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Warning About Consequences Of New Product


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An item is currently being promoted on ebay Deed not Breed were contacted a while ago to endorse the idea but refused to do so on the grounds that it would open up users of this and similar products to potential civil suits, as well as possibly compromising them in in criminal actions.


The idea is a traffic light system for dog collars

green which has friendly embroidered on it

amber whis has no dogs embroidered on it

and red with caution embroidered on it


The intentions are as follows







Though i have no intention of telling people what they can and cannot buy its important to explain the pitfalls


In the same way as it is advised that people do not use beware of the dog signs The use of these products particularly the CAUTION one could be seen as an admission of owning a dangerous dog.


If you feel your dog is dangerous enough to wear the caution collar then you should really be taking steps to prevent dangerous behaviour perhaps by using a muzzle.


the dda states that excuses as to why something happened are not a defence it only matters if the dog did something or not having a collar stating your dogs temperament status therefore would not be a defence if someone chose to ignore its message or was unable to understand it as might be the case with a small child similarly other dogs are unable to read so may well take no notice of a no dogs collar


And as no one can guarantee that their dogs will in every circumstance and situation be okay with all other dogs or all children and adults due to the fact that other people, children and dogs actions are not under our control. It could leave owners whose dogs have these collars open to legal action should a dog wearing these ever do anything wrong.


bit gobsmacked really :wacko:

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There was a suggestion about this in Dogs Today, last year I think, it was in the letters page, wonder if it was the same person unsure.gif.

Even on a short haired dog, you'd have to be pretty close before you could see the colour, never mind the wording of the collar.

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This reminds me of a system that was once used to allow pedestrians to cross busy roads without fear of death from moving vehicles, over the years it was adapted with various sounds whisltles and changes. All to no avail as numerous people do lose their lives.


I think it may be a suggestion from the Loonies that seem to be appearring everywhere these days.


There is an election coming up and they want us to be frightened..........

Mind you I am more frightened at the thought of being one of the 700 people killed by cars each year while walking about, than being killed by a dog wearing christmas lights. ( for which i can find no figures) travelling at a lot less than 60mph.

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This suggestion of putting a coloured ribbon on the collar has come up on other forums.


Apparantly there is a system of putting a red ribbon on the tail of a horse that kicks , so people know to keep away.


So it was suggested a red ribbon on the collar would warn people to keep away.

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It would also depend on people's knowledge of their own dogs. How many times have you not had a dog bouncing over, being rude and in-your-face, with no recall, aggressively demanding attention and play and the owner going "he only wants to play" :wacko: And you wanna bet that that dog would be wearing a green collar? I for one don't care whether other dogs are wearing a green, orange, red or purple collar with whistles and flashing lights, my two don't really 'do' other dogs and keep to themselves. If you want your dog to socialise with mine then please do proper introductions and then we'll see. :rolleyes:

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Daft idea as others have said. The admission of liability thing is similar to what happens if you have a sign on your house reading "warning dog lives here" or "caution dogs here" .what if someones dog just happens to have a green collar but it isn't a colour code one..then for friendly with people and kids..children should not approach a dog they don't know without asking..ever..and it's up to parents to teach their kids this. my dog may be friendly but i wouldn't want some noisy little kid charging over to her and pulling her fur, and i wouldn't want a collar on my dog that makes parents think it's ok to let their kids do that.

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I should probably admit now that my rotties are actually distinguished by my vet by their collars. Benson wear blue for chilled, archie wear red and if they are seeing both, they are carefull to check which rott they have hold of :laugh:


Its not something I would publically use but it works for friends visiting and vets. Archie can be a bit arsey and is very vocal so its a quick way of identifying which is which :unsure:

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This suggestion of putting a coloured ribbon on the collar has come up on other forums.


Apparantly there is a system of putting a red ribbon on the tail of a horse that kicks , so people know to keep away.


So it was suggested a red ribbon on the collar would warn people to keep away.

Yes, they do put red ribbons on horses which kick..I've had to attach them! It's not the easiest (or safest!) job in the world!


I would think rather than put something on the collar of the dog, children and parents should be taught the dog way we used to be taught the Highway don't touch strange dogs without asking their owner first, never touch a dog tied up alone, or a stray dog in the street etc. Oh no though I forgot..children aren't told not to do anything these days, are they? :rolleyes:

Edited by suzeanna
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Yes, they do put red ribbons on horses which kick..I've had to attach them! It's not the easiest (or safest!) job in the world!


Funny that, no one prolly ever considered how those ribbons got on those tails to begin with. Sit on horse's back, facing their bum and attach ribbons that way? :unsure:


I would think rather than put something on the collar of the dog, children and parents should be taught the dog way we used to be taught the Highway don't touch strange dogs without asking their owner first, never touch a dog tied up alone, or a stray dog in the street etc. Oh no though I forgot..children aren't told not to do anything these days, are they? :rolleyes:


Too right! I was one of those kids who would go up to every single dog that was tied up outside a shop (a very common thing "in those days" :rolleyes:). A few times I was told by the dog in no uncertain terms that they didn't appreciate a strange kid strangling, err.... cuddling them :wacko: When I would run to my mum crying that I had been bitten I would then get a telling off for not leaving the dog alone! And no, my mum never had words with the owner - it would not have happened if I'd just left the dog alone! Strange concept these days, I know .....

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Evidently the Highway Code now states.



"Upon sight of a dog , wait until within 10 yards and thenmove to centre of road , ignore any traffic and leap up and down around your puschair in a weird dance movement."


( The drug dealers around here move their stock in pushchairs, so are trying to move the dogwalkers out of the area.)

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Bloody ridiculous idea.


Train the kids to be dog savvy, just as they are trained to be road savvy. Yes kids get hit by cars because they're being stupid occasionally but nothing in life is 100% safe.


On the other hand I am more than happy to wear a red collar myself if it will keep idjits away from me....

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