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I had a day off today , which started well when someone turned up at 8 am with 4 seven day old pups whose mum was killed by a car yesterday


managed to get some milk into them , I have a dogstar special formula which I make as powder puppy milk here is piss poor but they are not suckling well , I am having them back in all day tomorrow to try and get them going and may pop them on a IV drip for a bit to rehydrate them


did manage to get out and have lunch at Hotel in Kandy with a lady who used to work for WSPA and her adorable 6 month old baby


flying back to UK on Thursday , last time I will ever do the trip without Mark :cheer:

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Hope you can get those little ones started drinking, Sam.


The smallest of our lot, Chloe, who had picked up today has gone straight downhill. She isn't in pain and is enjoying cuddles but is quietly fading away, vet says they can't do any more for her and putting her on drip is unlikely to get her over this mystery bug. The other 2 have improved a lot and the one with KC is coughing a bit less. The adult with mild KC is so much better, hardly coughing at all.


I would be over there helping nurse Chloe but rescue lady says no one allowed in house, as we don't know what this bug is and she is keeping strict quarantine.


I don't think I could ever run a rescue and I admire anyone who can run one properly.

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It's heartbreaking to watch a pup losing the fight for life and not being able to help, at least she isn't in pain:(

I went to the dr this evening as I keep getting very painful muscle cramp in my back and he's told me to drink tonic water...quinine should help apparently. I may have added some vodka.....

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What a shame old were these pups? Are they past the age for fading puppy syndrome?


I was just reading in the Daily Mail about a little dog who went missing when its elderly owner fell over in the snow, and your friend and her beagle were called out by DogLost and found them! No doubt you mentioned this at the time, and I've forgotten...I don't know where my brain is these days, but I'm sure if you shone a torch in my ear it would come out the other side :confused:

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Yes, that was Jenny and Tiga with the little dog in the snow. I don't think I mentioned it on here. They are excellent and regularly disprove the antiquated theory that dogs can't track other dogs.


Off to vet now with other 2 pups, they were said to be 9 weeks when we picked them up so will be 10 weeks now.

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I'm so sorry to hear the sad news of the puppy. I hope the remaining pups make it, poor little mites. It's heartbreaking for those involved.


Suzeanna I saw that Daily Fail news report too and read it with great interest. I hope we will see Owl and Wispa featured sometime :)


Well I got a straight 8 hours sleep - well OK not quite as I did wake around 2am with pain but I was so knackered I went straight back into the arms of Morpheus - I've not had that much sleep since I don't when. Err, why do I feel more knackered than yesterday then? Eye roll.


Archie got another good walk in yesterday as they were away for 2 and-a-half-hours. I gave Cara some vouchers for High St shops that I had left over from Christmas as a thank-you for all the extra hours they give Archie. It's not much and I know they don't ask or expect extra but I don't want to think I am taking them for granted. As Alex said we are really lucky with our DW's.

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Back from vet, remaining 2 pups have been given further treatment, packs of Lectade etc and it's up to luck and good nursing now.


Due to Tiga's well-deserved appearance in the spotlight, various bods are putting him forward for some award being offered by (I think) Paul O'Grady. The Doglost publicity officer has suggested that the Doglost tracking team as a whole are put forward including us - eek! I can scrub up pretty well if I have to, in fact last time I was on TV no one I knew recognised me. But Wispa in a studio environment - ahem! They could say goodbye to their furry boom mikes, those rats on sticks won't stand a chance.


The thread about it is here:


I'd sooner keep a low profile, I am torn between that, and wanting to promote the fact that some dogs can track dogs because when we retire I want to see lots of people taking the skill to new heights.

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Phebe - I think if it does get to an award type thing it would be good for you to be on there .............. for a long time you and Wispa were "the team" and it is great to know more dogs are learning her skills. Also (trying to be tactful!) Jenny is a very slimline looking lady who does canny cross with Tiga whereas you are more voluptuous so if you were both there it would maybe encourage more non-athletic types to get involved.


Also they would be bound to want a piece about you tracking which would be shot outside, so hopefully the Wispa-eating-a-microphone could be kept to a minumum.

Edited by buddyboy
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Why can't Wispa eat a microphone? She has tracked hard, sounds like a perfect treat :-)


Congratulations and I think it would be a fabulous thing for you both to do, on your terms and in a way to not stress out Wispa. It would be a grey way to get people to know about it and involved. Especially with your story behind it. Maybe you could use it to launch your book that we all want to read ;-). xxx


Thank you for the good thoughts for work. Is all going ok though as always it is a slow start of document reading...


Head sleepy and can't remember what else I read!

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Woken up last night by Reuben coughing up a lump of stick & several times the night before by Hobie vomiting up chunks of a bone he found on hedge while out on walk. Tired & grumpy here. :(

Wishing strength to all ill & motherless pups as well as poorly folk

Congratulations to Owl & fellow trackers - inspiring, although I struggle to understand why anyone should think a dog cannot track another dog when dogs are used to track lost persons & various other animals.

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Glad work is going well.


buddyboy, I take your point. Jenny is super fit and has been an athlete all her life, so it would be good to show you don't have to be able to run to handle a tracking dog. We will see what happens.


The 2 pups are still trying hard. Faith is stronger and has started drinking by herself again after having Lectade by syringe. Emi is fighting KC as well as the mystery bug, harder work for her but she is keeping most of the fluids down.

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