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July's Jolly Jests


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A ferryload of Romanian dogs have come over today to go to a few UK rescues. One has gone missing at handover at Stafford Services. She was very stressed in her crate so transport volunteer suggested moving whole crate inc dog into her care. Transporter bloke refused opened crate to get dog out and it bit him and has run off. Couple of friends have been out searching and setup dog trap but nothing so far.


Havent been on her alot recently so hello to all

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Shame the transporter bloke didn't listen to reason...poor confused dog!


Fairly recently a family with three little boys moved in over the road from around 6, one around four and a toddler. For some reason although they have a big back garden, she sets up their toys on the front fence, on a road with buses every ten minutes. I did consider telling her that it's a proven fact that breathing in vehicle exhaust fumes is bad for children and can affect the development of intelligence...then this morning I heard the older boy telling his younger brother no stupid, not that f*ing one, that f*ing one over there. Mother stood on doorstep at this time...I thought I'd save my breath, it would be a case of shutting the stable door after the horse had gone! I'm not a very nice person..sigh.

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Gosh, poor little dog must be so scared, lets hope she is picked up soon and begins enjoying her new life.

i am seriously feckin annoyed, i was due my chemo so got up at 5.30 so i didn't oversleep and could take all my tablets and eat before needing to go to the hospital, got a taxi, paid a bomb, got to the place for the drips to be done and they ask if you are well...... so i thought about lying and suspected it wouldn't perhaps be the best idea so told them i had been very ill with a chest infection and was on antibiotics but still coughing up yacky stuff, cue the "oh we need to listen to your chest routine" then it was decided that the Dr needed to see me....... they didn't contact my consultant but a registrar who over the phone without seeing me said i couldn't go ahead whilst on antibiotics.... my consultant put me on the antibiotics on monday and it was 2 weeks worth so he knows whats going on and he rang me thursday to check up on me , my mum asked what happens if it doesn't go as i have been on 3 different types of antibiotics at the same time and it hasn't shifted, apparently they would need to take me back in and put me on iv antibiotics...... why the hell don't they just do that now? if i keep putting the chemo back my immune system will start attacking me again, i am seriously fed up now, everything is going horribly wrong! on the upside the sun is shining so i will slap on some sun cream and go and sit in the garden with my beautiful dogs, then tomorrow i am going to see my nan, might be the last chance i get and i am already ill so may as well risk it.

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Griff I completely understand you being pissed orf. I hope the hospital sort things out for you PDQ. Hugs.


Owl has your sister got home OK?


Any news on the missing dog? Poor thing, I hope she will be OK.


Ruby's off to the Olympics on Wednesday - she got picked from the draw to sit in on the technical rehearsal of the Olympic ceremony which is on Wed. evening so she's stopping down as her duties start Saturday and it's not worth coming back on Thursday only to return the following day.


I got caught out - hadn't realised we were so close to the start of the 'lympics and was caught out about Archie's walks over the weekend but Cara, the dogwalker, has said this morning that she will fit him in around her weekend shifts.Yay!


I am a bit miffed (well a lot miffed actually) that an old friend who we picked up with a couple of years ago after a gap of 27 years has twice now invited Ruby to things whilst leaving me out. She was invited to stay at his timeshare between Christmas and New Year and now has an invite to go and stop with him and his partner in Jersey next month. The fact that I couldn't go now because of health problems doesn't matter - it would have just been nice to have been asked. I'm sorry now that Ruby looked this old friend up after such a long time because now it has spoilt my lovely memories of our old friendship and it's left me wondering WTF I have done to deserve being ignored :(

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Griff, I know they won't do chemo if you are on antibiotics as my son's ma in law was having chemo after her op for ovarian cancer, and they had to put off a couple of goes because she was on ab's after a bladder infection. I can't believe your GP didn't know this and warn you about it! The sun is very hot here today, don't go and add sunburn/heatstroke to your problems!


Yantan...could this old friend have designs on Ruby? Trying to get her away from you perhaps? Personally in this situation if I was Ruby, not only would I most certainly not accept the invites, I'd be asking him why isn't he including you. Of course, she may have made him aware of your health problems and he may have thought there was no point in asking you as you wouldn't be able to go anyway....the only way to find out is ask him.

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it isn't my GP suzeanna, the consultant came and seen me in A&E on monday and prescribed 2 weeks antibiotics and i am on long term antibiotics anyway so he knows exactly what is happening, it is the registrar who is being a nob, i rang up and explained that i will still be on my antibiotics on monday, the lady went to check yet apparently it will be fine for me to have the treatment on monday???? hopefully my consultant will ring to check up on me and he can sort them out, i was telling the ward manager what was going on and she said without being disrespectful to the registrar your consultant knows more and is in charge of your care and i should listen to him..... i do actually trust this consultant

Gosh your neighbour sounds delightful!!! i don't blame you for not saying anything, you would just get a mouthful of abuse anyway.

