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December's Ooh My Back, My Belly And My Two Sides


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Happy Solstice everyone, a very soggy one but always welcome. The sun has got his hat on, even if it is a sou'wester and we can't see his face.


I just logged on to ask you if it was the solstice today as I googled and saw two conflicting things - but you have very cleverly already given me the answer! Thank you.


Happy Solstice to you and everyone else, looking forward to the longer days.


Hope everyone else feels better soon. I took my dad for a blood test today and the waiting room was full of people coughing, hope they haven't generously spread their germs for christmas.

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No injuries from dogs here but I did get a nasty infected wound from a feral cat I was trying to help.


That person who posted on FB is a woman and she is the most self serving, self indulgent person we have ever come across. The post she made just sums her up.


Archie is feeling a lot better today but hasn't got his appetite back yet. He's nibbled at his breakfast and had a couple of his current favourite treats - chewy chicken strips.


Gingerbread house is out of the oven and waiting assemblage.

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Eve, he just said he doesn't do rings... there's no bloody chance of me getting married and deffo not to him! I was engaged once..lasted 2 weeks and I thought nah..not for me, Steve's been engaged 3 times.....and the last one he actually agreed to get married after a long engagement and then Jo left him lol.

I sounded quite nasty and I should be grateful for anything he gives me....I will never let him no any different as I would never hurt him

I shan't ask about the gingerbread house!

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Share on other sites the gingerbread house the tumbledown version, Yantan?



Do you not wear jewellery at all, Griff? Just thinking that you could maybe double a necklace round and wear it as a bracelet? When my mother died she left a lot of good jewellery, but none of it what I would have chosen so I sold it off. I've got a gold chain I wear with a locket Philip gave me, and now my wedding ring is on it. After I developed lymphodema and my arm and hand swelled up I couldn't get my ring on and I didn't want to just leave it in a box.

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I do but I have 5 earrings...sleepers going up my ear in varying sizes...large to small, I have a half carat diamond ring that mum and dad got me, a half carat diamond watch and the bracelet Steve got me last year and I wear a titanium ring on my other hand, I stopped wearing necklaces as they began irritating me...mum said to give her the box and she would look but not tell me, I should just not be ungrateful. Part of the problem is, he was buying that stupid troll silver..she is cheap and nasty and I am nothing like her, and I have never worn silver

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It's not cheap and nasty if silver is all he can afford, and don't worry about what he bought the troll. He's probably just getting you something he likes and projecting his taste onto you. I don't think you're ungrateful but accept the gift in the spirit it's given. I've got loads of stuff in drawers here and there thatI'll never wear/use/want etc but they were given with love and though sometimes I might think you really don't know me at all it really doesn't matter - they tried and cared enough to get me something, whatever it is. My sister bought me a battery operated vacuum cleaner for my 60th birthday, apparantly once I made a throw away remark that one of those might be good for cleaning the car of dog hairs and my usual sausage roll crumbs. It's not - it's absolutely useless for dog hairs lol - but I loved that she took notice of something I said in a random conversation and used it to buy me a present. And if you knew what my sister's memory and attention span was like so would you

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Sounds like she might be sorry for what she did and wants to make amends Owl. Sometimes bottling things up for a long time has an unfortunate consequence and she may be ashamed now. But I don't know the woman and you do so you're right to ignore her for now. Pleased the Green Man cheered you up.


Solstice greetings to all, looking forward to the days starting to lengthen and onwards to Spring.


On a slightly touchy note - but please be honest - do I annoy you lovely peeps when I talk about being in France?

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Lol!! You talk about being in aren't bragging or telling people that basically you couldn't be arsed with sending Christmas cards as you had bought the house in France. I like hearing about your adventures and especially the pooch who has adopted you.

I offered Steve the option of having money towards something gold....and he could have got me gold for the price he has paid. It's the fact that I have repeatedly told him I don't like silver..I wear the bracelet he got me as it's the infinity symbol but I would prefer that in gold lol. I also told him he didn't need to get me anything...I don't give to receive and I believe that everyone should have a Christmas present to open and it was really more important to me for him to pay some of the arrears on his rent...he knows that I am happy if he has even thought of getting me something, I will wear it Christmas day and if it's awful put it in the drawer

Owl...maybe the person realized they behaved badly? I think you are right.. just ignore it and carry on with your life. I too wish you a happy solstice

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Could be that she realised, could be that she hasn't a clue.


Eve, of course we don't mind you talking about your house in France. My jest about my villa in Barbados did not refer to you but to the person Yantan mentioned. To say you have a house abroad and share your experiences with friends is one thing, but to say it is the reason for not sending cards is another.

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