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November's Naughty Natterings


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Morning, wondered why it smelt as though there is a pig in here and realised it was me! Walked through a former pig enclosure early this morning. Change footwear and scrub trainers. Wispa has statutory day off today as has worked 3 days in succession, I am going over to mum as carer says she isn't good this morning.


Our fellow trackers Jenny and Tiga beagle work to different rules as they are marathon runners. Tiga tracked for 13 hours yesterday, and got a reasonable result as there were 3 sightings in area he ended up. He had to be pulled off the search protesting before he fell asleep on his feet.

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Poor Rob. Have to say i did a similar thing to Jodie a while ago. She'd decided to sleep in my bed for some reason and i had a terrible dream that a man was trying to kill me. Jodie must have flung her arm across me or something and i bit her very hard, she was screaming and had a nasty bite from me as in the dream i was fighting for my life. Luckily my doctor believed me when i took her to get it checked out, took more time to convince Jodie i didnt mean to do it!!

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Search from Shuttlewood nr Bolsover for Cozzie an aussie terrier went fairly well yesterday. The little thing had done a straight run from his home up to Bolsover then swung off on to a minor road into a rural area. We were handing flyers to all the farm people, and had a real stroke of luck. At one of the farms a man was visiting who is a bus driver, he had just dropped in to have a word with his farmer friend on his way home from work. He had seen little Cozzie that very morning while driving bus past a field a mile ahead of where we were tracking. So we beetled up there but of course Cozzie was nowhere to be seen. But the important thing is that we ended up with a key area to search. Owners went back later to leaflet farms. There is a telephone tree round there for Farmwatch and Horsewatch, so the word went round like lightning. Lots of field shelters and stables so Cozzie may well settle down round there.

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We had a cat called Cozzie! I hope Cozzie dog is soon reunited with his family.


I am going to have a diabetic eye check shortly so will have fuzzy sight for a wee while afterwards. The department dealing with the appointments has really stuffed up this year. I should have had this test back in May but along with about a dozen other people I was forgotten. My medical practice chased it up and got us all appointments for today, which should have been confirmed by post. It was only this morning that the realisation that the confirmation hadn't arrived prompted me to ring the surgery to be told "it's today"! If I hadn't rung I'd have missed it :(

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This is a great big huge enormous secret until Monday by when the rest of the family will know but I'm going to burst if I don't tell somebody soon


I'm going to be a GRANNY!!!!!!

:guitar: :comic19: :woof: :wave4: :partytime: :beerchug: :jammin: :biggrin:


Oh Gosh!!!!!!! I've already been to Next.......... :) x

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No onesie in my size, you may be relieved to hear, so I bought 2 pairs of warm PJs, one with an owl and and the other with a mouse on.


Fighting some bug, cold or the like.


And someone decided to wreck my day by giving me a vitriolic talking to and not letting me get a word in edgeways. I had done no harm to him, he just doesn't see why I help owners of missing dogs as its their fault they lost them in the first place and should face the consequences, and I should not be meddling. Then when I spoke to a mutual friend who has known him for years to ask why he seems to hate me so much, it turns out he doesn't hate or despise me, he was just winding me up and is on the quiet keeping an eye out for little Chloe. Apparently he is inclined to wind up people who take themselves too seriously in the hope they will get the message and lighten up. Well, I always have been a serious and rather reserved person and I'm not going to change, and I am too old to learn to laugh at myself. If I upset people by speaking out of turn it's not deliberate, it's just me not expressing myself well. I would never just wind someone up to teach them some kind of lesson. Random acts of ham-handed psychotherapy are rarely helpful, and the only result is that I will not speak to him again.


Humans are very complicated :unsure: dogs can be exhausting :confused: thank goodness for the giant land snails :luvlove: who stand between me and despair.

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Congratulations to the expectant parents exciting for you.


Owl, he sounds a prat. I know what you mean, I'm reserved myself (as you probably noticed when we met!) but unlike you if pushed I tend to explode, and once he'd stopped his tirade, he'd have got my plain unvarnished opinion of him :mad:. Maybe it's what comes of being a Yorkshirewoman, we tend to fight fire with fire even if we get burned. edited to add: How did the eye test go Yantan, everything ok?

Edited by suzeanna
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