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July's Jolly Jests


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ooh, I don't know where to start, apologies if I miss anyone out.


Marion, you are a great person with a wicked sense of humour and anyone who snubs you is missing out.


big hugs for all the poorly people and hope your medication settles down Suzeanna


I wish all the best for your nan Griff


You will be fine Snow, everything worth having always has issues along the way.


Glad your dad is being well cared for in the home Michelle.


Have a great holiday Cheryl


Fingers crossed for your job interview Alex


Well, another hard week gone by. I don't know if it's getting harder, or if I am less able to deal with stuff, but I just wish I could sleep at night.

Anyway, tomorrow is the day of our big challenge, I am so looking forward to it (even if it rains) The dogs have sausages and Keith and I will be mostly fuelled by cake! A huge thank you for all your support, i am overwhelmed by how many people have shown an interest.




Can't remember any more, sorry

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Griff, it's probably something to do with your thing I have noticed since I started these tablets is that I take forever to get to sleep, then wake up again after about an hour and a half, stay awake for a couple of hours, drift off again and wake and stay awake at about 5, that's despite taking amitriptyline which is meant to help me sleep. I just read, I'm getting through library books at a heck of a rate!


Snow. surely they are in breach of something or other, if they gave you one delivery time then changed it so radically? There must be somebody you can complain to?

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Moaning :tired:


Where has the dry weather gone? 'Tis raining here.


Hope everyone had a good night's sleep :flowers:


What did everyone think of the Olympic opening ceremony? I was in two minds whether to watch it because of the sheep, cows, etc which were being included in it, cos I thought they'd be frightened with all the goings on, but I didn't see any apart from some being led round before the ceremony started.

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Morning :)


I enjoyed it Alex, though it didn't make sense to me at the beginning. I liked the comedy touches especially the queen "parachuting in! So many original ideas. I think you are right, the animals were only on at the beginning,I don't think they were necessary really.


We'll be leaving soon. Keith's woken up with a cold, that came on quick! :ohno02:

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I missed the start of the ceremony as we were travelling but saw Mr Bean - I cannot stand Mr Bean and as soon as his sneezed into his hand (ye-uk) then the tele went off. I see Macca was also wheeled out and I really cannot watch that man either !!

That does make me sound like a killjoy - I bet the fireworks were spectacular!!


Good luck on your walk today houndzrus!!


Hope everyone has a great weekend :)

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I recorded the opening ceremony so that I could watch it later today and whizz thro the stuff I don't like. I forgot to tell you Ruby's up-date about the ceremony after she attended the technical rehearsal on Wednesday. She reported that the animals were only there for a very short time and taken out before all the real hoo-ha started and they were reassured that they were taken well away from the stadium so I hope that was true. I thought it was totally stupid to include them to start with.


Marge good luck today - that came round quick! I shall sponsor you all as promised :)

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Marge....... i am sorry i have missed what you are doing today, do you need sponsorship for it? if so let me know how to pay and i will sponsor you. i also hope that Keiths cold disappears as fast as it arrived, i hope it isn't like the one we had where it went to our chests.

i didn't watch the olympic ceremony.... in fact i will avoid all of the olympics, not my thing at all and Loo no you don't sound like a killjoy! my mum hates hates hates mr bean too Lol.

Update on my nan, she is at the hospice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! apparently she has had a settled night and some drug or other and apparently the staff are really caring, i might be able to go over tuesday morning depending on how i am after my chemo, i wouldn't like to have my last memory of her in that awful hospital room

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Feel so sorry for Cavendish and the GB road race team, there is only so much they can do. It was never going to be easy with such a small team, but I have to say the coverage of it was diabolical. Onwards and upwards and fingers crossed for the time trial and the track events.


I liked the opening ceremony, wasn't going to watch it but have been told I'm a party pooper as I declined some tickets to the hockey as my Brother -in-law can't go so I sat and watched. I think it covered so much in such a short space of time and very cleverly knitted together.


Chris Hoy looked so emotional carrying the flag and I loved the Independent team of the Olympics they were great!


Hope poorly people are healing, mending and getting better.


Hope your nan is comfortable and well looked after Griff x

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I've just sat and watched the opening ceremony. On the whole I enjoyed it and thought Danny Boyle did a good job. I might not have felt quite as enthusiastic however had I not been able to press the fast forward button! Absolutely loved the torch's final leg, entry into the stadium and the lighting of the flame there!

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