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August's Aspirations.


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Ewwwww, burnt egg smell is vile

Awww i love mice, had a pet one when i was growing up

Well I made it to where i was meant to be, wish i hadn't bothered, found out one of the young lads had killed himself, my mate who i had gone specially to see refuses to go in but came in to see me and then when i got up my local i was getting chatted up by someone i really don't fancy..never have and never would! I have known him since i was 16 and he has always been trying to crack onto me...usually i just shrug it off but it's getting a bit uncomfortable now, i won't be going in the pub for a good while i don't think lol

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Sorry your night out was a disaster Griff...better luck next time.


The saga of the mice continues..I saw Candy very excitedly running up and down, head down and suddenly batting out with her paw and found yet another mouse! Picked it up and put it in the dense vegetation (well, weeds but vegetation sounds better.) Walking back down the path, glanced down at the edge of the lawn and blow me down, there was another one! Sent it to join its sibling and hauled a very reluctant dog indoors. Having read that mice can have up to 11 in a litter, and breed every three weeks, I'm resigned to a rather mouse ridden few months.

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Oh dear Suzeanna, we had a couple living in our be fair, the dogs were very interested but the mice got wise to them very very quickly

Yeah, was a bit of a bad night much going on, the club where i have spent most of my life drinking has changed and sadly not for the better, for the first time ever in it's history they had a doorman on the door!! they have got shot of happy hour, apparently they are trying to discourage certain customers...they have lost most of the regulars as they took the bass out and the one chap who spent about £80 a week in there only drinks bass..he was their one regular and he has gone across the road to another's ridiculous, the steward is not doing his job right at all, far to concerned with being pals with the young lads

Having to deal with unwanted attention isn't usually an issue for me at all, however, this person lives across the road...i don't want to hurt his feelings but i have tried being polite about it and just sort of brushing him off gently but it's getting more and more difficult...i think i am just going to have to tell him straight and hope that he takes it on board...mind you, you would have thought after 20 years of him trying and me ignoring it he would have got the hint, it's so bad i even run into him walking the dogs and he is whistling at me in the street which is very embarassing

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I was going to ask is he quite right in the head? Then I thought that sounds rather rude to you! :blush02: What I mean is, most blokes would have got the message by now, but if he has any sort of problem it might not be getting through. There used to be a bloke living further up our road who stood outside a woman's house, shouting up to her that he loved her and wanted to have sex with her. She was married, happily, to a very big bloke with a very short temper...don't think her admirer was playing with a full deck. Can you write a polite letter to this guy, say it's flattering to think someone finds you so irresistible but unfortunately the feeling isn't mutual, never was and never will be, so please turn his attentions to someone who will welcome them? If he still keeps on being a pain, write a less polite one saying you'll report him for harassment if not stalking.

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Lol...not rude at all Suzeanna...anyone wanting to get involved with me mustn't be playing with a full deck Lol. He is all there upstairs and as far as i am aware he has no issues, i think i will just have to tell him straight and blunt and if he continues i will knock him out, it was o.k when i was with Steve...he left me alone then, i have thought of telling him i am seeing someone but he will be asking my dad all about it and my dad will be oblivious.

I don't eat eggs but i know you can get a thing that plugs in and boils them for you brother has one, lord knows why as i don't think even he is that busy that he can't spare 5 minutes to cook an egg

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Latest from the hozzy which is keeping my friend Angela alive ... they have the infection under control, but apart from that there is no further progress. I just hate to think of my dynamic, sociable and witty friend being stuck in limbo and unable to communicate.

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