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December Random Merry Fumblings


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I don't believe it!!!!! :angry:


Nico has been mugged for his coat! While out this morning he was out of sight for a couple of minutes, when he came back it was minus his coat. It was buckled very securely, no velcro so it needs unfastening for it to come off, he's so damn friendly he'll go to anyone for a fuss. So someone had to take it off!


We looked all over the place for it, but its gone. I know it was only an old coat, very old in fact. But everyone of my dogs have worn it at some time or another so it holds many memories for me. I'm rather upset and bloody angry. :mecry: :mecry:

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Lizzie, how petty and nasty of the person to do that. How would they like it if someone pulled their coat off and left them to walk home without it? Keep your eyes peeled, and maybe you will see it on someone's dog ...


We have been out in the woods and Wispa had a gentle game with her rather sedate friend Chic the ridgeless ridgeback. And then after we said goodbye to him ... she startled a muntjac! Neither of us had ever seen one before even though they are all over the place. We didn't see it until it moved, it was so well camouflaged against the carpet of snow, branches and leaf litter. Luckily it had a good start as Wispa was trying to work out what on earth it was before she gave chase. It could get through thick brush and low holly bushes a lot faster than she can, it moved like a turbo charged hare and then just seemed to vanish into thin air. In future I will make a bit of noise as we enter the wood, to warn any deer who may be there to make themselves scarce.

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morning. I am on kennel shovelling duties. Problem is, the water has frozen in the hosepipes, and we have only cold water from the taps. running a relay from my hot water taps in the house to try and clean the place without using enough water to freeze it all up and have the dogs skating round their kennels :wacko:



I guess Im real lucky then cos Ive had running water since yesterday.....


The water tank froze in the loft pushing the over flow pipe out. Of course the weather men got it right and it all defrosted. Just to the right of my bed.

The Disney theme park is still on going in the yard only its not quite so attractive with melting snow.

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ast weekend, I had no water in the house at all, and just one cold tap in the kennels. That relay was far more fun :laugh: We still have all the snow and ice that arrived initially so, whilst not quite your disney outside, its pretty to look at and bloody murder to work in

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