Yantan, i am sorry your old friend is leaving you out, sometimes people can be a bit insensitive when you are ill but asking you along is still the right thing to do, even if you aren't well and say no.... it doesn't matter, it is not like it costs anything to ask you along and have you turn them down, i doubt very much as if you have done anything wrong and i would try not to let it bother you (easier said than done i know). i hope Ruby enjoys her time at the olympics, my brother lives in london and it is going to be a nightmare for him getting to work, he thought he had sorted another route but apparently it is all going to be closed off.

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rock of ages was good. great being with my son and his wife. I get left out of things. I dont know why. I always pay my way, and her dad is disabled so no different me being there

he knows how ill I have been but still dont see much of him.

wow ive got a bad stomach!

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Yantan...could this old friend have designs on Ruby? Trying to get her away from you perhaps? Personally in this situation if I was Ruby, not only would I most certainly not accept the invites, I'd be asking him why isn't he including you. Of course, she may have made him aware of your health problems and he may have thought there was no point in asking you as you wouldn't be able to go anyway....the only way to find out is ask him.


No he doesn't have designs on her - he's gay! Ruby did ask him last time why he hadn't invited me and she said he just shrugged his shoulders and pulled a face as much as to say "why should I". Both times he has invited another woman friend along and I think she might have something to do with it as she has been monopolising Ruby for the last year or so getting her to go on trips with her and days out and again I am completely ignored other than to be used as the dog sitter. When a 3rd person joined them on a trip to France she acted all sulky whenever Ruby paid the other girl any attention or agreed with her plan of action for the day. Or it might also be down to something Ruby said about me when she was very deep in the depression and saw me as the big bad wolf. I just don't know and I don't understand it at all. It's very hurtful.


Marion - he's a plonker and its his loss :GroupHug:



Yep - thank you for pointing that out Alex. In any case he's not worthy of my friendship if someone has bad mouthed me to him and he hasn't bothered getting my side of it. Sod him and the horse he rode in on.


I'm sorry to rant about this on here but I needed to unload to someone. Thanks folks.

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Totally agree Yantan what a n*b, sounds as if the woman friend should grow up as well, 7 year old kids act more grown up!!! do you think that if you could manage it Ruby would like to go out with you instead? perhaps if you are having a better day you could just pop off briefly for a picnic or something quick like a pub meal.

i now have 2 slaves for a week!!!!! my dad has got the week off work so he can go and try and help sort his mum out, it is probably a good job he has the week off as he is still coughing like mad so hopefully a few lie ins and early nights will help him out.

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Ah Marian that sounds a LOT like my mil's friend she gets intensely jealous and possessive of my mil and has imo deliberately tried to sabotage some of mils closest and longest friendships - I do not like her one bit and have made that very clear to mil, problem is that whilst mil does admit that shes very over powering and possessive she also has been a good friend to her. You sure this other woman doesn't have a bit of a "thing" for Ruby?


Today has been all about endings and beginnings, Ferro made her way peacefully to the bridge last night and I have buried her in the garden amongst the lilys, that means for the first time in decades I don't have any piggies and wont be getting any for a while as it wouldn't be sensible until we've moved and settled in properly, going to be strange not having any small furries in the house.


I also handed in my notice at work, with everything happening so fast with the bungalow and Rob now working in Wales all week theres only me here to pack everything and organise stuff- we did a load of planning and talking over the weekend and decided that I need to finish sooner than I had anticipated; my last day will be 8th August - so much for me thinking I'd be there until mid September! Even tho the boss is on sabatical he decided that I need to have a proper send off, so there will be a church service of thanks & blessing for me before I go.

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Marion you have too much AWESOME for them to handle! Clearly not worthy of your presence! And I should know I saw you wield the power of a mystical toaster once and have been in awe ever since :biggrin:


Today my OH decided to bake cookies, I am going to the pub and trying not to think of the mess she is making in my kitchen :(

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oh Snow, sorry to hear about Ferro. the idea of the church service and blessing that is lovely!

just had a huge row on the phone with some stoopid foreign person, she was after my brother who doesn't live here, usually i won't answer unavailable numbers but the hospital call and they are withheld or unavailable so had to answer, i completely lost it and ended up shouting at the top of my voice Lol

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