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Snoopy Might Not Make It


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Snoopy's been ill most of the year. He has had a fungal infection in his sinuses since March but it was only diagnosed last month so is reasonably advanced. He's currently about a third of the way through the treatment but today started having seizures. Within an hour and a half he went into status epilepticus and I rushed him to the vets. He was anaethetised to stop the fitting and he had a temperature of over 108 but after four hours of cooling him down we managed to get his temperature more or less normal. As there is no one at my vets overnight they've let me bring him home. He can't stand, can't keep his tongue in his mouth and is incontinent. There is a slight chance that he is so exhausted from the fits and then the anaesthetic on top as to why he's like this. However, there's a bigger chance that his very high temperature has caused brain damage. I'll sit up with him all night and make a decision in the morning.


He's my very special boy. This morning he was playing ballie at the park, tonight he doesn't even know who I am.


Please light a candle for him if you can.



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What is the condition that Snoopy has? Is it Aspergillosis? I had a dog with that and it was awful and not a good outcome :mecry:


This was six years ago and maybe the treatment is more refined now. I swear that the treatment is what did the damage eventually.


I am sending lots of love and positive thoughts your way :wub: :GroupHug:

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