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July's Jolly Jests


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Evening. Sorry I've not been around all week. Poor Scoobs has had a very nasty bout of diarrhoea that went to secondary infection. I feared we were going to lose him at one point but emergency vets got him sorted. If that wasn't enough he also has an abscess so as soon as he is well & fit enough he's going to need a dental too as he does appear a bit dodgy with his teefs. Have felt so sorry for him. Kept him going by syringing water into him. Scary stuff but my little sausage must be strong for his age to now be getting over it. He had to have 3 injections and has a couple of days left on his antibiotics.


Griff I'm so sorry to hear you've been so poory. Hope they manage to keep it under control for you. Very scary stuff for you all to cope with and I'm sorry your mum has lost her job too. Disgraceful


Big hugs to all of you and now I haven't got to sit glued with Scoobs will be around more again

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oh no poor Scoobs, i do hope he will be o.k, abcess' are nasty things, after he has had his dental there is some mouthwash you can get, i use it with laney and it seems to help.n

my mum hasn't lost her job yet.... thankfully, she is having 1 week unpaid carers leave and 1 week as annual leave and then she is going to re-look at things, it isn't fair though.

getting my hair cut tomorrow which will cheer me up a bit, just need to attempt to dye it then.

wow it has just absolutely chucked it down for the past hour!

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Morning cm_wm_sun4.gif


Yep, we actually have the big yellow thing in the sky, albeit intermittently with those big fluffy white things in front of it.


Sorry to hear about poor Scoobs - tough little blighter :wub:chienbisous.gif


RMPic for today :




How's that for a whopper of a Fuchsia? :wub:

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Morning all, grey and wet here here, but at least I don't have to go to work!! :)


I have never met your neighbour Marion, but i don't like the sound of her at all!


Poor Scoobs! I hope he is on the mend, it's horrible when they're poorly. x


Suzeanna, I think your GP surgery is taking data protection a little far, as they weren't actually revealing any personal info about your OH. I think they need a bit of re training.


Good luck in France Mary!


Fantastic flower Alex!


Griff, you really do have a lot to cope with and I am so sorry that your mum is getting a rough time at work.


Why is waiting for test results soooo stressfull? I just want to know and I've not had any post for days. :mad1:

Edited by houndzrus
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Awwwwww Houndzrus, i hope your test results come today but i would hope if there was anything wrong they would have got in touch with you by now (((hugs))), have your neighbours had any post??? a few weeks back we didn't see a postman round here for 4 days!

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crikey Merledogs.... what on earth have you been doing to get the flowers that big????? we are very jealous you have sun, we have.....rain!

That's Fuchsia Annabel - she's a bit of a heffer in flower terms EmoticonLaugh.gif


Marge - I hope your results come very soon :flowers:


Parked in our old spot today and came through the bullock field. At least they've now changed the flimsy stiles for kissing gates (Council told them they had a week to sort it). The number of bullocks has doubled so there are now approx 20. They decided to try and cut off our path to the cow field, but we managed to get past them. They then decided to run after us :ohmy: We escaped over the stile into the the cow field again. The baby cows were no more than 6 feet away from us as they were on the side of the stream and the dogs were in the stream. They were laying down and didn't even bother getting up, just watched us. They are sooo cute :wub: Taff was quite interested in the bullocks though and stood staring at them (from a safe distance EmoticonLaugh.gif). He came away when I called him though.


There are also horses in the paddock opposite the entrance to the bullock field, including an ickle baby foal :wub:


My dogs quite literally stink of bullsh*t. The hose is coming out :devil:


Just gonna have a cuppa and then venture to B&Q to buy some horse manure, compost, etc to pot up my new roses. Two climbing roses are going in the border by the garage, but I have to dig up a Wisteria first and a Camellia, then paint the trellis before I put the roses in.

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Cidre is Stella Artois Cidre (cider) which is nectar of the gods :beerchug: I shall indeed be tucked up. Meant to ask, have you watched Two Broke Girls on E4 yet? Think it may be right up your alley 'cos you have the same cynical sense of humour as me :oneeyed02: BTW, how is Ruby these days?


No I've never even heard of Two Broke Girls. I don't actually watch much TV but I'll keep an eye out for it :)


Ruby is up and down, not as bad as she was a couple of years ago but has occasional dips which are quite worrying. I had expected her to have come out of the depression a while back but the longer it goes on the more I think that she never will :(


Michelle poor Scoobs, I'm sending positive thoughts for the little man.

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Congratulations houndzrus!!!!

had my hair cut, been to emergency doctors and saw a lovely dr who has increased my antibiotics so hopefully i'll be feeling a lot better again and can go ahead with my next lot of treatment on friday.

sun popped it's head out very briefly and now it looks like rain again..... not a happy camper.

i am hopping mad, i buy evening primrose liquid for the dogs from holland and barrett, just been online to check the price and show my mum what i needed collecting and they have put it up by£8...... s*d it i won't pay that, will just order online from another comapny and hope for the best

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I've just ordered some Team GB bunting for the garden and a Union flag t-shirt for when the Olympics start.


Although I have to say the overkill by the media on the torch relay, the carry on about security and the furore about no one else can sell chips other than McDonald's because they are a main sponsor has been steadily turning me against the whole bloody thing. Still once the games proper get started I want to support our team and hopefully all will go well :)


Miss Czechoslovakia managed to get her car out - neighbours across the road watched her (they can't stand her either and have a run in with her too) and made sure Miss C was aware that they were watching. After much huffing and puffing and back and fro'ing she managed to squeeze out. Would you believe that when she came back she squeezed her way back in despite there being several other bigger gaps on the street. Her car now looks like it's been abandoned as the back wheel is up in the pavement and the back end of her car is protruding about a foot and a half onto the pavement.

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