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Back from Wales, not the best of trips, got everything I wanted but also got abused, assaulted and harrangued in the center of Cardiff by some ignorant woman on some kinda moral crusade against smokers - frankly thats EXACTLY the kind of thing that this sodding anti smoking campaign is responsible for, I have ALWAYS gone out of my way to be curtious and considerate on non smokers but you know what?? Stuff it!

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I am ever so tired and sleepy, but have done very little today. Can't decide if I am just very tired or if it's because I've done very little today :rolleyes:


Roast lamb is in the oven so that will either send me to sleep completely or liven me up. Then we've got the Right Stuff to watch :wub:

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Back from Wales, not the best of trips, got everything I wanted but also got abused, assaulted and harrangued in the center of Cardiff by some ignorant woman on some kinda moral crusade against smokers - frankly thats EXACTLY the kind of thing that this sodding anti smoking campaign is responsible for, I have ALWAYS gone out of my way to be curtious and considerate on non smokers but you know what?? Stuff it!


How rude and horrid of her :angry: Most of us non-smokers aren't like that, and we do appreciate when smokers are considerate. I suspect if she hadn't had smokers to target, she would have latched on to something else. In Cardiff though ... are you sure it wasn't an alien from another time/place/dimension? You meet all sorts there.


Must have been a day for it - I got into a row at Hopwood Services on the way home. Mike was taking Stevie hound for a stroll and missed it all, and I'm certain it wouldn't have happened if he had been there. I opened the passenger door and just touched the door of the next car with the rubber trim, the slightest tap, no damage and although I said sorry I can't have done the amount of grovelling expected by the driver. He was a very smart executive type person in a suit and thought it was OK to speak to me as if I am dirt on the ground. I was very good and did not swear or insult him at all, I just said I wouldn't be spoken to like that. He came up with a load of psychology stuff about my problem in accepting criticism and my bad attitude blah blah. I said again that I was sorry, but as it was a slight touch and not even a tiny mark I thought he was way out of order. Then he yelled at the top of his voice, "You really have issues dealing with your anger, don't you?" and I replied no, it was he who couldn't deal with my anger. He said I must be insane, got back into his car, and then when I walked away he followed me and started up again. He was livid. He said I know exactly what you are doing, you are talking to me as if I am a dog. I was astounded. I had forgotten I was wearing a Doglost shirt with big logo on the back. He told me to get in my car and leave immediately. I pointed out that I was a passenger and could hardly leave the driver behind. He suddenly deflated, having realised he wasn't just dealing with me. Not another squeak, and he left before we did. He was probably right about me speaking to him as if he was a dog - I didn't lose control or yell but made it clear that no nonsense would be allowed. He, by contrast, was talking to me as though I were an employee. I will say a prayer for everyone who works for him.


Love the snail pic, Rachael.


Won't get my car back until tomorrow or Weds, so can't go and get girls. Got a robo and 4 snails for company anyway :wub:


Tikka, you know that if you get rainwater in your skip you have to tip it up and empty it out? Tis the law.

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Tikka, you know that if you get rainwater in your skip you have to tip it up and empty it out? Tis the law.


I did not know that :unsure: best have spinach for dinner :laugh:


I told the Squiggs yesterday that I am making Dex sleep in the skip to guard against midnight tippers. Just try putting an illicit sofa on top of a dobermann :mad:


What a twonkbloke, what right has he to ask someone to leave the services, pillock of the highest order methinks :handjob


Hope your car is fixed soon so you can get your girls home


How is mummyowl doing btw :flowers:

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MummyOwl is doing very well indeed. She is eating better, but is violently sick if she tastes any kind of meat so has had to go veggie! She is rather hoping this is not a permanent situation, but I have been telling her about all the yummy Quorn things you can get now. Probably another week in hospital and a fortnight in convalescence and then home.

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XFIL dies saturday-feel oddly devestated.

he was a funny bugger who i didnt see eye to eye with...but feels like the end of an era following on from so many older people dying in the wider family......

trying to support in laws...without excluding current OH.


feel very sad



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I got soaked walking the dogs so we all got dried off and have had a long nap so there's not much in my skip :unsure:



Dreaming of little Marks make NOT ligtht work :rolleyes:


Wendy work harder on the camp sites :rolleyes:


I missed half of Torchwood :mecry: hopefully it was recorded as well :unsure:

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