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Baby Killed By Rottweiler


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Allie no dots "what planet are you from"


I am from the same planet as you just that your opinion is not right nor is anyones it is an opinion and everyone is entitled to theres. Should I not be allowed to express my opinion as it differs from the majority on here. Although if you ask Jo Public on the street it is not so different.


I love all animals BUT some dogs are more powerful than others and if they bit would inflict more damage. If these dogs arent managed properly then these incidents will continue to happen. And if a lab killed a baby it would still make the same headlines.


The size and breed of a dog in killing is not immaterial sorry. Dogs for hundreds of years have been bred for there breed characteristics. Yes a chi could kill a baby but it would be a hell of a lot easier to get a chi of than a rottie. And I believe the only way forward is to allow responsible owners to have rotties ect and they must have a license and insurance and be proven good owners. Then thus stop the les knowledgeable owner the more powerful breeds. I like rotties but being honest after this I dont think I would own one as it has made me think I dont have the experience, and also I dont have the strength to control such a strong dog. But I bet many other people dont put same thought into it.

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My opinion being that instead of bleating on about how we should punish those who lose people to dog attacks we should concentrate on stopping the attacks in the first place is wrong?


Thank you for your input, I'll keep your words of wisdom in mind next time theres a dog attack, which there will be, because we need to focus on after and not prior to attacks...on your planet....

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I like rotties but being honest after this I dont think I would own one as it has made me think I dont have the experience, and also I dont have the strength to control such a strong dog. But I bet many other people dont put same thought into it.


knee jerk reactionists.


whatever way they jump, it's not good for the promotion of informed decision making.


i don't know whether experience would have saved this child. right now the exact facts behind what happened and why are not known.


what i do know is that physical strength does not 'control' dogs. and if you think that then your 'split decision' is probably no loss to the rottie world.

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I don't entirely agree with the comments of either poster but can see some elements of merit in some of what each has said - parent & dog owner taking responsibility is something we'd all agree upon wouldn't we? I do however think that telling somebody "Until then sit down and shut up!" just because they happen to hold a different point of view is going beyond reasonable debate and personally therefore think each of you should revisit Snows earlier posting.


And as for ridiculing her line of argument with what a difference a day makes, although I appreciate the variance , as I recall some of you did want Ellie Lawrenson's family dragged into court and punished didn't you?


I completely agree with the comments made about emotive language - please choose your words with care when posting - murder is a premeditated act and to describe this as "murder" would imply that a human intentionally planned to kill the child using the dog as a weapon, I would hate to think that anyone is suggesting that this childs family intended for this to happen.


We will be monitoring this thread and any other threads relating to this tragic event very closely indeed and if necessary posts WILL be edited.

Edited by Ian
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Im sure the mods will kick my butt if they dont like what i said, thats their job and lovely people they are...doesnt change my thoughts tho.


I do NOT want to be here again in a week,a month or whatever and unless people work to the problem prior to an attack we will be. Hacked off i am. I got woken at stupid o clock yesterday with the media hounding for a quote on a subject, at that time, i hadnt even heard about. Almost exactly where we where this time last year. Nothing has changed. We have the power to change if people stop harping on about after the envent and deal with the factors that lead up to it. The families involved would give everything they could to turn back the clock. I dont need to know them to know they feel like that. Atm everyone is suffering and i want it to stop now.

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I am just being honest. I have always like rotties but would I own one now.......... NO whilst in bed thinking last night I thought about an Akita last year at the rescue that turned he was a nightmare and me and the other lady couldnt control him he was just to strong luckily my OH was there and he managed to get him under control but he is a 6'2 17 stone man, luckily we escaped with a few scratches.

I am sure I am not the only person on this board that would now have doubts about owning a rottie. It was only 6 months ago another baby lost its life at a pub now this little boy and a lady lost her arm. Thats 2 babys in 6 months???? It cannot be allowed to continue.

The lady who says she is 7 stone but her dogs weigh 130 kilos, could you physically control them if they turned?


I am just being honest. I have always like rotties but would I own one now.......... NO whilst in bed thinking last night I thought about an Akita last year at the rescue that turned he was a nightmare and me and the other lady couldnt control him he was just to strong luckily my OH was there and he managed to get him under control but he is a 6'2 17 stone man, luckily we escaped with a few scratches.

