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errr Marion, don't feel bad, they obviously knew they had put that crap on your car, they could have knocked your door, apologised, asked for a bucket of water to throw at it to get it off....that is what decent people do, they make a mistake and they 'fess up and make it good, worst case scenario one of them may have had to wash your car, no biggy...half an hour and job done. At the end of the day, they are representing that mans company and it isn't going to make you recommend them to anyone or book them to do work on your place if needed, had they shown up, been decent like the first lot and made good the mess i am sure you would have been happy to recommend if asked who did the work on next, i am sure you and your neighbours will want them to stay as far away from your area as possible

Lol Lauryl n hardy..... that's funny

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Yantan, don't feel bad about making a fuss.


Shoddy workmanship should not be tolerated.


For all you know they may have done it deliberately.


When we had our extension built the main contractor subcontracted some of the work. Although he wasn't there working every day he called in each evening to check the work that had been done. The first thing he did when he came in was lift the sweeping brush and sweep up, although the subcontractor had swept up before he left. It was never done well enough for him.

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Yantan, if they are going to do that kind of thing and not care 2p about it, they would lose their jobs through someone else complaining if you hadn't. So don't feel responsible. With any luck the boss will read the riot act and dock the cleaning from their wages, and they won't do it again.


Good thoughts for those of you remembering and missing someone today.

Edited by owl
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I see insanity beckoning! Just tried to do my online Tesco order. It kept messing about, greying out choices and not registering them when I clicked them, then suddenly putting them in. I got to the payment page eventually after much waiting, put in card details, the security questions etc then...zilch. No page confirming the order was through, no email to confirm either. I phoned them, they said no, no order had been placed today, she would inform whoever that the system seemed to have a fault. Try later. Soooo...I tried again just now, got the order in ok, went to arrange delivery page, the whole of Wednesday was just a blank. Back on the phone, got a different lady. She went onto our local store website herself, said the booking for tomorrow was showing, but book something for Thursday and she'd change it. Did that, she suddenly said oh, your order is here, reeled off everything I'd ordered originally and the correct delivery time. Aggghhh! She assures me I won't get a double order or be charged twice. What a palaver!


My daughter and her OH are off to Greece today, back in October. She phoned me just before they were due to board and said security at Manchester took forever, they are double and triple checking everything, and they even counted her inhaler and lipstick as liquid, first time ever. It didn't help that the way she'd folded her hairdryer looked like a gun on the xray machine! Hopefully they'll get through at the other end without any more panic.

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Decided against venting on here 'just in case'


Have been reading but can't quite remember everyone at the moment - hope the car gets sorted to your satisfaction xx hope Timmy is ok xx happy year in home Alicia xx hope new house is good Phebe xx hope everyone is feeling as warm and fuzzy and happy as you are able today.


I've just watched a Flying V of geese fly over it was rather cool. Today I am 50 and am really not very pleased about it hahaha :(

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Happy Birthday Loobie xx


Yes, nice and warm here and the gas bill should be a lot lower. Shower over bath being put in next week. Water pressure now so good it can be run off tap, saving money. Then apart from some minor repairs we are done until summer, when the chimney must be repointed.


Had a laugh with British Gas last night. I was with them a month before supply was transferred to my own preferred supplier. They sent me a bill, I tried to pay it on automatic payment line but got transferred as it didn't recognise my account. The guy who answered was astounded to find no record of a bill being sent to me, and according to their records there is no gas supply to the house. He got supervisor to help, who made no sense of it either. They are calling me back tomorrow and hopefully will have come up with a solution. Must be some kind of computer glitch. They agree that if there was no supply I would not be trying to pay for it lol. I think they suspected I was a hoaxer at first.

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