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March' Mad Mumblings


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Phebe, I'm horrified to hear about the cover-up that the hospital has tried and it's awful that your mum didn't get prompt treatment too. Hope that you get some answers.


The auction for the benefit of Dogstar has started on the Dog Rescue World forum so its the place to be if anyone fancies a little internet bidding over the next week. Thank goodness there have already been some bids, I was more than a bit worried that we would end up raising about 4p in total!

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Have joined the forum so I can have a looksie


Well done Murtle


Deffo put through a proper claim against the hospital Phebe. Don't go overdoing things. Your friend will understand you've not been well and had a lot on your plate.


Bless Archie. It has been very cold for him lol. I've started having a nightly competition with Fergus over what appears to have become the favourite armchair for us both.


Hope you got the phone sorted to your satisfaction Jazz


Hope the doglets with vestibular are faring better and improving


Have had a thoroughly productive day today with the studying. Actually saw some sun and enjoyed some lovely walks. Walked Scoobs at dusk and saw a fox flying along by the stream opposite ours. He was too busy sniffing a clump of grass to spot it but caught it's smell.


Yes meeting that seems more like an interview from the way conversations via email have gone is on Tuesday. If it's a washout it will be practice for another time. Lady said it's a 15 minute chat so they're not exactly expecting me to show them anything or present to them. I'm guessing it's to see each other in the flesh and get a feel for personalities and whether we can work with each other. I'm about to die my hair red again. Not sure whether to now or wait until after I've seen them. it feels like a nice position to be in as if I don't get the work it isn't the end of the world like a job interview would seem to be if you know what I mean. So we'll see. It's 20 mins down the motorway so I'm going for a drive out there over the weekend to ensure I can find the offices before the big day

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Moaning :tired:


Michelle - good luck on Tuesday :flowers:


Glad your mum is better owl :flowers:


RMF : I am loving the Chrome app on my tablet. If you want to do a search, you can press the little microphone button and then speak whatever it is you want to find. Doesn't always work very well though, so am having fun deliberately trying to confuse it :)

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Bruno's tumor was a mast cell :( but they have said they have got it all and that it was between a low to intermediate stage so they have just told Nick & Vicky to keep an eye out for any further lumps or bumps and no matter how small if they spot one get him looked at. He has his stitches out today which isn't a day to soon as he's back to his bouncy self and trying to keep him quiet and stop him from jumping on and off the furniture has apparently been a never ending battle this week.


This week the greyhound outsmarted the collie! Sal has a habit of rarrring Nog when he does his business, first she sits and fixes him with the collie stare whilst he's looking for the best spot to go, which makes him uncomfortable and as soon as his backs turned and he squats she rushes at him rarrring to get him to chase her .... I thought I was going to have to intervene and keep her in when Nog wanted to toilet but Nog has sorted it himself and seems to be rather pleased with himself. I wasn't sure the first time I witnessed it if it was just a coincidence but having now seen it 3 or 4 times (and the daft collie falling for it every time lol) its clear that Nogs doing it on purpose. He now goes out, does the looking for my spot bit but only briefly just enough to get Sal's attention, then he starts to squat but as she rushes him rarring he spins round pounces & rarrs back then races her for the back door Sal being Sal HAS to be first in so she tries to over take him and just before the doorway Nog slams on the brakes, she goes flying past him and on into the lounge where she turns and waits for him to appear, mean time he has trotted back up the garden, leisurely snifs out his chosen spot and does his business in peace. :biggrin: Yesterday when he came back in after doing it he trotted into the lounge and I swear he laughed at Sal as he said something to her as he passed her lol

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Hahaha well done Nog!!!! clever lad, hope Bruno will be o.k now

Jacobean good luck with your meeting

Merledogs, you exhaust me!

i looked on the homeless hounds website and there is a 14 week old puppy ... a staff x in the pound who needs a place by the 1st april, i have emailed somebody to see if i sent some money can they put him/her into a kennels, i have just spent £1000 at the vets and am properly skint but can't get this little one out of my mind

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We are having problems with our electricity as it keeps tripping out. It started last night and the fridge freezer was off all night :( It would happen on a bank holiday weekend! I'm on the tab as we are trying to keep usage to a bare minimum so the pc is remaining switched off today.


Alex I have great fun with the speaking facility too. Lol.

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Damn I meant to say earlier that seeing as it was a mast cell tumour at least Bruno has a good shot for his future. Wishing him and his mum and dad all the best.


Archie has just done a good job and seen off one of those bogus charity bag deliverers. He is ace at sniffing out baddies! Lol

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