrow he will go out for a few hours morning and afternoon while I am there and then on Monday he will be introduced to the other three horses he will be sharing with.


I am hacking again tomorrow with the same person, can't say I am looking forward to it (due to me, not the nice patient person I am hacking with!) it but has to be done :rolleyes:


So far so good, everyone seems friendly, I am enjoying having people to talk to and generally having company, and I think Loki likes it already. Everyone seems to like Loki, even though he has dug up the competition field today, after me saying he doesn't charge around :rolleyes: sorry to anyone planning compete there this year :ninja:

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Yeay - things sound good am sure it will take a while for him to settle properly and make friends :) bet hes a bit overwhelmed with all the space!. Naughty Loki messing up the competition field :laugh: dont animals always do that - u say they dont do something and then they go and do it!


good luck hacking tomorrow and pics of him and new yard please asap :biggrin: :flowers: dont think its supposed to be as windy tomorrow which might help for hacking out.

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