I am sure I am not the only person on this board that would now have doubts about owning a rottie. It was only 6 months ago another baby lost its life at a pub now this little boy and a lady lost her arm. Thats 2 babys in 6 months???? It cannot be allowed to continue.

The lady who says she is 7 stone but her dogs weigh 130 kilos, could you physically control them if they turned?

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I asked nicely - and once again that doesn't seem to have gotten through - so nice snow has left the building - meet highly pissed off snow - she's not someone you want to get on the wrong side of - period.


So last warning.




Or see how bloody fast people end up on premod if they don't think before pressing post.


Think I'm kidding?


Try me.... :mad:

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As I said on a previous post,I own and have owned rotties for a good many years and it does not take strength to "control" a rottie any more than it does any other dog. A well controlled dog is a well socialised and well trained dog not one held back by a strong person with bulging muscles. :mad: My Ebbi is a large rottie but as I live in a quiet village she is rarely on a lead,she will sit quietly when told and will not move until I say ,even when the school kids all want to fuss her or loose dogs run towards her or dogs/people want to pass her. I have no physical control over her but she listens to what I tell her and she does it. That is a dog under control because she has been loved and raised properly.x

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Having worked/lived in kennels for the last 3-4 years, gone to university and worked in vets, had a few hundred foster dogs, i can safely say i have been bitten more times by miniture poodles and bichon things. I have luckily been able to be part of this young mans life


Never before have i met a dog so gentle at wrestling, so gentle when taking food out of my hand, so loving and grateful that he is no longer kept in a shed with an electric shock collar.


Deed not breed and other people have been fiercly campaigning againest knee jerk reactions from people that really should open their eyes. It isnt what breed a dog is that makes it dangerous, its the people responsible for its training, behaviour. Not all german shepherds guard, not every springer is loopy, there are some greyhounds that are cat friendly, there are even some bull breeds that dont eat people.


As dog owners we should be informing the public of this knee-jerk-reactionism that is caused by media hype. As should other leading figures in the animal world. ie kennel club, vets, rescues etc etc. Working againest each other is only working againest ourselves as dog owners. Our thoughts should be with the family and friends of the child


We should be learning from our mistakes and spreading the information we have learnt as dog owners to the general public so that no other lives are lost. And so that our 'dangerous breeds' are allowed a safe and happy life

Every breed should be allowed to roll about and be dogs


My partners 2 Shepherds and Higgins the staffie X

Edited by Rachel Rumpelstiltskin
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:mecry: poor poor boy


and the poor mother only 18 years old, so so sad how can she move on with all of this.


i don't think that will change how i feel about the breed, i have only been bite buy one breed a collie! and as i have 4 of them i don;t think i can say much about it.

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I notice meandmy4 mentions Akita's I wouldn't have one given. I've no doubt they have their fan's but from experience I have known them to 'turn' without warning. Not so long ago Zepthedep & Rottweiler Shack UK held a sponsored walk & 'wedding'. We had over a dozen dogs out that day. Mostly rotts, a lab, pointer, mini schaunzer,terrier, akita cross breed. Most were off the lead during the walk- NOT ONE grumble, snap,snarl or disagreement in any shape or form. All dogs were called back when we saw horses coming, but apart from that they had there walk the same as any other dogs would.

What I'm trying to say is, they are responsibly owned, they are given training, there owners work with them. They were a credit to the breed that day-as they are on the many days they do fundraising & breed awareness. I had friends there that couldn't believe the impressive display of a dozen loose rotts.

I will when the time comes still have a rottie, one from Zep's who works tirelessly for the breed to re-home unwanted pups & grown dogs. The Shack is always on hand, it's members are volunteers like yourselves.

For whatever reason this dog attacked the child. Personally I do not think leaving a baby with an auntie aged 16 & another child in the house alone was a good idea. The child's mother & grandparents were visiting a neighbour. The mother is not much older than a child herself. She will live with this for the rest of her life, blaming her for going out wont help the baby or the dog, leaving a dog in a yard isn't in the best interest of the dog either. It would probably be a 'guard duty' if it knew it's owner had gone out it may have seen the youngster as an intruder. They didn't live at the house from what I've read-they were visiting.

What is so sad is the whole episode could have been avoided. There's a lot of good comments been made on here & none more than education is the key. Educate your dogs & educate the owners.

Only when we understand our pets more will unavoidable tradgedies stop. They are at the end of the day pets not babies. Four legs & fur react differently to two legs & skin. Give me a dog anyday-easier to train & respects what you do

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