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Januarys Jazzy Jests


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I have been having impressions done too, Yantan.


Previously , it was like Jazz says-soft , putty like material to get impression and plate made from that.


This time I had two impressins made with soft stuff, came back for nex appointment and a fixed impression had been made. Dentist checked it fitted then it went back for a denture to be made from that one.


Next appointment, the denture was checked to see it was a good fit and the colour was okay.


Now a final one will be made from that one.


Whew, 4 appointments when two years ago it was one for an impression and the denture the next one.


I mentioned to the dental nurse that I had never had so many appointments for a denture and she said that now they were doing a more through job to get a better fit.



Sorry to hear of the lady losing her pets together.


One of my neighbours lost one of her dogs suddenly on Monday. He had been for a walk and was dotting about a friend's garden while she had a coffee. She could see him out the window and he was fine. When she went out to go home he was standing with his head down. He refused to walk home so she carried him- he was a JR- home where he just lay on his bed, shivering. She thought he had maybe eaten something. However he was really down and limp so she took him to the vets.


They did a scan and found a large mass in his abdomen. By this time he was in shock so they decided to let him go peacefully.


They don't know exactly how old he was as they acquired from somebody from who didn't want him any more but think he was about 12 years.


We are having warm, sunny days this week. 11-12 degrees- last Thursday we had 4 inches of snow.

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Cheeseuz Jazz he sounds as good as the doctor I saw at the pain clinic whose recommendations for my sore shoulder was to get an exercise bike and have a couple of toddies before bed! I complained to my GP about him and she put in a complaint {she was as gobsmacked as I was!)


Talking of medics I went for my appointment this morning after being called back. My liver enzyme count is up again. I had to go back this afternoon for more bloods and my GP will book an ultra scan.


What a nice girl Holly is who our DW has taken on to help. She comes for Archie on a Thursday with Naomi herself taking him out on a Friday - for now. It will likely change when she has the baby. We have been so lucky with our DW's!

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when I told the arthritis doctor about him yesterday he just waved his hand, ill tae that as to ignore him


ive lost my dog walker. Id like to take these out on the scooter but I cant walk on grass or mud so cant pick up the poo, so cant take them. they could be on a normal lead I suppose but no fun for them

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Blackmagic, that is very sad. Poor old fellow.


Hope you can get another walker, Jazz.


At least the doctor you didn't like admits there is something wrong.


There are some very strange people around in the medical profession. I thought most of them knew better now but maybe not. I went to one when I was at uni and very lame with water on both knees. The doctor asked me what I did, and when I said I was a student he said my problem was laziness and never taking exercise. I explained that I cycled 15 miles a day at least, played badminton every week plus regular swimming, dancing and canoeing. Unfazed, he replied that none of that was exercise. Cycling and canoeing are sedentary activities, swimming and dancing are certainly not exercise, and badminton is a lazy game for lazy people. His recommended cure was to play squash every day. I changed to a different doctor who diagnosed over-exercising and told me to put my feet up more.

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Our GP recently told us of when he was a junior doctor and his consultant wanted to operate on a woman.


Andreas looked through her notes and said an operation was not appropriate as they did not have enough information. He thought the consultant was going to hit him, he was so angry that he, a junior doctor, should query him, a consultant.


As it turned out the woman did not get an operation for other reasons.


10 years later he was reading a paper and noticed an article about a consultant who had been struck off for operating unnecessarily. Yes it was the same guy.

But it took 10 years for it to happen.

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Must agree about doctors! When my knee was giving me major problems I was referred to a consultant at the local hospital. I told him I thought it was my cartilage, he said no, it isn't because I can't feel it clicking. Well, can I have an MRI? no, do you realise what those cost? He gave me a very solid brace to wear and referred me to the physios. First thing the physio said was get rid of the brace, it'll do more harm than good! A year later I saw a different consultant, who still said not cartilage but did order an MRI. Guess what? I was right all along! I've seen three different consultants in the haematology department and they all have different opinions. It's very confusing.


Blackmagic, I don't understand why the medical profession are so slow at dealing with inefficient or downright dangerous practitioners. It was in the paper the other day, a woman died after a caesarean due to a big mistake by the anaesthetist and he'd been hauled up a few months before for nearly killing another woman but not taken off duty.

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We have had dealings with a GP this week being an arse. We had a lady in for a pre assessment and she was having to use her angina spray every day (which is not great as it means her angina is unstable). I wrote to the GP asking if they could confirm her fitness to proceed with surgery - the patient went to see them and his words were 'well they've assessed you, they can decide if you are fit to have surgery' and then they got all shirty about sharing any medical information with us as the patient had been referred to us by their optician and not themselves (which is where 90% of referrals come from, the rest are bumped from eye hospital waiting lists). I'm sure the GP would be first in the queue to criticise if we did go ahead with surgery on an unstable angina patient and something bad happen to them :rolleyes:


In other news, I was supposed to have my wire changed on my brace today. Organised it so I could leave work early etc. Got a phone call this morning to say that the dentist had to leave at lunchtime to work somewhere else (this is after they cancelled my original appointment and moved it to today). I went a bit crazy bonkers (but politely). Funnily when I started complaining about how unprofessional and unacceptable the situation was, the woman couldn't hear me as she claimed the line was breaking up. I put the phone down on her in the end. Don't know what I'm going to do now. I've got a brace stuck to my teeth that I've paid for and no dentist around to change the wire :unsure: I've sent an email to the practice manager and the company who suppliers the braces complaining about the service.

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A few years ago my husband regurgitated 'some brown liquid' while under the anaesthetic. They had to stop the op and fling him upright to stop him inhaling it.


(AS a result he had a cracked vertibrae and a trapped nerve in his spine due to the spine being overextended as his body was limp.


The anaesthetist visited him in the ward afterwards to check he was okay. When the surgeon visited him Jim mentioned that she had visited him. The surgeon replied 'She? There was no woman in my theatre.' There were actually two woman anaesthetists in the theatre according to his notes.


It doesn't really inspire confidence does it?

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It's a lovely bright frosty morning here, yay!


One of the neighbours got us outside last night to see a bright light she'd noticed in the sky. I have never seen anything so bright. We came to the conclusion that it was either Venus or the space station which, when I checked, is supposedly visible over our area for the next few nights. Anyone know if we were on the right tracks?

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