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Nog's Progress - updated 29th September 2010


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It's like he's thinking "whats the point?" he can't understand that if he uses it yes it's slower, yes it's harder, but long term it's better all he knows is that if he tucks it up out the way he can get about just fine thank you very much.


Oh yes, we were there... Leg like a deflated balloon with a twig in it, yes? laugh.gif


Mollydog will do anything for liver treats, even do the 'stupid walk with 4 legs that even stupid idiot humans should be able to see is just so much slower than three legs'. rolleyes.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

wahooo.gif sheepbounce.gif wahooo.gif Nog has been discharged!!!! sheepbounce.gif wahooo.gif


It came as a bit of a shock tbh I really really wasn't expecting it and had no hint we were even close! But whooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooo no more trips to the hospital yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee biggrin.gif


It hasn't all sunk in yet but as of now Nog no longer has a bandage or dressing on his leg - he does have a stocking but thats only because he's got 2 small pressure sores which are covered in sudocream and it's to keep the sudocream in place and off the furnishings rather than as any form of support or protection.


This is the first time I have seen the leg in months and months and it's the first time I have seen it HEALED the scarring is not as bad as I had imagined and probably with time it won't really be noticeable.


So OK he is not yet using the leg but it is most definately only muscular now and a bit of tenderness from the sores but they shouldn't take long to heal up at all especially now the air can get at them.


As for his long term prognosis - the original breaks are now fully healed, the holes from the scrws are healing and it's just time now for those, the muscle thing is also a matter of wait n see - now the bandage is off and once the sores are healed the vet thinks Nog will start to use it - and tbh so do I, Nog has already taken 3 small tentative steps once we got home using the toes of that foot so we'll be giving him massages to help the leg get flexible and we'll see what happens ... if in a few weeks theres no real progress and the sores have healed we can think about hydro therapy.


He's still not allowed doggy play contact, or any off lead running or even stairs yet but again its now just a matter of time a couple of months at the most.


I CAN allow him off lead in the garden when I think he's ready .... which was about 10 mins ago laugh.gif I very carefully checked the garden and those around us for cats, then took him out on lead for his wee but once we were in the garden I slipped the lead off and waited... he gave me an incredulous look, trotted a few feet away did a wee and then in the blink of an eye shot off on a lap of the garden in a 3 legged sprint ohmy.gif laugh.gif he came back to me immediately with a huge grin on his face and walked back inside sedately - I don't think hes ready to be allowed out there off lead without the cat check or to exit the house off lead but at least I know he can actually corner on 3 legs at speed rolleyes.gif the more limited freedom he has in the garden the more I think he's likely to give the leg a try.


Hopefully this really IS the start of the full recovery now!

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