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I've been living in the Home For The Terminally Bewildered for quite some time - it'll be nice to see some new faces however don't expect me to remember who you are or where we met for more than 5 mins!


Baddie update: yesterday amidst all the posting problems I attempted to update those of you who aren't on facebook with whats been going on with Baddie the past week only for it to refuse to post and me losing my temper and closing the window before saving everything I'd written anywhoo short version is Baddie has been quite unwell - severe pain not controlled by increasingly high dosages of meds to the point where the amount of pain killers he is on was more appropriate for a ruddy elephant than a greyhound and yet he was STILL in awful pain. We were pretty much at the vet every day including out of hours over the weekend initially the thinking was his arthritis in his elbow/shoulder then it became a possible soft tissue injury to his back or neck plus the arthritis, and then concerns crept in about meningitis and/or tumors. Anyway yesterday I took him for acupuncture and he had yet another thorough examination and it was found that he has a raging infection in his gums as well as the arthritis flare up and sore muscles. He's now got AB's ontop of the pain killers and anti inflammatory and he had a mild dose of acupuncture, the difference has been quite dramatic! He is MUCH happier in himself today he's getting up and down much more fluidly and with only the occasional yip - when he is up and moving he loosens up pretty quickly and has been trotting around the garden and toileting regularly where as before he was refusing to wee at all. He even looks more relaxed when he is laying down sleeping more importantly this morning he went back to his regular morning routine of asking to go out to "patrol" the garden and has spent the usual amount of time out there quite contentedly sniffing around and trotting from one bush to the next.

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im glad hes feeling better xxx


the men are here, the fence came down in minutes. im feeling emotional about the fence, silly moo!


ill dribble next to you. the silly things I do. the times I got in the shower fully clothed. I cant keep a conversation going.


got a call from the man sorting out the wetroom. suddenly the housing association, adaptions department, want to do it. where have they been since march? so now they have to go to everyone ive spoken to, to see whats been done. so I doubt if it will be done in the next 2 months. great. I did stop myself from getting annoyed with her, you would have been proud

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I always try and remember the old adage "she who loses her temper loses the argument" in times of stress Alica. Well done for remaining calm.


Aw poor Baddie but it's good to hear he's feeling better today. I hope he soon's back to feeling a 100% his old self.


Police officer has been, spent almost 3 hours here. I need to eat and have a cuppa so will update later. It might be later later as I also got a delivery of work so need to get that started.

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so now.....

told the workman about the paving slabs that have sunk, he said there is a water leak somewhere, so ive rung the repairs, they will send someone out

one week, just one week of nothing going wrong, its not a lot to ask! is it?

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Glad to hear Baddie is on the mend Snow!


Oh dear Jazz, seems to be one problem after another..hopefully this is the last.


We've had to shelve the idea of another dog. Husband's work sent round an email, they will be making 700 redundancies over the three centres. People are invited to apply for voluntary redundancy and then when that's sorted, they will tell others who is going and who is staying. This will be the third time they've done this, he's been lucky twice but we don't want to count our chickens and taking on another dog then finding he's out of work...nope.

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I am glad Baddie is feeling a bit better , I have had acupuncture myself and its worked so I am sure it works on animals as well.


Gru has horrific hip displaciya and arthritis and we don't have the same range of drugs here as the UK so he is on daily Rimaydil , Yumove ( Glucosamine ) which we import from the UK , Tumeric paste ( which does seem to work ) and if he had a really bad day I have a bottle of Vetergesic ( Opiod ) which we import from the UK for the surgery dogs and I can inject him which thankfully I have not had to do yet. My vets want to look at surgery but we will need a UK specialist to come out and do it as no one here has ever been trained , we also need a saw that costs £1000 and my vets ordered it via their private business which actually made me cry when they told me , they would get to use on other dogs and recoup their costs but its a vast sum of money here and they fact they did it because they know his current life expectancy is 4-5 years and they wanted to find a way to extend it was so touching.



I am back at Physio tomorrow for more dry needling which is very similar to acupuncture and releases tension in my quads which is my big issue , I am also having pilates on the reformer ( odd looking machine but very effective )


I have finally found some exercise I can manage for more than a day ! , I have a RIP 60 suspension system which means I can use my upper body strength to help me not fall over and build up the strength in my legs with squats which the physio is keen I do . I am hoping I have finally cracked it and with my diet changes and I have finally started to shed some of the 20 + pounds I have gained since stuffing my knee which of course put more pressure on my knee and stopped me exercising which depressed me so I ate crap and drank beer ( silly silly silly squirrel )


I plan to be a stream line squirrel with fully functioning knees by christmas , this christmas hopefully but if not next christmas :)

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We've had to shelve the idea of another dog. Husband's work sent round an email, they will be making 700 redundancies over the three centres. People are invited to apply for voluntary redundancy and then when that's sorted, they will tell others who is going and who is staying. This will be the third time they've done this, he's been lucky twice but we don't want to count our chickens and taking on another dog then finding he's out of work...nope.


Oh dear thats so worrying for you both , I hope his position is safe and the redundancies can be filled by people who want to take voluntary retirement / redundancy

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I hope he keeps his job xxx

the dogs are fine on their holidays, which is a relief, as they will be back there when I have my wrist done

I have to tell the doctor im back on the sweets. its good my appetite has come back, but im stuffing it in

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So it wasn't just me yesterday, it really was National Stupidity Day.


Today started well with a call from estate agent to say my bid has been accepted. If all goes well I can expect to move late Oct or early Nov. There is a very short chain behind me and nothing ahead of me, house having been vacant for a long time.


Suzeanna, not again! I remember the last time.

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Good news Owl :)


Your vets are all so lovely Sam :flowers:


Hope your hubby keeps his job Suzeanna :flowers:


Am so mad right now. I ordered my protein supplies and it was delivered today whilst I was out. So the driver left it under a chair in my front garden. When I got home; my front gate was wide open and there was no parcel to be seen :angry: There was £80 worth of stuff in there. My window cleaners have been today, so am wondering if they saw if the parcel was still there when they cleaned (or whether they nicked it themselves....)

Am really hoping that it gets sorted asap, I'm busy enough without having to faff about arguing between the delivery company and the retailer.

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