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I'm quite lucky as at work we have a canteen so during the week I have toast and a yogurt for brekkie when I get into work and then something at lunchtime ( they do quite nice veggie options, otherwise it's a jacket spud and salad) then I don't usually bother with anything in the evening. At the weekends I'm really hit and miss with what I eat.


I've really noticed how 'can't be bothered about food' I've got this week - I used to love cooking, but today I've had a couple of veggie sausages on their own (well dunked in brown sauce) and a few ryvitas with cheese. I'm hungry but can't be faffed to cook. Sometimes I'll make a bit of an effort and cook something, otherwise I just don't bother. I made some veggie mousakka on Friday, which kept me going til Sunday night, Monday was well wierd - the few spicey wedges in the freezer and some roast parsnips with curry sauce :D , last night nothing, tonight's looking the same.


What do the rest of you do?

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I cook for Sparks and Kiera, and just eat the same as them. If it wasn't for the dogs I'd likely live on packet meals - of which there is an unhealthy supply in my cupboard as it is, in case I don't fancy what they are having or (more likely) I've not cooked enough for the three of us :wacko:

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Went out at lunchtime and bought lots of healthy stuff including salad stuff ........ then came home and pigged out on the chocolate and sweeties......... never mind, they're out the way now so it will have to be healthy stuff tomorrow.


During the colder weather I normally have a roast over the weekend.... when my parents came up mum said how nice it was to have a proper roast as she doesn't bother with it being just the 2 of them...... hmm yes mother, maths never was your strong point was it>>>>>>

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everything is frozen as fresh potatoes etc went off before I used it.

I had a lot of jacket potatoes for tea, but it filled me up so im not eating as much junk in an evening.

I had to force myself to cook a meal but now I look forward to doing them. I may be just put in the oven, but they are filling.

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I actually eat healthier now I am on my own than I did when I was at mum and dad's!!

I eat 2 slices of toast for breakfast with an actimel, bowl of cereal for lunch, and then I cook something for tea.

Last night I made a chicken stir fry, which I just fry some chicken, onion, spring onion and garlic, and then add a bag of egg or rice noodles (£1 from tesco for fresh noodles), add soy sauce, and that's it done. If I make a large batch, that will feed me for a couple of days, and can be frozen. I do have sausages, chicken nuggets and chips in my freezer, but because I only have a midget freezer in the top of my fridge, all my food is fresh! I will also make spag bol/chilli etc and keep that!

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when i lived alone-i did BIG meals and then froze them (lasagna, chilli, basic pasta sauces, stews etc)

it meant when i couldnt be arsed to cook-my ready meal was something i knew was to my taste...and was reasonably healthy-otherwise i lived on Bits...



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Although I don't live alone I very rarely make what could be termed a meal. I'm a freaky eater anyway and tend to graze continually. Most of my diet is cornflakes, toast and chips, not together though. :laugh: I just can't be bothered with cooking anymore and was never very keen on making stuff at the best of times. My diet horrifies me but I'm not able to change it however much I try. I'm a fat, unhealthy witch! :spudnikwitch:

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Hmmmmmm, I guess since I went to uni (1996 :ohmy: ) I've been cooking for just myself (even when living with someone or married I did majority of the cooking), though I usually have a bunch of people round for food about once a month, more often when I was a student though. So my cooking habits have been pretty much the same the whole way through?


I do tend to plan my meals at least for 4 days of the week and shop for fresh food once a week (veggies, salad and fruit mostly). I'm genetically incapable of cooking for one person and honestly I think its a waste of time :laugh: so I always cook for at least 4 people when I make something 'proper'.


Standard things that I make in bulk and then freeze

  • lentil/tofu/chickpea curry
  • spag bol
  • chili
  • veg stew
  • at least two kinds of veggie soup
  • brown rice


When I go home for lunch I tend to decide what's for dinner, and if I'll be later in then I just grab the relevant tub from the freezer!


Made from scratch at the time meals tend to happen more on weekends and would be tofu fajitas, stirfry etc. I also make my lunches up in bulk (usually while dinner is defrosting!) so quinoa or buckwheat salads that last for 2-3 days, or I take baked sweet potato with humus or mixed beans.


I keep a few bits and pieces in for emergency meals when I don't have time/energy to do anything else, or I've gone off my own cooking, right now that's vegan sausages, Linda McCartney pies, nut cutlets, chips, frozen peas and sweetcorn, marinated tofu pieces. Always try and have two different veggies with any of the pre-made stuff though.


I know exactly what you mean about the 'can't be bothered' feelings, but feeding yourself well is part of taking care of yourself and showing self love I think :wub: And its easier for me coz if I don't eat regularly and well I get very low blood sugar and get all faint, fuzzy vision etc :laugh:

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the bit that is my problem is actually going shopping.

With Lewis here I would think hes run out of that, must stock up, but with just me, I think ill go tomorrow ...

Im now using up all the stuff ive left in there and dont fancy. The only time I force myself to go is when im nearly out of milk :rolleyes:

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:laugh: I am the same in that if its just me I don't bother, luckily I've not managed to kill anyone with my cooking yet (I know its a mystery to me too!) so I am able to have people round for dinner/sunday lunch else I would probably forget how to do it :rolleyes: :laugh:
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If I am feeling energetic, which isn't often, I will cook large batches, put into 1 meal sizes and freeze but usually I havc run out of these so will do a jacket potatoe, chips or have a bowl of porridge or other cereal. The chips are fresh, I peel the potatoes and cut them up, I hate frozen chips, they are tasteless.


I love pasta bakes, these are what I make the most with either tinned salmon, chicken and mushroom or ham and leak. Shepherds pie freezes well so does scouse.

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I'm not very good at eating the same thing several days in a row, so when I was just cooking for me, I'd choose meals that had the same basic ingredients, and prepare everything together. Then, I'd put the prepared stuff in the fridge, and making meals would be quick for the next few days.


For example - I'd maybe have veg fajitas, veg stirfry, and pasta sauce - they all (in my cooking) have the same basis of chopped onions, peppers, courgette, mushrooms - so I'd prepare the veg for all three meals at the same time. That way, I didn't have to spend every evening endlessly chopping veg.

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I am the opposite.My hubby is great and does all the cooking. He cooks a full meal every evening but I rarely want it,I really dont like food much at all (in spite of being the size of a beached whale!!).When I stay at peoples houses they always say that I eat like a bird but I just dont fancy anything. x

Edited by ranirottie
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