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Please Welcome Erwine


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Hold on to your hats, the sprogs are fostering :rolleyes:


We keep telling ourselves we won't do this again but seems we're as useless at sticking to our resolutions as we are at fostering :happy:


When Emma at Furry Friends posted about Erwine's story on a rat forum we knew we had to help. He had been shut in a windowless brick shed with virtually no human contact for 8 years. There was no rescue space available to him so Emma said she would take him. Then she heard that he had a friend in the shed called Tara and she would get left behind. We figured each others company was all that had kept these poor dogs sane so I just couldn't bear to think of one being left there all alone :mecry:


Anyway it has since transpired that Erwine is Tara's Dad and she is now very pregnant with his puppies. So thank dog they were gotten out of there before she gave birth. She has very obviously had puppies before so I dread to think what happened to them :( So Tara is with Emma and Erwine has come to stay with us.


I honestly have never seen a dog in such a state :mecry: He arrived filthy, matted, emaciated, dehydrated with eye infections and probable kennel cough. He had a bath as soon as he got here and he could hardly even stand :mecry: After we dried him off we brought him back downstairs and he wandered straight into Tess' crate and he has been there snoring away pretty much constantly since.


He is, as you would imagine, shy, confused, exhausted and miserable at the moment but you can see that in there somewhere is a proud, noble chap with a very gentle soul. All our guys have been fabulous with him - friendly but respectful of his need for peace and quiet - and he has said hello nicely in between snores.


He wants to be friends so I think we'll get the happy friendly dog out of him soon enough but I think his physical recovery is going to take some time. The state of him really is quite shocking :mecry:


Anyway here are a few pics. This is him in his shed




Seeing daylight for the first time in years




On arrival at Emma's




And sleeping off all the excitement here




Poor Erwine has a long fight ahead of him yet. Please keep him in your thoughts :flowers:

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Erwine is rather fond of a nice bit of fish :biggrin: He just made me a very nice clean bowl :bounce:


Then he went outside and had several wees and a big poo (which was surprisingly good considering all he has been through, no diarrhoea or anything). I told him he was a very good boy and he came over and had a nice stroke :)


Then he had quite a steady confident strut round the garden and went to the end to the bunny aviary. He touched noses with the bunnies and WAGGED HIS TAIL :ohmy: :biggrin: :mecry: :biggrin:


I called him to come back in but he just stood looking into the bunny house. I think he thought that was where he was supposed to sleep tonight :mecry:


So I went to him and just put my hand on his collar and said, Lets go back inside. At this he skipped back up the garden with his tail in the air and happily trotted back into the house. He is very bright this one and knows where everything is here already!


It's quite amazing how resilient these guys can be. He's looking a hundred times better than he did this morning already. The main part of his coat is actually quite nice and soft after his bath.

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