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December's Dingly Danglys


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Just found out that some very good friends got flooded out over at Eamont Bridge near Penrith. We are going to try and get over and help them at the weekend but we will have to make a long roundabout journey to get to them. They said they have been overwhelmed by the kindness of the local community. Newton Rigg, the local agricultural college, sent a van load of food for them and their neighbours, Morrisons supermarket turned up with yet more, a local hotel sent tureens of home-made soup and rolls, the friends of a neighbour got their own neighbours together and they arrived with blankets, food and cleaning essentials. Others took them all into their homes for Saturday night. One old chap living on his own had eight people stay over. The owners of a caravan and chalet park opened up on Sunday and have given them all free accommodation for as long as they need it. Our friends are in a luxurious chalet which, they tell me, is out of this world with the most fantastic views. Today is the first day they have been able to get back to their house but the insurer assessor was waiting for them and has given them the go-ahead to start the clean up, repairs and purchase of all the things they have lost. However some of their neighbours didn't have flood coverage :ohmy:

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When we bought our house in Buckinghamshire it was a nightmare.


Our offer was accepted in April but anything that could go wrong did go wrong.


We had sold in Scotland and our furniture was in storage. We were staying with my BiL in Maidenhead.


Our sellers had 'bought' a bungalow in the village. The old couple selling it had moved out and had given our sellers a key to move some of thier stuff.


So we were all ready to go.


Our lawyer and the seller's lawyer were in the same building so no delays there.


But things went missing or didn't arrive.


At the last minute it was discovered that the bungalow had been built on land that had a covenant on it preventing anything being built there. But it had been there for 100 years along with others.


So an indemnity policy had to be taken out. No problem.


After 8 months we were set to move in. Our furniture left Scotland on the Monday to arrive Thursday- moving day.


On Tuesday night we got a phone call from our sellers to ask if our lawyer had been in touch. No.


Their Building Society was not releasing the money until Thursday- in London. So completion could not go ahead on Thursday.


Remember , our furniture was already on the road.


When we contacted our lawyer on Wednesday he said he had not wanted to worry us, hoping something could be worked out.


Our seller offered to travel into London to collect the cheque from the BS but his lawyer said he would go, which is what happened.


Meanwhile we had arranged to meet our sellers at the house at 11am and they would give us a key. They had already moved in to the bungalow.


Our lawyer was horrified when he found but we were actually in the house for a month before we completed.


Our lawyer said he had only had one other sale which had had so many problems and that was his brother's house.


All the time our seller was terrified that we would pull out of the sale.




I only send a dozen cards. Local ones are handed out.


I only give presents to immediate family.



W e are going down to Edinburgh for Christmas and face a big detour and congestion because the Forth Road Bridge is closed. Oh happy days.

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Mum and dad were in penrith recently, so sorry for your friends Yantan

Wow, what a palaver blackmagic

My diez was the worst moulter ever Louise....deags is giving her a good run for her money lol

just had our walk in our pink flashing collars, lights and glow balls, it was that dark i chucked the ball and deags jumped into a puddle lol she is filthy

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What a nightmare with the house move....

When I bought my house, it was a nightmare trying to get it sorted. I got my mortgage offer, but then bought a car on finance, so the mortgage company changed their mind. Then the seller (he was a property developer who bought my house before the property crash, gutted it, renovated it and had to sell it for a loss) put it back on the market, even though I was in the process of getting all the surveys done and had a plan in action to get the mortgage company to reissue the mortgage. The first thing I knew was when I drove past it and there was a for sale board outside. If it wasn't for my dad getting involved (I was only 23 and had no idea how to deal with a****** property developers), I probably wouldn't have got my house.


In other news. My Christmas tree fainted today :laugh: :rolleyes: I think a certain tabby cat may have had something to do with it :unsure:

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The trouble with buying quality, solid wood furniture is that it's extremely cumbersome to move (v heavy!). I've moved a couple of drawer units and moved an armchair upstairs, which was a pain in the baps and my back is hurting me. Lots more stuff to do but am having lunch first.

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Merledogs, is there no one could give you a lift with the furniture? i do worry about you lugging stuff about on your own

Hope the sky man has sorted you out Jazz

printed some stuff for training and took the food delivery for the cat and the dogs and cats choccy buttons and will walk them later and that is me done

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Wow, that was a real nightmare moving story, it would be enough to put you off ever moving again!


I had a surprise last night, phone went and an unfamiliar voice said Sue? I'm the person who's going to do your home check. You could have knocked me down with the proverbial, this is for a rescue that I told weeks and weeks ago that we would be interested in fostering for them, I thought they'd forgotten me. Typical, now we've seen a pup we might like at the RSPCA. She's coming tomorrow morning. Sounds very pleasant, certainly very chatty. Very very very chatty!

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