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Mooncups ( feminine hygiene product )


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Serious question, are they easy to spill when taking out? And has anyone noticed anymore leakage compard to tampons? Am seriously considering one :unsure: :flowers:



although, I'm not sure I will ever be this convinced :wacko:


"I first found out about the Mooncup on the internet while researching menstrual practices for an anthropology paper. I ordered one and have been using one (a B and then an A size) for over five years. I think it is great. For all the reasons mentioned in this site, but also because of the different relationship it allows with your menstrual blood. It is no longer ugly, stinky and associated with trash because of it's destination. It's precious and beautiful, bright red and glittering ...and then you decide to discard it. And every time I do, I think that I should instead find a way to turn it into a work of art, some kind of ode to femininity...."
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WARNING: GIRLY TYPE REPLY - Men and those eating late night takeaways should stop reading at this point.


Serious question, are they easy to spill when taking out? And has anyone noticed anymore leakage compard to tampons? Am seriously considering one :unsure: :flowers:

although, I'm not sure I will ever be this convinced :wacko:


No, it's hard to describe but you have full control of the cup, they don't flop about!!


They are far less leaky than tampons cos they form a seal inside you.

The other plus is that the blood goes straight into the cup, meaning the walls of your flue (to use a Melp-ism) stay clean - everything stays inside the cup.



AND..... you never run out of tampons anymore, so no rooting about for cash or sending your OH to do girly shopping on your behalf.

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ive now had an implant put in which will stay there for the next 3 years. no periods so no need for anything tampon, mooncup or bog roll for the forseable future... and of course its free from family planning so over the years i will save money, not have to dash out for emergency supplies and not have to warn the world im in the mood to kill each month :laugh:

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hmmm I did order one straight after Benjamin's birth, and tryed about 3 wks after that but dumb blondie me,I should've read the FAQ first as it says you're not supposed to use it untill at least 6 wks after childbirth :rolleyes: no wonder I was having trouble and I was in a h*ll of a lot pain afterwards, so much that I'm a bit worried to try again :unsure: maybe in a few weeks .....

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Fank you Claz :flowers: I am seriously considering this, you're right, so sick of the worrying about tampons in my bag/pockets etc and Ben will be glad only having to the chocolate run, instead of the chocolate and need tampons NOW run! lol


Last question, how do you know how short to cut the stem? Does it tell you how much to leave etc with the cup?

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Ive got one, and persuaded two friends.


Total honesty here - sometimes i find it a tad uncomfy to put in, that i think is because im very tense due to muscle cramps. Once situatued in me flue (:laugh:), its totally fine, 100%, cant feel it, not bothered by it, totally happy.


Again, ive had a few occasions where on first attempt, ive not been able to remove it - again thats tenseness - stop, chill for a minute, try again and its fine (and ive cut ALL the stem off mine as it wasnt comfy with stem on it).


I absolutely would not go back to tampons or pads again, ever - not if you PAID me!


Ive used it at night, during the day, at home , out, HORSE RIDING (sorry ive not been bunjee jumping, roller blading towed by dogs, parachute jumping etc yet....)


Not one leak, no spillage (as Clazook sez, tisnt floppy!), seriously no hassle at all!


Both the people ive recommended it to are chuffed with it as well and wont go back to other methods now.

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Only you, Alison


Alison is mum to RDRs Sol and weekend sh*tshoveller at Wite Loj.


She clearly has waaaaay too much time on her hands if she's reading back to last Autumn


Way too much time indeed – chance would be a fine thing! I was at work, taking a breather from a heated video conference with some stroppy bureauprats in Luxembourg, rarely log on here and decided I needed a reality check to restore my sanity before returning to the fray. Dunno quite how I stumbled across this thread and certainly had no idea that it was an old one or that I’d inadvertently resurrected it; as you might have divined from my post, I’m not really very switched on about dates to put it mildly!


The suggestions for environmentally friendly forms of feminine front bottom comfort, hygiene and contraception all sound wonderful but as I’ve not managed to organise myself in these areas over the last 30 years I suspect I’m beyond hope. My hormonal train is fast pulling out of Fertility Central so I’ve probably not got many more spells of a toilet roll stuffed gusset to face before the menopause now anyway. I take the pill (helps keep a bit of meat on my hips) and am as regular as clockwork so I’m clueless as to quite how this monthly occurrence always manages to creep up and surprise me as it does. Must be something to do with time flying and enjoying myself.


BTW, there was once an “incident†at my mother’s house where my improvised arrangement escaped down my trouser leg due to knicker elastic failure, emerging at my ankle. Mater insisted that I use one of her sanitary towels (along with a pair of her apple-gatherers, aka sturdy sensible undies) and I swear upon all that is holy, never again. It was like having a mattress in my pants and I spent the entire afternoon walking around in a John Wayne stylee, much the amusement of my giggly young niece – bitch!


Good job I’m better at shovelling sh*t than I am with womanly matters, eh Claz?! :wacko:

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