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Mystery Solved!


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About three weeks ago Emily broke a tooth on a popcorn kernel. I tried to get her a dentists appointment and we had to wait until today. We could've gone miles away to the emergency dentists sooner but Emily said it wasn't bothering her. So off we trot this morning. Immediately her dentist said she had a massive abscess under the broken tooth! The theory is that the abscess has been festering for a while, growing upwards into her head, poisoning her system hence why she was so ill with swollen glands, high temperature etc and then when the tooth broke all the gunk started to drain out so she didn't feel as ill as she had done while it was trapped. Not once has Emily complained of toothache or pain in her mouth! Not once has she said there was gunk coming out of her tooth :rolleyes: So she's on antibiotics now and the tooth is coming out on July 3rd.


How on earth can that have not hurt Emily?????? :wacko: She's still not feeling 100% and we just assumed it was the virus still hanging around. Hopefully in a few days once the antibiotics have got to work we'll have her feeling as good as new.

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The first time I had an abscess on a tooth I had no pain whatsoever. The tooth just felt numb.


Another time when the dentist gave me an injection to numb me, puss came out when he stuck the needle in. Again I had no pain.


The pain usually comes from the puss having nowhere to go, causing pressure to build up. The lack of pain was probably because the puss had been draining out into her system.


Hopefully, she'll soon be back to full health.

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Glad it's sorted. Some on here will remember I had a lump in the roof of my mouth which would come and go - no pain, just a bit tender. It was an abcess, but because it was protruding into an area with no nerves, I coudl't feel it. Offending tooth was removed and no more problems. Hope Emily makes a quick recovery.

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Hope she starts feeling better soon. x


While your on, a couple of weeks ago a group of children came up to stroke Rosie. As I was talking to some other dog owners I wasn't really paying much attention and after a while I did turn my head to check on rosie and what was going on, turned back to the other owners and then quickly spun my head round again and there, large as life, was the double of your daughter. When I got home I had a quick look to see where you lived. They say that everyone has a double and I will have to agree now. I wish I could take a photo to show you but wouldn't dare

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:laugh: She's the spitting image of me at that age too :laugh:


She's going away for the night with her school tomorrow. She's never been away from home without her sisters before and never without family so I'm really worried about how she'll cope. I'm sure she'll be fine but she's my baby so I'm allowed to worry :wub: She's got to take her antibiotics with her, I hope the teachers remember to give them to her!

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