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Our Staffie Has Gone To Rainbow Bridge


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Our lovely Staffie Cash who we adopted in November last year at the age of 16 has gone to Rainbow Bridge tonight to be in peace. We saw him on the Oldies website in November and two days later we had him at home. We knew we were taking on a lot with him being quite poorly, but his waggy tail and smiley face is what had saved him from being PTS by the RSPCA earlier in the year when they collected him from his family. Unfortunately Cash was a victim of the "out with the old in with the new" syndrome they did not want to release the puppy into care just Cash.


He was the bravest little fella and gave us 4 and a half months of good times and laughs for which he will be forever remembered in this house.


Cash deteriorated over the last few days and had started to suffer and for this reason we decided the little fella had had enough. The Vet said that he was very proud of us for spotting that he needed to be at peace as there was no way he would ever get over all of the problems he was now experiencing and if we kept him going with more pills and potions it was just prolonging the inevitable - so much so that he did not charge us for the consultation earlier today as his way of saying thank you for all we have done for Cash - that is truly wonderful.


We had two children visit us at Christmas and both were scared of dogs - we had aimed to keep the dogs away for a couple of hours so the children could play, but as things turned out the children were curious about their names and colour and so they were introduced. Cash and Ollie (greyhound) were as good as gold and the children loved them - they were no longer scared we have wonderful photos of the children stroking the dogs. You can always rely on a Staffie to melt someone's heart.


Cash will now be at Rainbow Bridge with no pain and no embarassing leaks and hopefully will have met up with our other two Staffies who will teach him a trick or two as they have already been there for a few years. Funny they are all the same age 16.


Thank you for letting me share this with you and sorry for waffling on.

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:mecry: :mecry: I have often wondered how Cash was getting on. I had been thinking of fostering for ages but it was his story on the OC site that finally made my mind up. I cried when I read about him then and now. How wonderful it is to hear that he had such a happy last few months and that he was able to give that happiness back :)


I'm glad you're at peace Cash x

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I'm so sorry to hear that Cash has pass away. :mecry: It was nice that cash help those children and he show them what love dogs can give. I’m glad he gave you a few happy months.

Run free little one.

Thinking of you at this sad time. :GroupHug:


Cheryl & Mike xxx

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