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If thats your first time with BPV then its very scary indeed Alex and truthfully thats the worst it'll be as you do get used to it and compensate for it. With driving I'd give it a miss today if you can until you get used to the weirdness if you do have to drive then turn your whole head slowly and steadily don't just flick your eyes up, down, left & right as that will make the dizziness worse. The trick with it is to do everything more slowly and positively when changing your body or head position, and use the banister when going up or down stairs, I also tend to keep one hand on the wall lightly when moving around a room or hallway if I can - in your shoes I'd also give poo picking in the garden a miss for today as bending and straightening can trigger the dizzy spells quite badly i've almost done a header face down into the poo a few times when I don't take my own advice lol. Same when putting food/water down for the dogs, try and keep one hand on something to steady yourself as you bend and straighten. You'd be surprised how often we unconsciously change our head positions so damned fast over the course of a day and even a minor change can trigger the dizziness, so slow and steady will help as you adjust.


Hopefully the pills will help, I tend to take an antihistamine at the first sign of my vertigo flaring up and I found these booklets really helpful to understand and manage my symptoms etc.

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oh Dear Merledogs, i had a balance issue when my grommets came out... they put me on anti psychotics Lol, it is a really terrible feeling, hope you are soon better.... does this mean you will now get some time off work?

Gooster, sorry to hear you are being mucked about

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:GroupHug: :grouphug: Alex. Hope you are feeling better soon.


Forgot to take my happy pill last night before bed, so took it this morning instead. I had been taking them at night as they were making me sleepy during the day. Just woken up from a 2 hour sleep, so am guessing that taking them at night is the best thing to do :laugh: Am a bit annoyed with myself as I wanted to do ride Blue this afternoon, but it'll be pushing it for time and light now :rolleyes: Never mind :)

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Hope your okay Alex


Have you ever had a day where you think everything is crap and you whinge and whine heaps ?


Well that was me today , week of monsoon rains , sore knee , no internet at home or on phome , laptop playing up yadda yadda


I was little miss woe is meand self obsessed squirrel until

l I read an email I received in error


it was from a NHS hospital bereavement service to a couple making arrangements for them to see their dead child before the undertakers came


I felt 4 inches tall after reading it , what a idiot I had been all day




p.s emailed back and explained email came to wrong address

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I know what you mean Snow, have been full of woe myself until i got chatting to a guy at work and he was saying how hes dreading christmas as his wife died recently so it'll be his and his 11yr old son first christmas without her. That gave me the kick up the ass i needed and even though i'm still tending to still be woeful i just remember him and what they'll be going through.

Hope you're ok Alex

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there is always someone worse off, but when its you that's having a bad time, it doesn't take that away.


what do you give a dog with a bad stomach please? jerry lee doesn't feel well. I gave her a little bit of breakfast to see what she would do. she happily ate that. shes stretching, and quite flat. she messed in the night, never done that before, she told me after she had done it lol

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Pepto Bismol is good for poorly tummies.


Managed to take the dogs out today without staggering all over the place. The tablets they gave me made me sleep most of yesterday so I took one last night before bed and haven't taken once since. If I start feeling dizzy again I'll take half of one and see how I get on.

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Sam just came across a listing on ebay for "Friends of The Greyhounds" which is selling stuff to raise funds for greyhound rescue and they have several sets of the Elephant Dung stationary which they say Dogstar gave them to sell to raise funds. Do Dogstar sell the sets direct like you did a few years ago? Can't find your shop (if you have one) on your website.

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Hi Snow , cripes thats a blast from the psst


I gave those sets along with my tables , gazebos and all my fundraising stock to a local greyhound group near my mum when I left the UK as I had no one in the UK to fundraise for me and I wanted dogs to benefit from the items.


We don't sell the poo paper items currently but I can pop into the factory and pick up new items if people were Intrested again


We do a gift card via out Facebook shop and the envelope is made of poo paper !!!


We don't have a website shop now just a Facebook one because mark and I run It ourselves and we no longer manage the website ( except the blog )

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its nice here. been out without a coat. the dogs love the meaty morsel rings, so got 3 bags, then remembered ive ordered their treats, so they will love me lol


I gave a load of towels away, then bought for the first time in my life, a brand new towel bale, in hot pink. Put one on the sofa while the dogs towel was being washed, and they clawed it to pieces. so just bought 2 more from the charity shop. no new ones being bought, ever! lol

I got middle rate care, and got a letter offering me another benefit to go with it, yes please, so sent that form off


that's me done for the day

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Moaning :tired:


Marion - thanks for asking. I'm much better but the tablets they gave me make me really drowsy, so I took half of one Sunday night and nothing yesterday and felt fine. Took another half last night but feeling a bit wobbly this morning, so will need to take another half I think. I normally refuse to take tablets which make me drowsy because I hate the out of control feeling but I need to be able to walk in a straight line :rolleyes:


I wish they'd hurry up and tell me how much bonus/pay rise I'm getting this year. HMRC rules say that they can't tell us until after the deadline is closed for people to decide if they want any of their bonus to go into the pension pot for some reason and I think the closing date for that is end October. Stupid rools!


The big project I've worked on for the past 12 months is finally at a stage where we are ready to award contracts. Bit more work to be done on negotiating with suppliers on pricing, then the contract negotiations/implementation will begin, which will be a pain but at least we can see light at the end of the tunnel.

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