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Snatch Hospitalised


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Dear All,

Please spare some thoughts for my little man. Snatch was stung or bitten last thursday and had a rather nasty swollen paw and was lethargic and sick. He perked up a little and although not being sick anymore, his skin of the paw got infected and he hasn't eaten and is generally low.


Today we went this morning back to the vets for a full blood test and the locally generated results came back at lunch time. Snatch's kidney enzymes are 44.1 and 44.5 where they should normally be 2-10 and his liver enzymes are also 3 times the normal levels. :(


I had to rush Snatch to the vets where he will stay for 48 hrs on fluids and observation in the hope we get the enzymes to reduce, whilst also waiting for the full blood panel results to come back from the lab.


The next 48 hrs are critical in the sense if there is anything we can do for him long term or not. :mecry: :mecry:


Please, send some healing thoughts and Reiki if you can.


Cindy :mecry:

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