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When Things Go Wrong.....with Your Body!


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I came home from the stables on Thursday evening with a small very intense bruise on the soft bit of my inner arm, just below and inside my elbow - it was about the size of a 1p piece. By Friday evening, it looked like this:



The problem is, I am still trying to work out how I got it! The family all say I was bitten by a horse, but I'm positive I wasn't, and anyway, it's a pretty strange place to be bitten (they normally catch to top of my forearm or a booby area). The only other clue is a very small faint bruise about 3" from the main one, which may indicate a Barney love bite as he greeted me when I came home.......

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No, it's a long way off healed yet - but they discharged him a couple of weeks ago, and didnt tell us how long it'd take (I should have asked but I forgot). :blush02:


It's nowhere near that neat now - healing slowly, but there's a big dint on the left hand side, a crease on the pad of his finger where it flopped back (sorry), and his stitches still haven't dissolved yet.


The nail is stitched on as they had to do a nail bed repair as it was severed just below it and also crushed. Basically they took his nail off - sewed up his finger - stuck the nail back on as a splint for the new nail if/when it grows, then stitched it in place. His finger is also broken right at the tip.


Bless him - when he had the op he'd been waiting two days with it hanging off (kept putting his surgery off as they shared the operating theatre with A+E so more important cases kept coming in), when he finally got in despite being starved repeatedly for those two days his body had shut down - so the little food he'd eaten was still in his tummy. He aspirated (threw up and breathed it in) part way through the op. He had to stay in an extra day in case there was damage done to his lungs or he got pneumonia - what with him having RDS as a baby they thought there was a high chance he'd have permanent lung damage. But we were very lucky, he was fine after a course of antibiotics.


But if he'd been operated on the day it happened, as planned, he wouldn't have been in shock and it wouldn't have happened. We were told to make a formal complaint by the anaesthetist and surgical team, but I didnt want to make a fuss.

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I'll send him the hugs, he's fine really, but he still asks me if his finger is going to come off every night when I put him to bed. :unsure:


I might try and get another pic for yous if you want it - although I do warn you, it's nowhere near as neat as that now (but his nail is starting to grow back).


Having read a bit online yesterday, it takes 6-12 months to heal properly - but sometimes needs further surgery...

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Good Lord!!

That made a shiver go down my back. I think I would faint if I saw my foot facing that direction.

Ooooh yak! Exactly my thoughts too, in fact I feel a bit faint now and it's not even my foot (reminds self why I never come in this thread) :wacko:


I tried to squeeze through a gateway today, trying to make sure dogs on either side didn't escape, and forgot about the big rusty metal pin that sticks out of the stone. It hurt so much I thought I was going to throw up but it looks like hardly anything at all, just a 3" weal across my side :angry:

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