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Julys Jolly Japes


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I hope you are all prepared for the coming heatwave. 26C forecast for Monday - yikes!


I've had Eve here this morning. She wasn't well, no doubt something picked up from her day at nursery on Wednesday. She didn't complain much but wasn't totally her usual lively self although we did have a few giggles. She went to sleep on my knee but after a half-hour the bloody meter reader came and of course Archie barked like crazy when he knocked at the door. I did get the little 'un back to sleep but it was more a series of power naps of 10 minutes each.


I'd like some lunch but don't know what I want.


Jayne if you want to pop up here I will give you a big Yantan hug and you can sit on my knee like Evie and have that cry although I would prefer you didn't do an Evie and plump my boobs up for a pillow. Thank you.

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Owl, sorry to hear you are having computer probs

Yantan, Archie is a lucky boy with those wonderful walks he gets, hope evie is soon better

Gooster hope you are feeling better today?

I was at the hospital today, had the camera up both nostrils, was offered a hearing aid...knocked that back, offered me surgery but unlikely to get the hearing back and most likely to get an infection so turned it down, basically a waste of my time! back up there again monday for my nerve testing and then tuesday for my private consultation to find out what these damn sores are..... £250 would you believe plus the cost of my biopsies!!!!!

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ive been up since 3 with the pitbull ripping more of the fence apart.

the grandson has taken the dog but she thinks he will bring him back. ive rung the housing association, they will come with the police and assess the dog if he does come back, and to ring the police if he is back ripping the fences.

my friend has taken the dogs, but doesn't look like the fence will be fixed quickly, as the hole is 3 foot high and 2 foot across. I think taking the panel off, turning it upside down, will work for now. ill suggest it tomorrow

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its so weird without the dogs! I had the bed to myself, nobody trying to sleep in my ribcage or spine, no yorkie alarm clock. I had to think what I needed to do and what order! lol

I need to get someone to sort the fence today!


ooo breakfast! no merlin to tell me to eat lol

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Moaning :tired:


Glad you got your fence fixed jazz :flowers:


First I heard of the thunderstorm was Timmy whizzing into the bedroom and landing on my head :rolleyes: It wasn't a very loud one, just rumbles off in the distance but it rained and rained and rained most of yesterday. Some d*ckhead was letting off fireworks last night, felt like it was right outside the bedroom window :mad:

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