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Octobers Oral Posts


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I have the lurgy - the dreaded flu bug got me, took me a bit by surprise as Rob started with it over the weekend and I mistakenly thought if I was going to get it then it would be at least a week before it incubated - instead over the course of yesterday morning I went from waking up with a mildly sore throat that I put down to maybe snoring, to feeling like hell and explosive disabling coughing fits that made my throat feel like it was lined with battery acid and razor blades. Then I lost my voice completely - not even a squeaky wheeze or whisper absolutely nothing at all. I've barely slept a wink last night - had to get up every 2 hours as the coughing was unbearable, even when I did "sleep" I was aware if you know what I mean, one min too hot next too cold, and a very weird sensation of my top half feeling like it was in a sauna whilst my feet were like blocks of ice. Spent a lot of the night sitting in the dark in my office drinking can after can of cold diet coke trying to cool down and numb my throat. Went back to bed at 7am and actually went to sleep only for Rob to wake me up at 8:45 to say he was going to work grrrr I kinda sorta have my voice back - though Rob says I sound like Joe Pasquale doing an impression of Barry White :confused: but I have no energy at all and am still in my pj's thinking of going back to bed.

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Hey L&H :wavey:


Jazz - happy new topper :) I've ordered another one which I've asked to be delivered on Friday cos I'm working from home.


Had some news at work today - my boss's boss is leaving and we are moving to a different department. Time will tell whether it's a good move or not but I'm keeping an open mind.

Edited by merledogs
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it came today, got worried as it was in a box of duvets lol later read the box that said they recycle

my friend will hopefully put it on tomorrow


I put a picture of jerry lee, the 1 eyed maltese on my profile, my friend said she saw it on 2 adverts not long after!

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Merledogs, i hope that the move makes things better for you

Jazz, was it people copying the image to advertise dogs for sale?

Hi Laurel and hardy

i have just taken deagan for her first walk...ran into some kids who asked if i had just found her...she was in a coat and on a lead and collar! then i was asked was she a JRT...errr nope a staffy which was met with looks of terror, she is 13 weeks old white and cute, mad how a breed name can change her from being lovely into something to be scared of. May be off for a couple of beers tonight as it is my birthday and may treat me and my dad to a takeaway...sod the diet Lol

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