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Reiki healing


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Thank you very much Ange! :GroupHug: Really needing a miracle now, as Biggs has not made any recovery on the antibios and is showing new symptoms. We're off to the vets this morning, and I have a feeling this will be his last trip - while he's still pretty active, we don't want him to go downhill further, so it's miracles or time to let go. He's only 6 months old too. :mecry:


Here is his photo if it helps anyone:





<With his brother Fang, Biggs on the right>


Given that he's likely to be making his way over this morning, if anyone can help make his journey easier (if that's possible?), we'd much appreciate it. We're in at 9.20am.

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My friend has asked if I could add her horse to this thread. The lovely Logic was found in her field upside down in a ditch, she has bad head injuries where she was thrashing around before being found and rescued by the fire brigade.


Logic is fighting hard but some healing would be very much appreciated.


Here is Logic :wub:




Thank you :flowers:

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Please could you send Reiki for Dusty my lovely bunny?

She hasn't been too good since losing her companion earlier this year :(


She developed snuffles which is a serious and debilitating illness and then she got two huge abcesses in her face which we cleared up with a great deal of effort. Following that we found a lump in her groin and she started to have bladder incontinence which in turn caused urine scald. We have managed the condition pretty well with lots of daily washing and protective creams etc. I eventually found a good rabbit vet as our own vet said he could do no more. I took her to the specialist last Wednesday and she had a lot of tests and a couple of xrays and it showed that she has an iningual hernia and needs an operation. I should have her blood results on Tuesday and if they are ok she will have surgery on Thursday.

It is very risky but it is the only way she will get relief from this problem. Things could go wrong but I have confidence in the vet who is doing the op. The rest is in the lap of the Gods as they say.

I know that Reiki is going to help her a lot :)


Dusty Bunny






Despite all she has gone through she is so strong willed and keeps going :wub: she is eating well and running and hopping about in her garden. In the 30 years that I have kept rabbits I have never known one so brave :wub:

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Could you send some Reiki for my ex father in law? He has MSA (muliple symptom atrophy). A dreadful disease for such a fantastic, loving and proud man to have.

When reiki was sent to my mum, she was very calm. If it has the same effect for Richard it would be great.




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Can I please ask for healing thought for my best friends mum, we have just learned that she has only a few months to live, she had cancer removed from her lung a couple of months ago and we have just been told that it is in the lymph nodes in her chest. She has been offered chemo but she has been told it will only give her another two months so she's not sure she wants to go through that.

This is Ella who is a lovely woman and a good laugh.



Thank you very very much


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Lots of Reiki to all.


Sproggie, hope it was peaceful for him, he'll be all better now. :GroupHug: to you.



Terri, there are natural treatments can help with cancer if Ella is interested - Homeopathy plus this lot and more that I'm not aware of I'm sure


Plenty Homeopaths about.




Some 'hands - on' Reiki I'm sure would be good too. If she's in this area and wants, I can see if I can put her in touch with anyone near.

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