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April's Alluring Alliteration


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For two days we have had beautiful blue sky - it's then such a shock to go outside and be soo coldddddddd.... Surely we'll have heat soon??


Back to work after the bank holiday - such a bind when there is so much I would rather be doing at home. I am busy knitting baby stuff and have started on the bridesmaid dresses (that's sewing not knitting - I did suggest knitted dresses but the answer was a firm no :thumbsdown_still: )


Jack and I now have a membership entry to Lowther Castle and Gardens near Penrith (Well, I have, as 'well behaved' dogs are free). The castle and gardens are being restored with Lottery money (and are registered as a charity) so the term 'Gardens' is quite loose as they are busy restoring them. It's lovely to amble through the woods (Jack has such a problem deciding which stick to bring home!) and stumble on to ruined summer houses and rockery gardens that are being uncovered. There are red squirrels, woodpeckers, a heronry and the occassional red deer to see along with some fantastic views across the Lowther valley toward Haweswater. We go on Sundays and something new is happening every week. However thanks to the weather 'Daffodil Weekend' has been postponed twice as the daffs are nowhere near ready - though the snowdrops are still in magnificent display!


Happy Tuesday! :)

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Owl, sorry to hear about your mum :GroupHug:


Well done Glen and Molly.


Logan had a good agility weekend too. We went up to stay with my parents in law for a couple of days, and I snuck out to the Adams easter show on Friday and Saturday. On Friday Logan won both the G1 jumping classes, and on Saturday he won G1 agility, so we're G2 now :) So proud of him - he's really working well at the moment. On Sunday we had a very late Christmas dinner with my family, which was lovely. And yesterday I went shopping with my sisters - my first time in town for more than 2 years (I don't like shopping). Got some nice new tops though, so it was probably worth it.

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Sorry about your mum Phebe, at least she's in the best place to get treatment.


Well done Glen and Molly...lovely photo!


Bad luck on that Michelle, how disappointing for you.


Rosie has managed to dismember yet another supposedly dog proof toy...good job no one else was around to hear OH say where's Rosie? and me reply, oh she's upstairs playing with her eyeballs!


It keeps snowing. I've had enough of it.

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Sorry to hear you didn't get the contact Jacobean... as others have said, their loss!!! i am sure there is something better around the corner

i had poopie cuddles this morning with the most lovely staffy pup... he was a real ball of energy.

sun is shining and it is actually "quite" pleasant outside

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I'm not worried about the loss of the contract to be honest as it's out of my ideal area. I have a job so I'm fine. Thanks for the thoughts though. I'm studying like crazy to get the course out of my way then will start to look properly for new clients.


Well done Logan

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