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September Rmf

Laurel n Hardy

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Have been up to the dog club and had Flo tied up at the fence while I sorted the big lad out. Someone I hadn't seen for a while came over with her dog to say hello and as Flo can get quite bossy and stroppy when she's tied up, I said, "Don't let him get too close to Flo."


So..she let her dog go up to Flo and she savaged him. :ohmy:


Luckily she just got the hair round the back of his neck and he doesn't seemed shaken up or bothered.


I've apologised etc and made sure all was well but I feel really upset and shaken and as if it was my fault. :mecry: :mecry:


But what can you do if someone doesn't listen?



Not your fault at all, don't waste any time or energy worrying about someone else's stupidity flowers.gif


Does someone want to adopt me? I'm a bit old and wonky but nice


Well as long as you don't pee the floor laugh.gif


I had a good day today, the man came to measure up for a new front door, has to be made up as I want it to be the original width which is hoooge.


Re-found a walk I haven't used in yonks which is very close to us but not used much by others so have somewhere else to walk the dogs in the afternoon apart from the field, and I saved a lamb biggrin.gif. We were walking along the fence line and although there weren't any sheep close by there was a very strong smell of sheepiness, when I had a closer look there was a lamb with it's head very firmly stuck through that square wire fencing you get, it would pull franticly for a bit then sink back down exhausted, I tied Ben up further along the fence and managed to push the lamb's head back through. It must have been there for a while, it had eaten all the grass within reach and there were piles of poop and a big scuffed up bit of ground where it had been struggling. Poor thing was a bit stiff on it's front legs as it had had to kneel at the fence but it was fine after a few steps.




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Glad you saved the poor thing.


It's been raining torrents here, but I have finally got Polly to stop crossing her legs and brave the rain. She has come in a lot happier.


The owlmobile has a new silencer so is also happier.


Hope you can get some help for your ear, Griff.


Have just seen cycas' post. Yuck :wacko:

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Max looks fab, certainly doesnt look his age i agree :biggrin:


I have a poorly Dieseldog... which resulted in having to call the vet to the house, he has all of a sudden developed a swelling to the back of his neck and screamed when he tried moving.... he had a little limp about 9 this morning but withon 90 mins he was in a right state and he actually snapped at me when i tried to help him so he was in lots of pain... lovely vet got here quickly, he had 2 jabs and didnt move for 7 whole hours, i rung the vet as she said to update her, she prescribed him 2 tramadol for tonight and he is having xrays tomorrow.... the swelling is from the base of his skull between shoulderblades and part of his spine, she was expecting him to be sore but was somewhat shocked when she examined him... the last 90 mins he has been on his feet and wandered a little unsettled but now he's had his tramadol hopefully he'll settle and rest some more, my poor baby :mecry:

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Morning :tired:


. We were walking along the fence line and although there weren't any sheep close by there was a very strong smell of sheepiness, when I had a closer look there was a lamb with it's head very firmly stuck through that square wire fencing you get, it would pull franticly for a bit then sink back down exhausted, I tied Ben up further along the fence and managed to push the lamb's head back through. It must have been there for a while, it had eaten all the grass within reach and there were piles of poop and a big scuffed up bit of ground where it had been struggling. Poor thing was a bit stiff on it's front legs as it had had to kneel at the fence but it was fine after a few steps.

Well done missus :flowers:


I would just like to share with you my hilarity. The big box of books that Mark has just opened from Ebay came packed in the seller's own used pants and socks. :unsure:

That is vile :sick01:


this is max, the 20 year old lhasa apso im fostering. he doesnt act his age. he can open the pantry and get the bag of pigs ears out :laugh:



What a bootiful ickle face :wub:


I forgot to say at the time, but last Monday when me and the mutts were out we met a couple with six dogs which were either Shih-tzus or Lhasa Apsos (I couldn't tell which cos they look very similar to me) and one ten year old Scottie dog. Max was absolutely in his element cos he adores ickle dogs :wub:


RMF : I couldn't stop blubbing last night at the telly. First I watched BBLB and blubbed at the end, then I watched some of BB and blubbed cos Davina was going, then I blubbed my way through Eastenders, then I watched more BB and blubbed some more, then I thought I'd have a break from BB so ended up watching a programme about the telephone messages left by those who died in the Twin Towers, then I watched Val and Roger have just got in and even that was sad because she'd left him (but i didn't cry at that at least), then I switched back to BB and watched that until the end, and blubbed some more.


I am hoping to have a blub free telly night tonight :laugh: Both Strictly and Merlin start again tonight, which I am v excited about cos Saturday night telly has been carp lately :pinkie:

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a two year old child is in the news currently after being seriously attacked by his grandparents collie and whilst my heart goes out to the poor little lad i could cheerfully slap his mother for the following comment


"i mean you dont expect a collie to attack do you? i mean you expect it of a Staffordshire bull terrier dont you."


No you bloody well dont you should be aware whatever the breed of dog that dogs and children often misunderstand each other, i hesitate to add that staffies are one of only two breeds recommended by the kennel club as good with children as i believe that their "good with kids" tag and the complacency it leads to in owners and parents has contributed to attacks on children by staffies in a "we dont need to supervise cos they are good with kids sort of way" and the view that only bullbreeds bite kids is clearly contributing to attacks by other breeds.


dogs and children use very similar gestures to each other only they mean very different things to each, leading to misunderstandings that result in a bite.


Reports say that the dog in question had not been brought up around kids so why were they at such close quarters.

Supervision, education and common sense are the key to preventing these horrific incidents from happening. When will people learn?

:GroupHug: to the poor little boy who is the one who will carry the scars of this for life

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