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seen the doctor, its arthritis.

also spoke about my lungs. ive got to find a home for harry. ive been much worse since having him, including a hospital stay. cats can make the lungs worse. my friend loves cats, has a house in the country. he might be going there, go to wait till she finishes work to talk to her

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Have you got any reading glasses Jazz? Most people 45+ need to wear glasses for close work - it's the muscles and ligaments in the eyes losing their flexibility over time. Most people who come in to see me are amazed at the difference a pair of reading glasses make. They struggle along and don't know what's going on, then they come to see me, I give them glasses and it's like a miracle has happened :laugh:


I could do with reading glasses now but I haven't got any and am holding off as long as I can, I don't strain to read I just don't read as often as I used to, am the sort that has to ration myself to one chapter a night or I can demolish the whole book in an afternoon or an evening.


oh and no snow here at all, little bit of hail last week but only for a few minutes

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You might have had some small haemorrhages that can be a sign of early diabetic changes, but depending on the photographer and grader, they might be more subtle this year so not seen.


Just landed in Manchester - got to have a look in the cockpit and meet the pilots. One of them was fit, I was the victim of a yoghurt splatter disaster :rolleyes: Why do I never meet fit pilots when I'm looking good :laugh:

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Glad you're home safely Jayne, shame you couldn't have brought some sunshine with you!


My OH has to go back to the optician on Saturday...I noticed when he's looking at the tv or computer he's screwing his left eye up..the one that was operated on. I asked was it hurting and he said no,but he can't see as well as he did out of it. He only had new glasses a little while ago. They did tell him that he has the start of cataracts and that the op would make it worse, so we looked up the symptoms and sure enough he has them. He's not happy..he needs his eyesight to be good or he can't do his job. I read about a surgeon in Nottingham (Queens ) who does things as a one stop shop thing, all your checks and the operation done on the same day, so he's hoping if it is a cataract that needs doing they'll refer him there.

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I hope your OH finds a solution to his eye problem Suzeanna.


It's a glorious day today and all the fell tops are white. It looks amazing.


I thought you all might like to see this wonderful photo of The Milky Way taken from Mars. It's quite spectacular!

















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:laugh: Marion :)


It probably will be cataracts Suzeanna - they tend to develop quickly after detachment surgery. The only thing I would say is that you are given a lot of information at the consultation (I know as that is what I do) and he has a high chance of the detachment happening again, so the consultant may want further vitreo-retinal opinion before proceeding with surgery (especially as his detachment was quite recent). I know if he came to see me, I would get his file reviewed by a surgeon before giving a date. Most patients who are straightforward can be given a date (some even for the day after their assessment), but the more complex ones need to be reviewed before listing. He'll probably be fine, but I don't want you to get your hopes up that he will be done same day. The guy who does same day may well be private or if he is NHS, is likely to have a huge waiting list, so I'd ask the optician (if they do assessments in house) to refer to whichever hospital has the shortest waiting time. The consultant who operates same day might have a huge waiting list, whereas there might be somewhere by you like where I work, where you can be referred, seen within 2 weeks for your pre assessment and have your surgery within 2 weeks after that. I had a patient who was seen by their optician on 20th september, was seen by me on 26th september, and had their op on 28th September. They only went to get new glasses as their vision wasn't as good. Turns out it was their cataract.

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Thanks for the info Jayne, I'll pass it on to him. He's pretty worried..he has one weak eye and one strong, and of course it's his strong one that's affected and he's worried he won't be able to do his job if things get worse.


Had to raise my voice to Candy this morning, she was outside barking at nothing and wouldn't shut up. Oh'd have thought I'd beaten her within an inch of her life, she cowered and did that anxious little low tail wag..she's a sensitive little soul.

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I hope it's not a case of Candy having been ill treated in her former life. I think though some dogs just react that way regardless.


Our DW is pregnant! However she is keeping the business going and has taken another girl on who we met this morning. she seemed very nice and Archie likes her. Our DW will fill in between her two employees as and when needed so we won't lose touch but Holly, who I met this morning, will be Archie's main walker. This will be the 4th DW we've had in the last 5 years! Thank dawg they've all been good 'uns and fingers crossed that Holly is up to the very high standards set by the others.


A week today until we go to Copenhagen. I hope it's as frosty and crisp as it is here today. It's glorious!

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